In Sambal village, Lord Kalki will incarnate in the main Brahmin family. Главная» Новости» Приход аватара калки. У грядущего Калки-аватары, сына Вишнуяши и ученика Парашурамы, будут две супруги.
Ко времени появления Господа Калки тех, кто будет достоин освобождения из безбожного и погруженного в хаос мира Земли, действительно может остаться всего 144000. He will be born in the family of Vishnuyasha, an eminent Brahmana of Shambhala village, as Kalki, endowed with eight superhuman faculties.". К этой серии относится и картина «Калки Аватар» (по представлению индусов — будущий Спаситель Мира). У грядущего Калки-аватары, сына Вишнуяши и ученика Парашурамы, будут две супруги. КАЛКИ (Н) — последняя, согласно каноническому списку, аватара Вишну (откуда его второе имя — Вишнуяшас, Наделенный славой Вишну), относимая обычно к будущему.
Калки аватар
Калка-аватар, согласно пророчествам Вед, должен прийти (осознать себя) до начала Сатья (Крита) Юги. Миссия Калки Аватары состоит в том, чтобы восстановить религиозные принципы, которые исчезли к концу Кали-юги, железного века лицемерия и раздоров. Миссия Калки Аватары состоит в том, чтобы восстановить религиозные принципы, которые исчезли к концу Кали-юги, железного века лицемерия и раздоров. Аватар Калки появляется в исторических сикхских текстах, особенно в Дасам Грант как Нихакаланки, тексте, который традиционно приписывается Гуру Гобинд Сингху. Калки Пураны указывают на Калку Аватара, который придет: «По желанию вашему я буду рожден в месте Шамбала Я снова поставлю на земле двух владык — Мару и Давали.
Калки - Kalki
В любом случае, интересно. Итак, Калки Аватар должен появиться где-то в тех краях. Он должен приехать на белом коне. Я не могу представить, как кто-то прискачет на коне и будет ездить вокруг, в наши дни. Смотрите, дело в том, что мы не знаем, что есть белый конь. Это мог бы быть какой-нибудь тип автомобиля, о котором нам неизвестно. Описание не очень ясно, относительно, на чем он приедет, но он приедет на белом коне, тут нет сомнений. Джаганнатх всегда изображается верхом на белом коне. Это очень неожиданно, он всегда изображается, на всех картинах, верхом на белом коне. И он изображается как Калки Аватар.
Когда Храм Джаганнатхи разрушится, Калки Аватар явится. И затем, конечно, к тому времени, люди станут очень маленькими, маленькие существа, ростом примерно в один фут. Человеческая раса сократится до очень маленьких пропорций и каннибализм будет свирепствовать опять. Такого рода описания приводятся, я не хочу увидеть те дни. Невероятное состояние, до которого регрессирует человеческое общество. Чье-то воображение в писании, это феноменально. Такого рода вещи, о которых они говорят, действительно ужасны. Вроде тех, что матери будут съедать своих детей, как только они родились. Что все это такое?
Что это? Что происходит?
Companies will comes to your states and countries when you have honest leaders. Companies come when your area has infrastructure, so tell your leaders stop free scheme and focus for infrastructure. If people have hand full of work I mean all season work and people have jobs then they spending money on food and fruits increases then food and fruits demand increases then formers can sale food and fruits products at higher prizes. So when formers have handful of money then why you need free scheme and free current and subsidiary. So ask government to provide jobs to people not free service.
For jobs companies has to come to your place. Free money, free alcohol and free food. You are the cause of your poverty, not God. If you protect Dharma, Dharma will protect you. If you support a wrongdoer, you become a wrongdoer and will be punished by God. No body knows following two questions. How American red Indians got Swastik symbol?.
If we know answers for these two questions then we know world already ended before. Answers for these two questions written below. Swastik is only symbol exist all over the world. Swastik is origin from India. Swastik exist in Europe because "Hitler" read Hindu holy book and used in Germany. But no body knows who took swastik to North America and South America. Who is Kalki?
Answer is Kalki is last Bagawan for the world. And this is proof that tells world Kali Yuga ended before. If you think swastik came to America after Buddha came then every body know that new land exist in the world and all people in America looks Asia faces not Red Indians. Those days People from India never used to go out of country because India used to be rich and India used to have everything. When people used to have everything what is the purpose to leave from country India? Before inventing America people from Europe used to think earth is flat and people will fall down if we cross other end. Swastik exist in Asia after Buddha exist OK.
And Europe and America call swastika not swastik OK. They started calling swastika after Hitler came. America says Red Indians came from Asia. Buddha took swastik symbol from Hindu India 300 BC. And passed to china, Japan Asia. Assume Swastik reached Japan 100 BC. European white came to America after 1500 AD.
So this is proof of last world Kali Yuga. Europeans white came with swastika word and passed. Every red Indians call swastika not swastik. Got it. For more details see following links where you can find more details about Swastik.
Why Hitler killed 6 million Jews in Europe in his era? Why Hitler behaved like mad man? Where Hitler went after World War 2?
There are many mystery questions on Hitler, I answered all questions on Hitler in Chapter 4 in this website please scroll down and read chapter 4 or click below picture to go to chapter 4. Please read Chapter 4 till be patient. Aryans are superior Race, yes this is true here Aryan word is from Sanskrit Language. Aryans mean Noble person. Whatever Aryans do is justified because Aryans mean Noble person. Whatever Noble person do justified because Noble person means nice people, So Aryans are superior Race. Hitler in his lifetime he did made his arrangements and Jews got their homeland Jerusalem Israel. I hope Hitler dead body solves Jews 3rd Jewish Temple.
Kalki Avatar is reincarnation of Hitler. Hitler Soul and Kalki Avatar Soul are the same. World war event is common for all religions but has different names. Sensitive information on this website provokes World War in this world. Bible says something about "Seven Seals of Revelation" which is going to open seals one by one in Judgement days in end of Kaliyuga by Jesus Kalki Avatar. Today I announce that I already started open seals one by one recently. World going to see Judgement days events. Corona virus in world is effect of four horse man which is part of "Seven Seals of Revelation" in Bible.
Soon worldwide people going to see wars all over the world and wonders in sky. Above picture is more description of "Seven Seals of Revelation" as mention in Bible, above picture is not in order but each seal opening order are mention in numbers. Some Christians says "Seven Seals of Revelation" opens by Satan but if you observe above picture that is 7th picture is Rapture taking place that means good people air lifted to heaven, if Satan opens "Seven Seals of Revelation" then how Rapture takes place that means "Seven Seals of Revelation" opens by Jesus Kalki Avatar that means Lord Venkateshwara. There are two types of Raptures are there in Judgement days. First Rapture comes in initial days of Judgement days and other Rapture comes at end of Judgement days. Initial Qayamat Rapture meant for evil people who violate holy books they will air lifted for one day to hell as you know one day of earth human life is equals to millions of years in Hell place. How do you think nice people Rapture to heaven when Qayamat running as you know people will have to go through entire Qayamat and at end Nice people Rapture to see God Of Heaven. Will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in Air..
So who and how many people want Rapture? After hell treatment all evil people come back to earth same day. So good luck to evil people journey to Hell so have great trip in Raptures in Judgement Days. So who want Raptures? More description of Four Hoarse man described below. In 4 Horsemen Pale horse seal causes diseases on the earth. I open Pale horse seal in Seven Seals of Revelation in mid of year 2019. Two months later Corona Virus started in China and spread all over the world and many people dies and caused problems to many people.
In Jan 2023 I kept back Pale horse seal in Seven Seals of Revelation then later corona virus got controlled all over the world. On 1 Aug 2023 again I opened Pale horse seal in Seven Seals of Revelation then two months later many virus started in earth. This time more people die in world more than what corona virus did.
Не пришло ли время? Не приносит ли конь одинокий нам сокровище мира?
Свет пустыни «Издавна ходит Эрдени Мори, и светит его сокровище. Пока народы знают о сужденном сокровище, они все же останутся на верном пути. На восходе и на закате солнца затихает все, значит, где-то проходит великий конь белый, несущий сокровище. Путь их, хотя бы и долгий и необычный, — неизбежен. Так же неизбежен, как служение совершенствованию.
Кому-то сказки, а кому-то — быль. Кто-то убоится. А кто-то развернет страницы книги принесенной».
последнего аватара Господа Вишну, который придет в конце Кали-юги и укажет путь в новую эру. И в конце века Кали, нашего настоящего Века, Вишну, или «Вечносущий Царь» появится, как Калки Аватар, и восстановит справедливость на Земле. Видео о Скорый приход Калки аватара., Пророчество о приходе мессии Калки Аватара из Калки-Пураны и других Пуран индуизма. Первое наречение Аватаром Калки произошло 13 мая 2000 года. Шри Калки: раскрытие пророчества будущего аватара.
Калки Аватара
В Ведической традиции Аватар Калки изображается как человек сидящий на белом коне, идущий побороть зло земли голыми руками. Видео о Скорый приход Калки аватара., Пророчество о приходе мессии Калки Аватара из Калки-Пураны и других Пуран индуизма. Ученики Аватара Калки налаживают прекрасные отношения с родными, успешны в работе, имеют чудное самочувствие и замечательно выглядят. Видео о Скорый приход Калки аватара., Пророчество о приходе мессии Калки Аватара из Калки-Пураны и других Пуран индуизма. КАЛКИ (Н) — последняя, согласно каноническому списку, аватара Вишну (откуда его второе имя — Вишнуяшас, Наделенный славой Вишну), относимая обычно к будущему.
Калки Аватара
Kalki brings back the Vanar Sena to help him fight the most powerful enemies. But how? Learn more about the Vanaroids. An epic Mythology and Sci-Fi novel that will ignite your imagination. Set in the future, the Last Avatar is written over a fabric of mythology, weaved with threads of Science Fiction, and is filled with tense geopolitical times that truly surround us today.
Только после завершения этого периода власть наступившего века проявляется полностью. Очередная спекуляция связана со сроками веков, которые даны в Ведах. Согласно им длительность Кали-Йуги составляет 1200 лет по летоисчислению полубогов. Однако в тех же ведах содержится описание длительности 1 года полубогов. Когда наше Солнце уходит в южное полушарие, на Сварга-локе наступает ночь, а когда Солнце переходит в северное полушарие, — день.
Таким образом 1 наш год составляет всего лишь 1 сутки по летоисчислению жителей райских планет. Соответственно 1 год полубогов длится 360 наших лет. Так длительность Кали-йуги составляет не больше и не меньше — 432 000 наших солнечных лет. Согласно астрологическим расчетам, век Кали наступил 18 февраля 3102 г до нашей эры и, соответственно, должен продлиться еще не менее 426 886 лет. Разговоры о том, что срок конца века Кали уже настал — обычная спекуляция.
Это человечество он создал по своему подобию. Для того, чтобы продвинуться вверх и достичь своего истинного дома, «Бог» должен теперь восходить крутым и тяжким путем Голгофы Жизни. Это и есть мученичество само-осознанного существования. Подобно Вишвакарману он должен принести себя в жертву самому себе, чтобы искупить все существа и воскреснуть из «Множества» в Единую Жизнь.
By the order of Lord Kalki, the two kings, Maru and Devapi, executed their duties of protecting the people of the world. Then the minds of all people will become enlightened as clear as crystal, and with inevitable force Krita or Satya-yuga sets in. People then realize the soul, acquiring piety, devotion, tranquility, and clear consciousness. Then those Siddhas [the enlightened and perfected living beings who had remained invisible on a higher dimension through the end of the age of Kali] return to the earthly dimension and again are clearly visible. They establish themselves with the return of the Saptarishis, the seven sages, who instruct everyone about spiritual life, Vedic knowledge, and the progressive organization of society for a peaceful and fulfilling existence. Then again people flourish and perform the sacred rites, and the sages will remain in authority to continue the advancement of the new Satya-yuga. We can understand from this that Lord Kalki will simply chastise by killing all of the evil kings and rogues and thereby bring in a new era of enlightened beings, a race whose minds will be as clear as crystal and who will produce offspring that will follow the tendencies of real human beings as found in the age of Satya-yuga. Srimad-Bhagavatam 12. When the Supreme Being appears in their hearts in His form of pure goodness, the remaining citizens will abundantly repopulate the earth. With this appearance of Lord Kalki, Satya-yuga will begin again and the remaining humans will produce children in goodness [sattva-guna]. Thus, when the moon, the sun, and Jupiter are in the constellation of Kartaka, Cancer, and together enter the lunar mansion of Pusya, that is when the age of Satya-yuga will begin. Therefore, as further related in the Srimad-Bhagavatam 12. At that time the minds of men will be self-effulgent. The Mahabharata Vana Parva, 190. When that age will pass away, creation will again increase. Providence will again be propitious at will. When the sun, the moon, and Brihaspati enter the constellation of Pushya, the clouds will incessantly shower rains, and [positions of the] stars and planets will be auspicious. The planets, duly revolving in their orbits, will be greatly propitious. Abundance, prosperity, wealth, and peace will be everywhere. Those creatures that were once extinct due to the pollution and imbalance caused by humanity will appear again. The sacred rivers of the Ganga and Yamuna and others also reappear. The planet creates what it needs again, and after years of drought and famine the clouds will supply rain again. Everywhere there will be peace and bountifulness. The following description shows how, at the beginning of the next Satya-yuga, everyone will again live in harmony and with a common cause and goal, based on spiritual upliftment for one and all. At that point in time the Brahmanas will perform their tapas. They will be extremely religious and well-versed in the Vedic knowledge. In every household, there will again be chaste ladies devoted to religion [the Vedic spiritual path]. There will be regional kings who will be devoted to their own Dharma [duties as an honest and principled ruler], devoted to [genuine and highly advanced] Brahmanas [the intellectuals and priests who understand Vedic spiritual knowledge], as well as glorious, devoted to Dharma, and will be performing always good deeds and activities. The Vaishyas [Vedically principled and honest merchants] will engage themselves in commerce and will be devoted to the Brahmanas and religion. The Shudras [or worker class, artists, performers, etc. They will be well-versed in the Smritis, Shrutis and Puranas, as well as Vedic Dharma and will enjoy the company of their wives only at the appropriate times. Therefore, Krita-yuga will be influenced only by Dharma and there will be no particle of adharma [non-Vedic or non-spiritual or immoral actions or thoughts]. Well-planted gardens, sacrificial grounds, large tanks, Vedic schools and colleges, ponds and temples, will all reappear everywhere; various sacrifices will also begin to be performed at the appearance of the Krita age. Brahmanas will be honest and good. Being devoted to asceticism, they will be Rishis [and wise sages]. The hermitages occupied by the wicked wretches will once more be the homes of men devoted to Truth. Men in general will begin to honor and practice Truth. All seeds sown on earth will grow. O king of kings, every kind of crop will grow in every season. Men will devotedly practice charity, vows, and religious rites. The Brahmanas, devoted to meditation and sacrifices [Vedic rituals], will be of virtuous soul and cheerful disposition. The kings will virtuously govern the earth. In the Krita Yuga, the Vaishyas will devote themselves to trade, the Brahmans will be devoted to their six duties and the Kshatriyas will be devoted to the display of prowess [for the protection of the citizens]. The Shudras will be devoted to the service of the other three orders. I have told you the periods embraced by the several yugas, that which is known to all. Thus have I now told you everything appertaining to both the past and the future as narrated by Vayu in his own Purana adored by the Rishi. Immortal as I am, I have many times seen and ascertained the course of the world. I have now told you all that I have seen and felt. The Bhagavatam 8. The Vishnu Purana continues to explain that it is in the jurisdiction of the seven universal sages or rishis the Saptarishis to make sure the Vedic knowledge is given currency again, even if these rishis must descend from the higher planets to do so. So in every Satya-yuga the Manu [the demigod son of Brahma who is the lawgiver of humanity] of that age is the author of the body of law, while the sons of Manu and their descendants are sovereigns of the earth. This means that although the genuine spiritual knowledge or Vedic information may disappear from the face of this planet, it is still dwelling elsewhere in the universe, or even out of the jurisdiction of society in this world, and it is the duty of higher authorities to reestablish it in its proper time. To help in this regard, it is predicted in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and the Vishnu Purana that there are two persons who are waiting for the end of Kali-yuga: Devapi of the race of Puru and brother of King Shantanu, and Maru, a descendant of King Ikshvaku.