Новости регулус блэк и джеймс поттер

Among these multifaceted interactions, one fan-driven ship stands out for its spellbinding blend of 'what ifs' and delicious angst: the pairing of James Potter and Regulus Black, affectionately known to fans as 'Jegulus'. Название: Как в старые добрые времена Пейринг: Джеймс Поттер/Регулус Блэк Рейтинг: G Примечание: написано для Maeglin.

Harry Potter fans think Draco Malfoy should have shown as much agency as Regulus Black

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  • James Potter and Regulus Black
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  • Harry Potter fans think Draco Malfoy should have shown as much agency as Regulus Black

Who Portrayed Regulus Black In The Harry Potter Movies?

Jegulus is the slash ship between James Potter and Regulus Black from the Harry Potter fandom. Поттер не удостоил нас даже взглядом, Блэк посмотрел на меня, на своего брата, нехорошо ухмыльнулся: Регулус, ну у тебя и спутники, давай лучше к нам с Джеймсом, а пока занеси мой чемодан в купе. Does He Play Regulus Black?

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  • Who Portrayed Regulus Black In The Harry Potter Movies? - Magicofhp
  • Регулус Истории
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Регулус Блэк

This inherent conflict and tension are what fuels the intrigue and excitement around Jegulus. Their dynamic is a perfect playground for angst. A world where love and duty clash, where house loyalties are tested, and the lines between right and wrong blur. Just imagine their stolen glances in the corridors of Hogwarts, their secret rendezvous under the cloak of night, and their hidden feelings masked by the harsh realities of their time. I used to write a lot of Harry Potter fics so hi.

They also became best friends with Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin , whom they later discovered was a werewolf. To support Lupin, Sirius, James, and Peter secretly became Animagi , which allowed them to safely accompany Lupin during his transformations and keep him under control. Sirius left home at the age of sixteen and took refuge with James and his parents. His outraged mother burned his name off the family tree. After leaving school, Sirius fought against Voldemort , eventually joining the Order of the Phoenix. Trusting Sirius above all of their other friends, Lily and James wanted him to be their Secret Keeper. He betrayed the Potters to Voldemort, who subsequently tracked them down and murdered them. After giving his motorbike to Hagrid so that Hagrid could deliver Harry to the Dursleys , Sirius then tracked down Pettigrew, determined to kill him in revenge. However, Pettigrew outwitted him: confronted by Sirius on a city street, he created an explosion, faking his own death leaving a severed finger behind as evidence and killing twelve Muggles in the process. Sirius was arrested, accused of murdering Pettigrew and the muggles and of serving Voldemort, and was promptly thrown in prison by Barty Crouch, Sr. Sirius states that unlike most other Azkaban prisoners who often became insane during their terms of imprisonment , he was able to keep his sanity because he knew he was innocent, and also used his Animagus form to ward off the Dementors , who are unable to perceive unsophisticated canine minds. Appearances Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Twelve years into his sentence, Sirius sees a picture of the Weasley family on the front cover of the Daily Prophet. He realises that stationed at Hogwarts, Pettigrew will easily be able to deliver Harry to Voldemort should Voldemort ever regain power. This knowledge clears his mind and gives him the mental strength to escape Azkaban. He is the first person known to have escaped the wizard prison by his own means, accomplishing this feat by transforming into his Animagus dog form. After his escape, Sirius takes refuge in and around Hogsmeade , intent on exacting revenge upon Pettigrew and remaining near Harry. Knowing that the dementors have been stationed around Hogsmeade and at Hogwarts, Sirius remains in his Animagus form during this time, and is able to enter the Hogwarts grounds without being recognised by the dementors. Harry catches several glimpses of Sirius in his dog form and mistakenly believes him to be the Grim. Lupin, who has learned that Sirius is innocent, is reunited in friendship with him. Pettigrew is unmasked, and, most importantly, Harry stops Sirius and Lupin from murdering Pettigrew, arguing that his father would not want his friends to commit murder. Harry and Hermione help him escape with Buckbeak , a hippogriff who had also been unjustly condemned.

Снимки сделаны в стиле Шаламе — на них звезда «Дюны» будто бы падает в воду и строит рожицу, но при этом выглядит мило. Пост привлёк особое внимание поттерманов, которые заполонили все комментарии. С чего такой ажиотаж? По сюжету, Регулус, младший брат Сириуса Блэка, в юном возрасте примкнул к Волан-де-Морту и стал Пожирателем Смерти, однако разочаровался в его идеях. Он разгадал тайну Тёмного Лорда и сумел добыть один из крестражей ценой своей жизни. Вместе с домашним эльфом Кикимером Регулус отправился в пещеру, выпил зелье из чаши, в которой хранился медальон-крестраж, и положил вместо него муляж с запиской для Волан-де-Морта.

And Yaoi. Lots and lots and lots of Yaoi. Just think about it for a second. James, the popular, charismatic, and brash Gryffindor Quidditch star and Regulus, the quiet, refined, and dutiful son of the pure-blood obsessed Black family. This inherent conflict and tension are what fuels the intrigue and excitement around Jegulus.

Новый Регулус Блэк

Jegulus is the slash ship between James Potter and Regulus Black from the Harry Potter fandom. Изображения Фф Джеймса Поттера и Регулуса Блэка обладают уникальной способностью передать смысл и магию мира, полного загадок и секретов. Regulus Black was a Death Eater, but he was also the infamous R.A.B., who was the only person besides Dumbledore to discover the Horcrux's, and to hunt them down (Or at least, one of them). Regulus Black is only mentioned in passing in the books. He's a character known predominantly for leaving behind the phony locket Harry and Dumbledore steal in Half-Blood Prince. Специальный эпизод Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts станет путешествием по вселенной Гарри Поттера через новые интервью и беседы с актерами и создателями фильма. Смотрите видео онлайн «Regulus Black | Goodbye» на канале «Проблемы и решения в повседневной жизни» в хорошем качестве и бесплатно, опубликованное 22 апреля 2024 года в 8:42, длительностью 00:01:57, на видеохостинге RUTUBE.

Регулус Блэк. Пробуждение.

Беты, соавторы: Пэйринг и персонажи: Регулус Блэк, Джеймс Поттер, Джеймс Поттер/Регулус Блэк Рейтинг: PG-13 Категория: Слэш Жанры и предупреждения: Размер: Драббл. Лили Луна Поттер обожает свою работу в клинике Святого Мунго и готова прийти на помощь даже самым подозрительным пациентам просто потому, что они в ней нуждаются. А Регулус Блэк всего лишь пытается выжить. Главная» Новости» Гарри поттер сериал 2024. James seen trough Regulus’s eyes. PMARCHIVE-Homepage Carousel Regulus Black 2bEZMHSpAA08mq2aCKymKy-b3. Активно обсуждать последние новости с Люциусом Малфоем. «Регулус Блэк, кажется, да?

Regulus Black | Goodbye

Регулус Блэк: описание и биография персонажа James Potter, Regulus Black, All The Young Dudes.
Регулус Блэк — Википедия Regulus Black and Kreacher in the sea cave Regulus Black as Prince of Swords.
И это все о Нем, или Звезда и смерть Сириуса Блэка. Часть вторая: big_game — LiveJournal Предательство Кикимера, тайна медальона Слизерина, обман Регулуса Блэка и многие другие незначительные события «поттерианы», которые серьезно повлияли на сюжет франшизы.
Регулус блэк - 94 фото ★ Best friends with pookie @james-potter-yall @r3mussy @r3gulus-a-black.

Who Portrayed Regulus Black In The Harry Potter Movies?

In addition to his research, Bajraktaraj also worked closely with the director and other cast members to develop his interpretation of Regulus Black. What were some of the challenges Arben Bajraktaraj faced while playing Regulus Black? One of the main challenges was bringing the complex and enigmatic nature of the character to life on screen. Regulus Black is a character with a rich backstory and many layers, and Bajraktaraj had to find a way to convey that complexity in his performance. He also had to navigate the emotional journey of the character, as Regulus goes through a significant transformation throughout the series. His performance brought a sense of mystery and complexity to the character, making Regulus a fan-favorite among Harry Potter enthusiasts.

Did Arben Bajraktaraj appear in any other Harry Potter films? While his role was limited to this film, his performance left a lasting impression on fans of the series.

Или пожизненная служба, или смерть. Дамблдор снова отправился на поиски крестражей, взяв на этот раз Гарри.

После преодоления множества препятствий, защищавших крестраж, им в руки попал медальон с запиской следующего содержания: Тёмному Лорду. Я знаю, что умру задолго до того, как ты прочитаешь это, но хочу, чтобы ты знал: это я раскрыл твою тайну. Я похитил настоящий крестраж и намереваюсь уничтожить его как только смогу. Я смотрю в лицо смерти с надеждой, что когда ты встретишь того, кто сравним с тобою по силе, ты опять обратишься в простого смертного.

Гермиона находит в школьной библиотеке упоминания о двух волшебниках с такими инициалами: Розалинда Антигона Бочкинс и Руперт «Ампутатор» Брукстэнтон.

Trusting Sirius above all of their other friends, Lily and James wanted him to be their Secret Keeper. He betrayed the Potters to Voldemort, who subsequently tracked them down and murdered them. After giving his motorbike to Hagrid so that Hagrid could deliver Harry to the Dursleys , Sirius then tracked down Pettigrew, determined to kill him in revenge. However, Pettigrew outwitted him: confronted by Sirius on a city street, he created an explosion, faking his own death leaving a severed finger behind as evidence and killing twelve Muggles in the process. Sirius was arrested, accused of murdering Pettigrew and the muggles and of serving Voldemort, and was promptly thrown in prison by Barty Crouch, Sr.

Sirius states that unlike most other Azkaban prisoners who often became insane during their terms of imprisonment , he was able to keep his sanity because he knew he was innocent, and also used his Animagus form to ward off the Dementors , who are unable to perceive unsophisticated canine minds. Appearances Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Twelve years into his sentence, Sirius sees a picture of the Weasley family on the front cover of the Daily Prophet. He realises that stationed at Hogwarts, Pettigrew will easily be able to deliver Harry to Voldemort should Voldemort ever regain power. This knowledge clears his mind and gives him the mental strength to escape Azkaban. He is the first person known to have escaped the wizard prison by his own means, accomplishing this feat by transforming into his Animagus dog form. After his escape, Sirius takes refuge in and around Hogsmeade , intent on exacting revenge upon Pettigrew and remaining near Harry.

Knowing that the dementors have been stationed around Hogsmeade and at Hogwarts, Sirius remains in his Animagus form during this time, and is able to enter the Hogwarts grounds without being recognised by the dementors. Harry catches several glimpses of Sirius in his dog form and mistakenly believes him to be the Grim. Lupin, who has learned that Sirius is innocent, is reunited in friendship with him. Pettigrew is unmasked, and, most importantly, Harry stops Sirius and Lupin from murdering Pettigrew, arguing that his father would not want his friends to commit murder. Harry and Hermione help him escape with Buckbeak , a hippogriff who had also been unjustly condemned. Sirius is once again a wanted man.

There, he slowly recovers from his years in Azkaban and regains his health. Although he can only communicate sparingly with Harry by owl post , he gives Harry reasoned and sensible advice. Harry grows closer to Sirius and relies on his help. He sacrifices some of his regained health to help Harry; by the time he reaches Hogsmeade, he is once again gaunt and dishevelled, hiding in a cave with Buckbeak and surviving mainly on rats with occasional gifts of food from Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Пользователи в шутку просят актера выйти из воды и публикуют записку, которую ученик Хогвартса оставил Волан-де-Морту. Автоматически переведенные комментарии.

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