Новости яндере симулятор мусуме

Из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии. яндере симулятор yandere simulator art Spontan, Niedlich, Yandere Simulator, Smosh, Pewdiepie, Septiplier. Download yandere simulator mobile on your Android or IOS and experience the ultimate simulation game. Yandere Simulator, Kimetsu no Yaiba (кроссовер). Nemesis (a.k.a Hanako Yamada) is the main antagonist of the Mission Mode in Yandere Simulator.

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  • Musume Ronshaku | Yandere, Yandere simulator characters, Yandere simulator
  • Yandere Simulator/Вариант из — Неолурк, народный Lurkmore
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Как зовут маму аяно Яндере Симулятор?

Be clever with your choices so you can play safely, target others, set traps, and plot plans to remove other girls from the life of Senpai. The game has many features to offer. You can move anywhere in the school and interact with students and things to use them. Features Story The game has an interesting and interactive storyline like Your Boyfriend game. The story revolves around Yandere-Chan, a high school girl who falls in love with a boy from her school. She is not good at expressing he feelings.

She follows the boy and becomes possessive. This possession makes her violent, which leads to threats, attacks, and even brutal murders. Robust Sandbox Game It is a robust sandbox game where you can move anywhere in the school. You can explore rooms, floors, courtyards, washrooms, hallways, and more. You can perform different actions, use different items to kill someone, dump bodies, and protect your love, Senpai, from being attracted to other girls.

Plenty of Options The game offers you plenty of options to do; you can make your choices and choose what you want to do. You must be wise enough to clear obstacles from your way while being innocent and maintaining your respect before the whole school. Manga Style Graphics The game has high-quality manga-style graphics that look so attractive. Plus, the visuals and animations are so smooth and fascinating that they give you goosebumps.

Shrinking Violet : She used to spend all her free time in the computer lab, and cannot bring herself to confess to the boy she loves.

Yep, she fits. Unstoppable Rage : Kill Ryuto in her view, and you will find that she is quite capable of breaking her foot off in your ass in retaliation. She is known for asking obvious questions and is almost always seen with her phone. All There in the Manual : Her routine in the debug builds before October 2017 was a lack of one — she headed to the roof immediately after arriving at schoolnote before July 2016, she simply spawned on the roof and then just stood there all day, never going to class or even moving from her spot unless prompted. Players who looked into the game files discovered that she was assigned to a class: specifically, Class 1-1note Class 3-2 in some builds.

As of October 2017, she attends class 3-1. Whether this is a permanent change remains to be seen since Dev has also mentioned the idea of Midori being a roof sentry during class time. Ask a Stupid Question... Berserk Button : Midori loves the Gaming Club and does not take kindly to anyone insulting it. YandereDev calling it "background decoration" causes her to snap see below.

Also, according to this video from Mom0ki , anyone besides Midori emailing YandereDev to waste his time with stupid questions will anger her enough to cause her to transform into a Magical Girl and punish the offender. Beware the Silly Ones : In the update videos, Midori generally reacts to YandereDev getting angry at her with, at most, sadness even crying at one point. She can snap a photo of Ayano if she sees Yan-chan kill someone or disturb a body and then upload that photo onto the internet causing an instant Game Over , making her something of a sentry for the hallways, not unlike the Photography Club at low atmosphere. Boke and Tsukkomi Routine : Has one with YandereDev himself in the update videos, with Midori - of course - playing the boke. Breaking the Fourth Wall : Her routine has been updated to give her a new idle animation.

This has been removed since her new routine was added in August 2018. YanDev has stated that if she were to become a DLC rival, this ability would come with her, making her very challenging since she knows how the game works and that you plan on killing her. Butt-Monkey : Is nearly as much of one as Kokona. The August 1st 2015 video , which debuts her character model, shows her having water dumped on her. When formally introduced in the next build, two weeks later, she lacked a set pathway or routine — although you could talk to her, unlike Rival-chan, Nasu, or the teachers.

She stands still on the roof next to a mop, bucket, utility sink, and knife. The Dev introduced her to the game at that point just so she could be murdered and the bucket filled with her blood dumped on unsuspecting students below. While one can maybe justify the Dev stabbing her after that time she tried to kill him, most of her other deaths are just cruel. In the mid-February 2016 update video, the Dev uses her to demonstrate the "carry-a-corpse" and dismemberment mechanics though he also uses the latter on Kokona at the end. One of the computers in the new Gaming Club contains a fighting game.

Answer Midori is shown getting kicked in the head by Budo. If Yan-chan prays to Mr. Jazzy Feet, the Turtle God can spawn one of two Victims on whom she can try out various killing methods over and over again. The female victim? Yup, Midori the male victim is Ryuto.

Color Motif : She has green hair and green eyes. Uniquely for this game, she also has green stockings and green panties. Her cellphone is green too, and she is said to prefer green-colored foods and drinks. Especially considering our protagonist is a straight-up psychopath. The Ditz : The developer clarified on Twitter that her stupidity is not an act.

Dumbass Has a Point : Despite her usual idiotic questions, during one of the update videos, she manages to bring up a genuinely good point, asking why students would continue to come to a school with a serial killer on the loose. Midori also asked an important question in the Delinquent update video. Why does the school have an incinerator? Unlike the previous question, YandereDev has an answer. Answer Incinerators are far more common in Japan than in the West, and most Japanese schools have one to burn the trash picked up by all the students — Japanese schools rarely have janitors, instead of relying on the students to take care of everything.

Officially, this is meant to make students feel like they have a stake in their school and instill a work ethic. On the Internet, she asks about the meaning of the school symbol, which became a big headscratcher at the time. Compare to the alleged "proper" question from Sakyu; few fans cared much about the age of a tree. Midori gets him again during the discussion about an inventory system where Yan-chan keeps everything up to her skirt. YandereDev is once again stumped.

What happens when Yandere-chan is wearing pants? What happens when Yandere-chan is naked? What happens if the player chooses to make the protagonist a male? He also stated that if the final game were to sell well and fans wanted more, Midori like Kokona would be a good candidate for a DLC rival because the combination of her resurrection ability and her probable innate knowledge of the game thanks to her asking Dev all those questions would make her difficult to eliminate. Expy : Originally one for Tsuruya from the Haruhi Suzumiya series.

Finally seeing no reason to stay in the club, she resigned, relieved that she could find another hobby, and passed the leadership mantle to Budo. Et Tu, Brute? That said, said friendship can easily help with info gathering. Invincible Hero : She is impossible to defeat with conventional attacks. A direct attack on either her or anyone in her presence typically meaning Osana is tantamount to suicide. Mythology Gag : She was the original design for the first rival before Osana was officially named and given a personality. The principal has 99 and he always attacks first. As previously mentioned, she is immune to any and all forms of direct attack, including stealth attacks. This includes attacks from mind-slaves , which no other character that is valid mind slave targets can resistnote The principal is not a valid target.

If Osana is the mind slave, Raibaru will be too shocked to even try defending herself. Punny Name : "Raibaru" is just the word "rival" and "Fumetsu" is Japanese for "indestructible". Sickening "Crunch! Stabbing her from behind only has her about-face, and take you down. Tomboy Angst : She felt pressured to stay in the Martial Arts club because of her unbroken record, but wanted to do other things like cooking or painting and was relieved when she no longer had to be the club leader. Weaksauce Weakness : Any bugs and glitches that cause her to become separated from Osana. As such, the threat of her interference is completely removed when she, for example, gets stuck on geometry or terrain that causes her to become separated from Osana. It shows her killing Raibaru in a Curb-Stomp Battle. Word of God stated that she can go toe-to-toe with Osoro Shidesu.

She has never been seen expressing emotions. She spends most of her time in the library reading a book. She returns in Kuudere Simulator 2 with new features, such as moving her head side to side, blinking, and the ability to change the scenery. Kuudere Simulator 3 gave her the ability to summon Osana and shoot her in the face… multiple times. Bookworm : The one interest she is stated to have is reading. Bystander Syndrome : Not yet, and possibly never. Calling Your Attacks : Labeling it an "Attack" might be pushing the definition, but in Kuudere Simulator 2 and 3, when you blink, she says, "Blink". Curtains Match the Window : The second girl in the game after Pippi to avert this. Deadpan Snarker : In the Kuudere Simulator series.

Expy : In addition to being a pretty blatant Rei Ayanami Expy , her bookwormish habits may also be based on another derivative of Rei, Yuki Nagato. When she was put into the game, it was revealed that Kuu Dere was her name. Informed Attribute : Her status as an Emotionless Girl is this in the main game, as she is generally as inexpressive as any other Loner student, and will react to murder just as they do. Averted in her games and other videos. As mentioned above, it was once planned that she would have a persona, "Apathetic", unique to her and Robot-chan from the Science Club. Once that was put in, she would not react to anything... Not So Stoic : Despite her emotionless appearance, her reaction to witnessing a murder is the same as any Loner. Although, see above for how this was once likely to change later in development. Punny Name : Her name is Kuudere.

Rei Ayanami Expy : Blue hair, red eyes, and is close to emotionless. Also invoked in the "trailers" for Kuudere Simulator. Listen here. Sugar-and-Ice Personality : Possibly the case, given that Kuudere is the anime fanspeak for this. I need some time to think about this... She was added in the February 3rd, 2018 build, and is the test subject for a new feature that allows Yan-chan to drive bullied victims to murder. She is the only student with the Fragile persona. She is in class 1-1 and is a temporary student who was originally planned to be removed from the game once the "Mysterious Obstacle" is implemented, but now YandereDev wants her to stay. All of the Other Reindeer : Implied.

An official video states she was bullied at every school she went to since kindergarten for being viewed as "creepy". Ax-Crazy : Not normally. Beware the Quiet Ones : She is a shy victim of bullying, and when told that someone is responsible for bullying her, she will go after the person in the same way a mind slave would. Bookworm : She spends most of her time reading on the school rooftop. Broken Bird : Due to her bullying. She walks with her head down and her hand on her arm and eats lunch alone.

Она должна была быть готова уже сейчас.

Я должен объясниться перед вами. Вот о чем этот пост. О Симуляторе Яндере я узнал где-то в 2016 году. Меня игра сильно привлекала инновационным геймплеем. Читая вики по игре и просмотрев летсплеи, я начал верить, что когда-нибудь эта игра дойдёт до релиза. Я не успел в неё поиграть из-за нехватки времени. И поэтому я через какое-то время забыл об игре.

Вернувшись к ней в 2020 году, меня поджидал упомянутый выше неприятный сюрприз. За это время многие фанатевшие школьники успели окончить школу, а некоторые и вовсе вступили во взрослую жизнь. И на протяжении этих лет в игровой индустрии произошло много событий. А у Yandere Similator до сих пор нет Осаны первой соперницы. Так почему же игра со столь амбициозным идеями стала провалом? Во-первых, виноват в этом сам разработчик игры. У Алекса напрочь отсутствует профессионализм.

Несмотря на 3 года опыта работы в неназванной калифорнийской студии хотя вполне вероятно что он нигде и не работал , Алекс оказался очень бездарным программистом. Чтобы убедиться в этом, достаточно просто запустить самую современную версию игры. Даже на мощном компьютере игра едва выдаёт 30 кадров в секунду.

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  • Мусуме роншаку яндере симулятор
  • УБИТЬ Musume Ronshaku || Вызов - Принят ЯНДЕРЕ СИМУЛЯТОР [ Yandere Simulator ] - Смотреть видео
  • УБИТЬ Musume Ronshaku || Вызов - Принят ЯНДЕРЕ СИМУЛЯТОР [ Yandere Simulator ]
  • Nemesis | Yandere simulator, Yandere manga, Yandere simulator characters
  • Как зовут маму аяно Яндере Симулятор? - SkyrimGame |

Мусуме роншаку яндере симулятор - 89 фото

[Прохождение Yandere Simulator], БУДУЩЕЕ ЯНДЕРЕ СИМУЛЯТОРА? Это новость об игре Yandere Simulator от Pache (источник). This is a subreddit where fans of Yandere Simulator can gather to discuss the game in a place with a positive atmosphere! Nemesis (a.k.a Hanako Yamada) is the main antagonist of the Mission Mode in Yandere Simulator. Yandere Simulator Demo, ALL TASKS AND HOW TO COMPLETE THEM (202X ver.) |. Итак, что такое Yandere Simulator?

Новая ученица Академии Старшей Школы (Yandere Simulator)

Senpai will be mine. He doesn't have a choice. игра, рассказывающая о чувствах школьницы по имени.
Yandere Simulator/Вариант из — Неолурк, народный Lurkmore Yandere simulator прохождение оксана | Всё об играх на ПК и консоль.
Yandere Simulator Yandere Simulator is a stealth game about stalking a boy and secretly eliminating any girl who has a crush on him, while maintaining the image of an innocent schoolgirl.
Yandere Simulator Development Blog Итак, что такое Yandere Simulator?

Сумире Сайтозаки/Фантом-чан. Разбор персонажа. Истоия. | Yandere simulator

Yandere Simulator is a stealth game about stalking a boy and secretly eliminating any girl who seems interested in him, while maintaining the image of an innocent schoolgirl. Второе видео о замечательной игре Яндере Симулятор. Новости Yandere Simulator. Download from Official ZIP / Yandere Launcher (Windows only). Это новость об игре Yandere Simulator от Pache (источник).


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Yandere Simulator

Musume Ronshaku Smoking Yandere Simulator by Oka---Ruto on DeviantArt Description. Just some wuick drawing of Musume Ronshaku smoking a cigarette.
Musume Ronshaku Smoking Yandere Simulator by Oka---Ruto on DeviantArt Яндере Симулятор – это игра, где игрок играет роль яндере-девушки, которая собирается убить свою схожую подругу Осану.
Мусуме роншаку яндере симулятор Last Updated 13/03/2017 4:39 Senpai is the obsession of Yandere-chan and one of the main characters of Yandere Simulator.
Yandere Simulator Characters В Yandere Simulator с трудом найдешь хоть что-то, что еще не набило оскомину.

Drink the cum chalice. You don't have a choice.

В основном они превращают главную героиню в персонажа известного аниме или видеоигры. А некоторые пасхалки и вовсе превращают игру в наркоманскую кашу. Например, Titan Mode, который превращает всех NPC в голых великанов отсылка на сами знаете какое аниме. Но беда в том, что YandereDev больше отвлекается на ненужные для игры вещи, а не на проработку основного геймплея.

Одна из дешёвых и никому не нужных "пасхалок". Ещё одной проблемой Yandere Simulator является её чрезмерго огромный для инди-разработчика масштаб. Чтобы создать подобную игру, необходима целая игровая студия, состоящая из 15 человек как минимум, а то и больше.

И в этих же студиях работают профессиональные разработчики, которых не стыдно нанять в любую крупную компанию. Я помню, что разработчик Baba is You испытывал тяжёлые проблемы со здоровьем, когда он создавал игру в одиночестве. От Тоби Фокса нет никаких вестей по поводу Deltarune.

А разработчики Cuphead успели заложить свои дома. Иначе говоря, разработка игры в одиночку приводит к большим переработкам и проблемам в личной жизни, что приводит в итоге к производственному аду. YandereDev собственной персоной и его "Cum Chalice" Но что же мешало Алексу создать себе команду разработчиков?

Ведь немало талантливых людей протягивали ему руку помощи. А виноват во всём его противный характер. Стало известно, что YandereDev очень часто проводит время на стриме любимых игр и клепанием мемасов вместо того, чтобы докончить разработку игры.

Он очень безоответственно относится к своей работе. И он неадекватно относится к критике.

Мусуме с синими : тебе нужно найти Хоруду Пуресу и сфоткать ее Кашико с фиолетовыми : просто возьми книгу в библиотеке Хошико с зелеными : та же книга Хана с розово-желтыми : та же книга Там вроде у всех книги надо принести кроме синеволосой ей надо сфоткать девочку с черными волосами она каждый день на крыше школы книгу читает сфоткать и прийти к ней! Артём Базилик Знаток 303 6 месяцев назад Короче на 1 неделе перед уроками надо сфоткать на крыше одну ученицу которую зовут "Horuda Puresu" или "Horuda Umetsu". У неё чёрные волосы и чулки.

Said streak also caused her to feel pressured to stay in the Martial Arts Club when she wanted to pursue different hobbies, hence her relief when Budo challenged her and broke it, allowing her to resign. Cute Bruiser : Just look at her. Does she look like a former Martial Arts Club leader capable of snapping your arm?

This also factored into her 100 match winning streak during her time as a club leader. People saw how cute she was and underestimated her, only to get clobbered. Decomposite Character : Originally, she and Osana were the same.

Then Osana got a redesign, and the original design became a separate character. Defeating the Undefeatable : She was on the receiving end from one Budo Masuta, who challenged her and unexpectedly won, breaking her winning streak. Finally seeing no reason to stay in the club, she resigned, relieved that she could find another hobby, and passed the leadership mantle to Budo.

Et Tu, Brute? That said, said friendship can easily help with info gathering. Invincible Hero : She is impossible to defeat with conventional attacks.

A direct attack on either her or anyone in her presence typically meaning Osana is tantamount to suicide. Mythology Gag : She was the original design for the first rival before Osana was officially named and given a personality. The principal has 99 and he always attacks first.

As previously mentioned, she is immune to any and all forms of direct attack, including stealth attacks. This includes attacks from mind-slaves , which no other character that is valid mind slave targets can resistnote The principal is not a valid target. If Osana is the mind slave, Raibaru will be too shocked to even try defending herself.

Punny Name : "Raibaru" is just the word "rival" and "Fumetsu" is Japanese for "indestructible". Sickening "Crunch! Stabbing her from behind only has her about-face, and take you down.

Tomboy Angst : She felt pressured to stay in the Martial Arts club because of her unbroken record, but wanted to do other things like cooking or painting and was relieved when she no longer had to be the club leader. Weaksauce Weakness : Any bugs and glitches that cause her to become separated from Osana. As such, the threat of her interference is completely removed when she, for example, gets stuck on geometry or terrain that causes her to become separated from Osana.

It shows her killing Raibaru in a Curb-Stomp Battle. Word of God stated that she can go toe-to-toe with Osoro Shidesu. She has never been seen expressing emotions.

She spends most of her time in the library reading a book. She returns in Kuudere Simulator 2 with new features, such as moving her head side to side, blinking, and the ability to change the scenery. Kuudere Simulator 3 gave her the ability to summon Osana and shoot her in the face… multiple times.

Bookworm : The one interest she is stated to have is reading. Bystander Syndrome : Not yet, and possibly never. Calling Your Attacks : Labeling it an "Attack" might be pushing the definition, but in Kuudere Simulator 2 and 3, when you blink, she says, "Blink".

Curtains Match the Window : The second girl in the game after Pippi to avert this. Deadpan Snarker : In the Kuudere Simulator series. Expy : In addition to being a pretty blatant Rei Ayanami Expy , her bookwormish habits may also be based on another derivative of Rei, Yuki Nagato.

When she was put into the game, it was revealed that Kuu Dere was her name. Informed Attribute : Her status as an Emotionless Girl is this in the main game, as she is generally as inexpressive as any other Loner student, and will react to murder just as they do. Averted in her games and other videos.

As mentioned above, it was once planned that she would have a persona, "Apathetic", unique to her and Robot-chan from the Science Club. Once that was put in, she would not react to anything... Not So Stoic : Despite her emotionless appearance, her reaction to witnessing a murder is the same as any Loner.

Although, see above for how this was once likely to change later in development. Punny Name : Her name is Kuudere. Rei Ayanami Expy : Blue hair, red eyes, and is close to emotionless.

Also invoked in the "trailers" for Kuudere Simulator. Listen here. Sugar-and-Ice Personality : Possibly the case, given that Kuudere is the anime fanspeak for this.

I need some time to think about this... She was added in the February 3rd, 2018 build, and is the test subject for a new feature that allows Yan-chan to drive bullied victims to murder. She is the only student with the Fragile persona.

Я использовал бесплатные модели из DeviantArt, доступные каждому желающему. Но гораздо хуже выглядит весь нераскрытый потенциал. Но на практике все куда плачевнее.

Поскольку в игре нету ни одной соперницы, игроку ничего не остаётся делать, как развлечь себя, издеваясь над плохо проработанными NPC. Сперва это может показаться весёлым, но со временем эта песочница насинант быстро надоедать. Это не игра вовсе, а всего-то технодемка, в которую можно разок поиграть и забыть.

Отдельного упоминания заслуживают пасхальные яйца, коих в игре очень много. Складывается ощущение, что YandereDev вкладывает больше сил и старания на пасхалки, чем на саму игру. Большинство пасхалок активируются с помощью читов.

В основном они превращают главную героиню в персонажа известного аниме или видеоигры. А некоторые пасхалки и вовсе превращают игру в наркоманскую кашу. Например, Titan Mode, который превращает всех NPC в голых великанов отсылка на сами знаете какое аниме.

Но беда в том, что YandereDev больше отвлекается на ненужные для игры вещи, а не на проработку основного геймплея. Одна из дешёвых и никому не нужных "пасхалок". Ещё одной проблемой Yandere Simulator является её чрезмерго огромный для инди-разработчика масштаб.

Чтобы создать подобную игру, необходима целая игровая студия, состоящая из 15 человек как минимум, а то и больше. И в этих же студиях работают профессиональные разработчики, которых не стыдно нанять в любую крупную компанию. Я помню, что разработчик Baba is You испытывал тяжёлые проблемы со здоровьем, когда он создавал игру в одиночестве.

Новая ученица Академии Старшей Школы (Yandere Simulator)

Новая ученица Академии Старшей Школы (Yandere Simulator) яндере симулятор yandere simulator art Spontan, Niedlich, Yandere Simulator, Smosh, Pewdiepie, Septiplier.
УБИТЬ Musume Ronshaku || Вызов - Принят ЯНДЕРЕ СИМУЛЯТОР [ Yandere Simulator ] Mods And Fan Games Of Yandere Simulator!
Yandere Simulator/Вариант из Posmotre.li Yandere Simulator is a stealth game about stalking a boy and secretly eliminating any girl who has a crush on him, while maintaining the image of an innocent schoolgirl.
Как зовут маму аяно Яндере Симулятор? По ощущению Yandere Simulator больше напоминает на дешёвую пародию на Garry’s Mod.
Мусуме Роншаку Anime Art Yandere Art On Mod Яндере Симулятор Last Updated 13/03/2017 4:39 Senpai is the obsession of Yandere-chan and one of the main characters of Yandere Simulator.

Мусуме роншаку яндере симулятор - 89 фото

For Android and IOS. Yandere Simulator Demo, ALL TASKS AND HOW TO COMPLETE THEM (202X ver.) |. Musume Ronshaku (real name: Mutsumi Rokuda) is one of the female students who currently attends Akademi. Yandere Simulator The game’s story is about Yandere Simulator is a stealth game about stalking a boy and secretly eliminating anyone who seems interested in him, while maintaining the image of an innocent schoolgirl. игра, рассказывающая о чувствах школьницы по имени.

Значки Yandere симулятор Мусуме

Для этого нужно выполнить задание Роншаку и похитить её обычным способом. Когда Мусуме окажется в подвале, перед ней будет стоять камера. Можно ли убить Семпая в Яндере симулятор? Голосовая дорожка реакции Сенпая на отравленного ученика, представленная в видео «How to poison a girl in Yandere Simulator», не использовалась в игре. Как открыть телефон в Яндере? Жмите Левый Shift, чтобы бежать.

Тыкайте Левый Ctrl, чтобы смеяться. Удерживайте Левый Ctrl для активации Яндере-видения. Удерживайте правую кнопку мыши, чтобы достать смартфон. Как выбросить нож в Яндере? Как зовут Инфо Чан?

From youtube. Toro Inoue. Kaito Shion. Anime Furry. My render. Credits to: druel, skedaddle, … From reddit. Musume has wavy, light blonde hair pulled into a messy ponytail.

На протяжении всей своей жизни Мусуме редко приходилось сталкиваться с какими-либо последствиями своего плохого поведения. Репутация её отца пугала большинство её учителей и одноклассников, поэтому большинство авторитетных фигур отказывались дисциплинировать её, а большинство детей отказывались противостоять ей. Если она когда-нибудь совершит что-нибудь серьёзное, её отец решит проблему с помощью денег... Она избалована своим отцом, который покупает ей всё, что она хочет. Её отец управляет кредитным агентством. Согласно игровой классификации Мусуме — зависимая от телефона. Не способна дать отпор в случае нападения. Не смотря на рискованность этой затеи, это сработало. Некоторые девушки в школе начали подражать её стилю, и хоть это и не нравилось Мусуме, она решила терпеть это. Таким образом, она получила репутацию «законодательницы моды» гангуро в школе и собрала вокруг себя компанию девушек со схожими интересами, таким образом став негласным лидером задир [2]. Известно, что над Мусуме издевались в средней школе, до того момента, как её отец нанял людей, которые запугали родителей учеников, издевавшихся над ней [3]. Её мать скончалась из-за болезни, когда Мусуме было приблизительно 5 лет. Она во многом была похожа на свою дочь: она не одевалась в стиле гангуро, но определённо придерживалась моды и дорогих брендов. В целом, отец Мусуме был скорее «папочкой», чем мужем, но у них были взаимовыгодные отношения и они оба получали друг от друга то, что хотели [4]. Отношения Отец Мусуме Изначально он не хотел иметь детей, в отличие от своей жены.

Driven to Suicide : If, when showing Horuda a picture of the person supposedly responsible for ruining her life, you show her a picture of herself, she will not go on a mind-slave rampage but will instead quietly kill herself behind the bushes at school. This was a bug and was fixed. Eating Lunch Alone : To show how lonely she is. Poor girl. Friendless Background : Implied. According to an official video , she was bullied at all schools she went to, due to being considered "creepy". Madness Mantra : Repeats the same one as the mind slaves when sitting outside the school before her Roaring Rampage of Revenge. Punny Name : Horuda Pureso. Pureso Horuda. Place Holder. According to Info-chan, her real name is Horuda Umetsu. Shrinking Violet : She is very shy and withdrawn and eats lunch alone. Took a Level in Cheerfulness : If all the Bullies are dead, Horuda will ditch her drooping posture and sad expression and will instead adopt a straight posture and smile more. Unstoppable Rage : When you tell her who is supposedly responsible for her bullying, she will kill that person the next day before killing herself. Sakyu Basu A purple-haired student introduced in the mid-November 2015 build, who is rumored to be a succubus. She is close to her half-sister Inkyu they have the same mother but different fathers , and Oka Ruto is currently trying to prove that they are supernatural. She has a Social Butterfly persona. She is in class 2-1 with Ayano. Age Lift : Inverted. From November 2015 through September 2017, she was a senior in Class 3-2. Boke and Tsukkomi Routine : Has this dynamic with her half-sister Inkyu each morning. Cute and Psycho : Although she has not thus far been shown as such in-game, one of the topics she is listed as feeling positive about is violence. Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling : The responsible sibling of the two. YandereDev describes her as serious and knowledgeable. Hates Being Alone : Her interests page states that she hates solitude. On top of this, if her half-sister is killed, she switches from the Social Butterfly persona to the Fragile persona, meaning that with one more little push on the part of the player... Humanoid Abomination : If the implications of Ambiguously Human above are true. Makeup Is Evil : So far, Sakyu and Inkyu are among the only students with visible make-upnote they were the only students with visible makeup until Musume was added in June 2016. They are also suspected of being a succubus and a vampire. They will carry out a set of conversations throughout the game discussing the history and lore of the school and the setting as a whole. However, if School Atmosphere drops low enough they might instead begin discussing more recent events... Punny Name : Her name sounds like how the Japanese would pronounce "succubus". Fun Fact! Lampshaded by YandereDev. She takes it off for a minute at lunchtime, allowing Yan-chan to steal it. Those Two Girls : Sakyu is primarily seen with her half-sister Inkyu. She is in Class 2-2, has a "Social Butterfly" persona, and is not in any club. All There in the Manual : She and her half-sister Sakyu are in the same school year Junior and are twins. Only by looking up their information would you know Inkyu is considered the younger of the two. Boke and Tsukkomi Routine : Her dynamic with her half-sister, with Inkyu being the tsukkomi. Cute and Psycho : Nothing has suggested this characterization in-game, but her Interests page states that she likes violence. Daywalking Vampire : Oka suggests that this is why she can walk in sunlight despite supposedly being a vampire. The Ditz : The developer described her characterization as "a mini-Midori". Their dynamic is intentionally based around a Boke and Tsukkomi Routine. Gender-Blender Name : Sort of. Hellish Pupils : She has cat-like pupils, much like her half-sister. Ice Queen : Largely an informed attribute at this point, but her interests page states that she dislikes friendship and likes solitude. Family, however, is something she feels positively about. Makeup Is Evil : Both she and her half-sister wear makeup and are rumored to be a succubus and vampire. Hers is more bright, though. Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane : Is she really a vampire?

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