Американская актриса Энни Вершинг, которая исполнила роль Тесс в игре The Last of Us, скончалась в результате продолжительного сражения с раком. Tessa Young stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs. В возрасте 45 лет скончалась актриса Энни Вершинг, известная поклонникам The Last of Us по роли Тесс. Tessa Young stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs. View and download Tessa Instagram profile, posts, tagged, stories photos and videos without login.
Скончалась исполнительница роли Тесс в оригинальной The Last of Us Энни Вершинг
Ее глубокая и эмоциональная игра в роли Тессы Янг покорила сердца зрителей и принесла ей широкую известность. Просмотрите доску «Tessa Young» в Pinterest пользователя Alina, на которую подписаны 2 244 человек. Автор пина:Gaby. Находите и прикалывайте свои пины в Pinterest! Хардин не может отпустить Тессу в первом тизере фильма «После. Актриса озвучила и записала движения для героини Тесс в игре The Last of Us. Лучшие фильмы, фото, интересные факты и биографию Тесс Янг можно посмотреть на Иви.
It adds this obstacle to their relationship and is another catalyst for events, jealousy, difficulties. Sometimes that happens in relationships, something pops up. How do you feel knowing that this is almost coming to an end? JL: I would say bittersweet. It is sad, because it feels like the end of an era. But it has to end, because you need that ending.
The romance with Noah fizzled. The romance with Mariah never got started. Hard to be a fan of a character without a purpose.
What do you think? Post a comment! Say Yes to the Tess! Tessa has so much potential! Are we sure she and Mariah are done?
Tessa moved to New York as Hardin worked on himself. The movie jumped forward 5 months, with Hardin visiting New York. Just as Hardin and Tessa were going to get back together, Tessa discovered that Hardin had written a book about their relationship.
After another time jump, Hardin published his book. Tessa left before Hardin could find her face in the crowd.
It is sad, because it feels like the end of an era. But it has to end, because you need that ending. Her personality starts to change and her personality traits start to shift a little. She can often be found in front of a screen fangirling about something new.
Before joining Cosmopolitan, she was the entertainment editor over at Seventeen. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.
Энни Вершинг, исполнившая роль Тесс в игре The Last of Us, умерла от рака в возрасте 45 лет
What about a return for Noah? A romance with Kyle? How about with Nate Brooks Darnell? And what was she suggesting initially about having a bone to pick with the Newmans? Is she the one who leaked the corporate secrets? Fairbanks can do the heavy lifting, and we want to watch! Check your local listings for airtimes.
Unlike their character ages, co-stars Hero and Josephine are a few years older than the roles they portray - Hero is 23 years old, while Josephine is 24 at the time of writing. After We Fell wrapped production at the end of 2020 , so the pair were just a couple of years older than their playing ages when they portrayed their roles in the third movie.
We honestly think that she needs to focus on things like getting her life together rather than making decisions like this. Will she make them, though? It was good for our souls. We are so tired of the Tessa situation. We have never liked them together.
Hardin and Tessa eventually found their way back to each other and became engaged. Over the next several years, they moved in together and went through the struggles of trying to start a family. She discovered her true passion of being a wedding planner. In the years that followed, Tessa became a doting partner to Hardin, an open-minded and supportive mother to her daughter Emery, and later, her son Auden. While the road to their happily ever after was rough, she finally ended up in a happy place with her life and Hardin. In the film adaptations, Tessa is portrayed by Josephine Langford. Her mom helped her father to keep their life a secret. As a coping mechanism, she would hide inside the greenhouse of her backyard when her father would come home drunk and fight with her mom. Because of this, Tessa believes greenhouses are safe places. He would find her in the greenhouse and comfort her. The necessity that required an overwhelming amount of preparation became an obsession. Every class Tessa chose, every assignment Tessa completed since her first day of high school revolved around her getting into college. When Tessa turned 16, she got a job to help support her mother. Along with the running off to the greenhouse, Tessa fell in love with English literature and reading books became her escape from the real world. Her favorite books are Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights which eventually have eerie similarities within her romantic endeavors with Hardin. During high school, her friendship with Noah evolved into a romantic relationship. Her mother picked the college she applied to her senior year of high school, Washington Central University, which is the same college Carol attended but never finished. She majored in English Literature in the movie, Tessa is an undeclared economics major , with hopes of becoming a publisher or author. She also had dreams of working and living in Seattle after obtaining her degree. Tessa also formed a friendship with Landon after meeting him in one of her classes. Landon grew to be her best friend. Her roommate, Steph, coerced Tessa to attend fraternity parties with her and her group of punk friends. Tessa was resistant at first but gave in to the peer pressure and started attending them with her. After a series of encounters and bonding moments, she fell for Hardin, the brooding bad-boy with a dark secret. Hardin, however, made up for his mistakes and they embarked on a toxic, emotionally abusive relationship. After running into him leaving a tattoo parlor with Hardin, Tessa reconnects with her father, Richard. After a multitude of tragedy, chaos, and heartbreak, Tessa ends her relationship with Hardin.
От рака скончалась актриса Энни Вершинг, сыгравшая Тесс в первой The Last of Us
Джо́зефин Лэ́нгфорд — австралийская актриса, получившая известность благодаря главной роли во франшизе «После», основанной на романах Анны Тодд. Jospehine Langford talked to Seventeen about Tessa's growth in After We Collided, the future of the After series, and the series' brand new love triangle. However, following the film's release, there's been some confusion amongst fans on social media as to whether or not main cast member Josephine Langford, who plays Tessa Young, featured in the film.
Young and the Restless Spoilers: Mariah Romances Tessa
Young Sheldon star Annie Potts calls CBS cancelling the show a 'stupid business decision' and say the cast was 'ambushed' by the news. Актриса Энни Вершинг, известная по роли Тесс в The Last of Us, скончалась в возрасте 45 лет от рака. Об этом сообщает портал а известна по своей роли Тесс из оригинальной игры The Last of Us, она озвучила и записала движения для героини. Смотрите видео на тему «tessa young official» в TikTok (тикток). В возрасте 45 лет скончалась актриса Энни Вершинг, известная поклонникам The Last of Us по роли Тесс.
tessa young ♾︎
Яна Секте рассказывала журналистам, что с первого взгляда влюбилась в музыканта при встрече в Московском театре Олега Табакова. Позже она узнала, что и Дмитрий Марин испытал те же чувства. У пары завязались романтические отношения и потом они решили пожениться. Для Яна Сексте этот брак стал вторым, она была замужем за коллегой Максимом Матвеевым.
Синопсис следующий — народонаселение Земли практически полностью истреблено эпидемией какой-то инфекционной болезни, в заброшенные города вновь возвращается матушка-природа, которая быстро опоясывает их зеленой сочной листвой, прикрывая обезображенные руины цивилизации. Немногочисленные «выжившие», в свою очередь, отчаянно следуют правилам естественного отбора — ради оружия и провианта они готовы поубивать друг дружку.
Мы только что потеряли прекрасного художника и человека. Мое сердце разбито. Мысли с ее близкими», — Нил Дракманн. Энни, так много ты вложила в образ Тесс. Твоя сила — это ее сила, и в некотором роде ты живешь не только в ней, но и во многих ролях, которые воплотила в жизнь», — Трой Бэйкер. Видео актрисы во время работы над The Last of Us: А также фото с ней:.
It looked like the show might have been backing away from your storyline when Tessa left town. How did you feel when it was picked up again? Grimes: I think it was always the intention to go back to it. I know some people panicked for a bit. There had to be a build. I like that it was slow. I think it had to [take time] because there was no way the relationship could just start after Noah. There are always trust issues. In a sizzle reel of Riverdale shown at Comic-Con, there were snippets of two same sex couples shown. Thousands of fans cheered and applauded.