Годжо Сатору Рёмен Сукуна, рассказы о героях известных фильмов, книг, аниме или игр, Книга Фанфиков. СУКУНА ПРОТИВ ГОДЖО: ВЕСЬ БОЙ ПО МАНГЕ! l СИЛЬНЕЙШИЕ МАГИЧЕСКОЙ БИТВЫ! #rabashi. Gojo Satoru, the strongest sorcerer of the modern age, is engaged in mortal combat with Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses and erstwhile strongest sorcerer in history, to decide the fate of jujutsu society and the world at large.
Gojo Satoru Vs Sukuna Ryomen
Pfps, pfp, icons, group icons, Gojo Saturo, megumi, Megumi Fushiguro, anime aesthetic, anime boy, anime girl, jujutsu kaisen icons, manga icons, Anime icons, jujutsu kaisen, Anime, toji fushiguro, yuji itadori, nobara kugisaki, yuta okkotsu, kento nanami, mei mei, Choso, Ryomen Sukuna, Suguru Geto. Премьеру аниме «Магическая битва» 2 сезон можно ожидать летом 2023 года, когда зрители смогут увидеть новые приключения главных героев и узнать секреты прошлого Сатору Годжо. Sukuna interpreted that Gojo would try to use Red again and use the power of repulsion to defeat Mahoraga, and he was right. Победе Сукуны способствовала его способность адаптировать свою проклятую технику Демонтаж после наблюдения за атаками Махораги против Безграничной техники Годзё, что позволило ему нацеливаться на пространство, в котором обитал Годзё, а не на самого Годзё. Поединок Годжо и Сукуна может стать взрывом в прошлое жанра, так как перед их безудержным весельем невозможно устоять, и оно легко передается читателю. Мы, конечно же, говорим о Годжо против Сукуны.
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 230: The Epic Showdown – Gojo vs. Sukuna
Читать онлайн Магическая Битва — AU Годжо-Сукуна — Привычный нам добряк-шутник — Годжо Сатору внезапно представляется мрачным магом, готовым пойти на всё, ради своих целей, а цель его. Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru's Death The battle between Gojo and Sukuna seems to be taking all of the attention of anime fans. Even more, the battle has also come to. Gojo Vs Sukuna Right Now. Currently, Gojo and Sukuna are engaged in an intense battle and both of them are fairly evenly matched. Itadori Yuji asked Gojo who would win in a fight between 20-finger Sukuna and Gojo, and Gojo confidently replied that he would win. But now, since Sukuna has taken over Megumi and has the Ten Shadows technique, things can change a lot. Сукуна использует расширение территории, но Сатору использует обратную проклятую технику для регенерации. • Сатору использует секретную технику захвата обнимашка, чтобы поломать святилище Сукуны. •.
Gojo vs Sukuna: Battle of the Strongest – Jujutsu Kaisen
Годзе против Сукуну изначально сравнивали с крупнейшими битвами аниме, то есть с Луффи против One Piece. Satoru Gojo vs. Mahito's Group. Yuji Itadori vs. Choso. Sukuna vs. Jogo. Что касается финальной битвы против Сукуны, фанаты считают, что Итадори и Мегуми должны вместе сражаться с проклятыми дух, если он воскреснет.
Gojo Vs Sukuna
Как Сукуна себя чувствовал против Годзё во время боя? В первом раунде битвы Годзё и Сукуна одновременно использовали свои расширения доменов. В главе 230 мы видим, как Годжо достигает своего предела после пятикратного использования расширения домена. The Gojo vs Sukuna battle continues. But this time, we'll look at it from the point of view of the audience who saw the live broadcast. Ryomen Sukuna commanded both fear and reverence during his era as the foremost potent sorcerer, captivating the attention of all.
Бой Годжо против Сукуна в Магической Битве Революционен, И Вот Почему
He has 4 arms and 2 faces. The fact is that Gege Akutami called him a walking natural calamity 1000 years ago, and he used to eat humans. Until now, we still do not have much information about Sukuna, how he was sealed or what exactly happened 1000 years ago, but we know that Sukuna is super strong! Sukuna is one of the persons that have the highest cursed energy in the Jujutsu World. Sukuna has two types of this technique: Dismantle and Cleave.
The target of Dismantle is anything inanimate. On the other hand, the target of Cleave is anything with cursed energy. Sukuna could switch flexibly between Dismantle and Cleave to attack his enemy. This flame arrow has a huge destructibility and will destroy a large area in its attack range.
He also can use Domain Expansion and incredible physical strength. Domain Expansion of Sukuna is Malevolent Shrine. His Domain can expand to 200m. And everything inside this range will be shredded by his slashing technique: Dismantle and Cleave.
However, we are still unaware of exactly how powerful he is and how many techniques he might have up his sleeve. As was Gojo, Sukuna is also the pinnacle of strength and is feared by the other curses, not just sorcerers. If he revives, he can destroy the entire world with his power. So, with that said… Who is Stronger, Gojo or Sukuna?
Sooner or later, Gege Atakumi will really make this fight become real, but if we have to make a conclusion right now, the fight can go two ways: Theory 1: Gojo right now will be stronger than Sukuna with 15 fingers. But what if Sukuna eats enough 20 fingers? What would happen? Theory 2: Sukuna could defeat Gojo with 20 fingers.
Trust me, it was not an asspull. What I said above is only a simple version of the answer. Before I give you a detailed explanation, you need to understand why there is a confusion regarding how Gojo died and how Sukuna was able to cut him. First — Sukuna cutting Gojo happened off screen, and second — Gojo was in a seemingly victorious position in the previous chapter. There is no denying that Gojo was on a high in JJK 235. He made Sukuna feel nervous for the first time in over a thousand years.
And towards the end, there seemed to be an overwhelming consensus that Gojo had won the battle. But, Gege was only deceiving us with all that development. After all, Sukuna could not be written off. We knew he had a trump card up his sleeve. Honestly, everyone was expecting him to pull out the fire arrow once again. However, he managed to do something that none of us even expected him to do.
Now where did that come from? The biggest takeaway from the fight between the two jujutsu titans till then was that Gojo left Sukuna seriously short of shikigami. He almost rendered the Ten Shadows Technique useless. However, come chapter 236, Sukuna says that Mahoraga adapting to infinity was key in him killing Gojo.
Furthermore, his Domain Expansion is also stronger than Malevolent Shrine, as he confirmed himself when the two clashed. Had Sukuna been in his own body, Gojo would have clearly won this battle. However, that certainly is not the case. By the looks of it, Gojo will be on the back foot from here onwards, and, perhaps, that is what the plot requires. If Gojo ends up defeating Sukuna, Jujutsu Kaisen will simply end way too soon.
For the sake of the plot, Gojo might actually end up losing this battle and from there onwards, the threat of Sukuna will only grow. While it is almost impossible to believe that Gojo could actually lose a fight, it is a very real outcome. Both as users of Cursed Energy, Innate Ability, Reverse Cursed technique as well as his domain expansion appear to be superior to that of Sukuna, which means in the end, if one is purely comparing them on what skills they have in their original bodies, Gojo would be the only honored one cross heaven and earth.
Long ago, Sukuna was on a rampage throughout the Jujutsu Kaisen world , until he was eventually sealed by Jujutsu Sorcerers.
To properly seal him, the Sorcerers sealed his powers in 20 of his fingers he had four arms at full strength , and if he were to acquire all of his fingers, he would regain all of his previous strength and become virtually unstoppable. Be sure to check out our latest Jujutsu Kaisen guides, like how many volumes of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga there or whether or not Gojo is dead in the manga. Twinfinite is supported by our audience.
Sukuna's Strengths
- Gojo vs. Sukuna: Who is Stronger Inside Domains? - Seinen Manga
- Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo vs. Sukuna Predictions in Shinjuku Showdown | Attack of the Fanboy
- сукуна и годжо
- Джудзитсу Кайсен: Годзё против Сукуны – битва века, объясняется
Jujutsu Kaisen: Sukuna Reveals How He Managed To Survive Gojo’s 120% Hollow Purple
Substantial stockpiles of Cursed Energy: Gojo is thought to be the strongest sorcerer because he has so many stockpiles of cursed energy. This lets him do things that other people think are impossible, like using Domain Expansion more than once a day. His ability to fight with his hands is greatly improved by his incredible strength and speed. It lets him see the world in a totally different way and process all the information much faster than anyone else. Speed and reactions of a God: Sukuna is unbeatable because his speed and reactions are so fast. Great Resilience: Sukuna was able to take hits from even the strongest fighters. Even when he was thrown into the air and crashed into several buildings. Huge amount of cursed energy: As the King of Curses, it makes sense that he would have a huge amount of cursed energy inside of him. With this, he can do any task without getting even the slightest bit tired. Despite a slow start, the battle changed pace several times. They tease each other before fighting fiercely.
Sukuna and Gojo are pelting each other with strong blows. While Sukuna runs, Gojo strikes him repeatedly to take the lead. Sukuna blocks a Gojo-thrown building boulder and utilizes his demolish ability. Good thing Gojo can avoid it. After that, Gojo and Sukuna use their domain extensions simultaneously. Sukuna slashes Gojo numerous times, but Reversed Cursed heals him and destroys his shrine with Red C. Gojo uses his domain expansion again with fists, but Sukuna cancels it again, badly damaging him. Gojo persists and tries it again after healing, but this time he shrinks his barrier 100 times, worrying the other sorcerers watching their combat. The barrier collapses again, but Gojo hits Sukuna, bleeding him, and then immediately resumes their fight. The first round closes with Sukuna revealing Mahoraga, his ace.
Jujutsu Kaisen is on its way to deliver that very answer with its recent arc. But until we find that answer, we have a new question which is probably easier to answer. In the case of Gojo vs. Sukuna, who is stronger inside domains? During the Gojo vs.
This suggests that Ten Shadows is a more powerful ability than Limitless. Therefore, if Sukuna can fully control Mahoraga, he will surely defeat Gojo Satoru.
When is Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 222 coming out? Chapter 222 is scheduled to be published on May 14th or May 15th, 2023, depending on your time zone. One thing is certain, though — this fight will be one for the ages, and fans will be talking about it for years to come.
То, что моё мнение на ее задумку по большей части отрицательное, и я считаю его ошибочным — тоже моё право, верно? Да, а у меня есть право критиковать твое мнение - это бесконечный уроборос свободы слова. К чему вообще это писать? Re-Gret wrote: Есть такой анекдот про программистов, мол, программист ставит возле себя два стакана воды: один полный — на случай если хочется пить, а другой пустой — когда пить не хочется. Потому что именно так мыслят люди, которые создают.
То же самое логично для любого созидательного процесса. Отсутствие чего-либо означает незавершенность. Ты пытаешься выдать за отсутствие характера за силу. Ты, видимо, никогда не встречал хорошо прописанных сильных персонажей. Как я и говорила, эта манга понравиться тем, кто только начинает, или тем, кому хочется легкого чтива. Этот анекдот выставляет програмистов как туповатых и недалеких людей. Ты хочешь чтоб мангака поступала так же как эти карикатурные тупые програмисты? Твои аналогии не помогают аргументировать.
Re-Gret wrote: Эм, у тебя какие-то крайности: либо ноль, либо сто, только два режима, м?... Если мне не нравиться отсутствие чего-либо, это не значит, что мне нравиться на этом месте буря соплей и эмоций... Но, как минимум, в характерах персонажей присутствовало бы хоть что-то, будь это второй ван пис. Крайности это у тебя. Эмоциональность персонажей вкручена на 15 из 100 но ты этого не видишь. Для тебя, если герой не льет слезы в три ручья то он безэмоциональное бревно. Re-Gret wrote: В этом предложении есть логика? Масло масленое, потому что масло?
В том что ГГ которого точно не убьют это жанровая особенность сёнэненов. Зачем ты начинаешь читать сёнэн, а потом критикуешь за то что он сёнэн?
Naveen Mehta
- Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Heats Up With Gojo vs. Sukuna! - Anime Dork
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