Белорусский защитник Артем Левшунов занимает шестую позицию в рейтинге лучших проспектов драфта НХЛ-2024 по версии портала Elite Prospects. Драфт претендентов в НХЛ 2024 года станет 62-м драфтом претендентов в НХЛ. Топ проспектов драфта НХЛ согласно рейтингу Центрального скаутского бюро НХЛ. РУВИКИ: Интернет-энциклопедия — 62-й Драфт НХЛ пройдёт с 28 по 29 июня 2024 года в Парадайсе, штат Невада, США. Американское издание Sportsnet опубликовало ноябрьский рейтинг игроков, которых клубы НХЛ могут выбрать на драфте 2024 года.
Белорус Артем Левшунов — в топ-3 главных проспектов драфта НХЛ-2024 по версии The Athletic
2024 NHL entry draft - Wikipedia | Prospect rankings and projections for the NFL Draft 2024. Player and position breakdowns of the top prospects and averages of other scouting reports. |
"Кросби как пример". Кто из россиян может быть выбран в первом раунде драфта НХЛ | Главная» Новости» Драфт нхл 2024 рейтинг проспектов. |
Артём Левшунов вошёл в топ-3 лучших проспекта драфта НХЛ-2024 по версии ESPN | Драфт НХЛ 2024: Рейтинг проспектов и перспективы. |
NHL Scoring Leaders 2023‑2024 | Главная» Новости» Драфт нхл 2024 рейтинг проспектов. |
Два игрока из КХЛ вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов на драфте НХЛ 2024 | Портал Sportsnet опубликовал список 30 лучших хоккеистов грядущего драфта НХЛ. В топ-5 данного рейтинга вошли два российских хоккеиста — защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев (2) и форвард петербургского СКА Иван Демидов (5). |
NHL 2024 mock draft player rankings
The Medicine Hat Tigers forward seems to get better with every game, and he has tremendous speed for his frame. From talking to a few WHL defenders, Lindstrom might be the most feared player in a 1-on-1 situation due to his combination of speed, skill and pure mass. The upside here is enormous — literally. The big draw is his mobility, which allows him to move more like someone five inches shorter. He can be a bit slow to move the puck at points and game-to-game consistency needs improvement, but the potential for Silayev to become much more than just a skating skyscraper is tantalizing. After a fantastic rookie season with Spokane, Catton — one of the best playmakers in the draft — is on pace to break the 100-point barrier this year. But the younger brother of Columbus Blue Jackets prospect David Jiricek is still getting the chance to play against pros, where his decision-making with the puck has looked solid. Jiricek is aggressive and can shoot with power, but his skating needs work — just like David at the same age. He scored 21 goals as a rookie last year which was bonkers. He started off slow, but Kiviharju had points in his final two games as his ice time started to improve.
Yakemchuk is skilled with the puck and makes smart decisions with the puck, but his defensive game can be a struggle sometimes. But at 6-foot-3 with his strong footwork, NHL teams will be excited. He has hovered around the goal-a-game mark for most of the season, needing just 10 games to match his 48-game run with the WHL champions Seattle last year. Beyond the scoresheet, Iginla is flashy, defensively reliable and can land a big hit, too. Sounds a little like someone we might remember. As an October 2005 birthdate, the Norweigan forward has already been playing against pros in the second-tier Swedish league, showcasing a relentless forecheck every single game.
Первое место в рейтинге проспектов из Северной Америки занял канадский нападающий Маклин Селебрини, на второй строчке оказался белорусский защитник Артем Левшунов. Топ-10 предварительного рейтинга драфта НХЛ следующего года среди игроков, выступающих в Европе, возглавляет финский нападающий Конста Хелениус.
Сам Демидов уже давал понять, что пока не думает о драфте. Интересно, что согласно скаутским выкладкам, в топ-16 рейтингов TSN Маккензи и Баттона попали сразу семь защитников. В первой десятке место занял довольно рослый, но подвижный защитник Антон Силаев, который несмотря на свои 17 лет, имеет постоянное место в составе "Торпедо", а главный тренер нижегородцев Игорь Ларионов известен доверием молодежи. При этом Силаев имеет довольно много игрового времени - около 20 минут за матч. Мы переживаем, что можем перегрузить его игровым временем, но он всех радует своим прогрессом, - рассказал ТАСС генменеджер "Торпедо" Максим Гафуров. Весной или в феврале, когда опытные команды встанут на рельсы, будет многое видно". Сам Ларионов отметил в конце сентября, что Силаев играет очень хорошо для своего возраста. Главное, его не перегрузить эмоционально, потому что он мальчишка, получающий большое количество времени. И я пытаюсь найти время, дать ему паузу, чтобы он отдохнул. В прошлом году мы это делали с [Богданом] Конюшковым, который тогда попал в состав и играл здорово. Я ему дал четыре дня отдохнуть, мы пытаемся найти это окно и разгрузить и Силаева, и Никиту Артамонова, чтобы они побыли у родителей", - подчеркнул тренер. В нынешнем сезоне Чернышов сыграл за основу "Динамо" шесть матчей, в то время как в прошлом сезоне он провел за главную команду только пять игр, забросив одну шайбу. Форвард является одним из лидеров "Динамо" в МХЛ, в девяти играх забросив четыре шайбы и отдав три голевые передачи. У него есть нюансы, которые ему даны, но их ему надо развивать, надо в том числе и над броском поработать", - подчеркнул в беседе с ТАСС главный тренер молодежки "Динамо" Антон Корредор.
If a team in the 12-16 range wins the first drawing, the first pick will be awarded to the worst team. The 12-16 seed team that won the first drawing is also locked into their new position. Like the first drawing, the second winner can only jump ten spots, but this time it is using the re-seeded order following the first drawing.
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The Hockey Writers: в топ-16 рейтинга драфта НХЛ-2024 оказался один россиянин
Sebastian High: The 2024 Draft Class is a fascinating one. With some showcase tournaments out of the way, here’s a look at Daily Faceoff’s 40 rankings for the 2024 NHL Draft for November. Сайт НХЛ опубликовал рейтинг проспектов, выходящих на драфт-2024. The 2024 NHL draft will be held at The Sphere in Las Vegas on Friday, June 28th, and Saturday, June 29th. Топ проспектов драфта НХЛ согласно рейтингу Центрального скаутского бюро НХЛ. 2024 NHL Draft Prospect Roundup: Berkly Catton living up to potential in WHL.
NHL Scoring Leaders 2023‑2024
MapMakers - Россиянин возглавил международный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года от 16.04.2024 | Главная» Новости» Драфт нхл 2024 рейтинг проспектов. |
2024 NHL Draft Rankings – Horn’s Top 100 for April | The top prospects for the 2024 NHL Draft are Macklin Celebrini, Cole Eiserman, Artyom Levshunov, Ivan Demidov, and Berkly Catton. |
2024 NHL Draft Rankings: Mid-November Top 40
NHL scoring leaders and demographics breakdown in the 2023-2024 season. Североамериканский журналист издания The Athletic Скотт Уиллер опубликовал свой рейтинг проспектов предстоящего драфта Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ). 2024 NHL Draft Eligible Prospects. 311 listings. Ahead of that, Sam Cosentino shares his latest top 32 rankings for the 2024 NHL Draft. The 2024 NHL Entry Draft will be the 62nd NHL Entry Draft.
2024 NHL Draft Rankings: Mid-November Top 40
A team can only jump ten spots, so only the top 11 teams are eligible for the 1st pick. If a team in the 12-16 range wins the first drawing, the first pick will be awarded to the worst team. The 12-16 seed team that won the first drawing is also locked into their new position.
Sportsnet: Демидов — 3-й в рейтинге проспектов на драфте НХЛ-2024, Силаев — 8-й, Чернышов — 18-й Американское издание Sportsnet опубликовало ноябрьский рейтинг игроков, которых клубы НХЛ могут выбрать на драфте 2024 года. Первые две — за нападающими Макклином Селебрини и Коулом Эйзерманом. На восьмом месте — защитник «Торпедо» Антон Силаев.
Это современный защитник, который может наказать своих соперников как за счет силовой игры, так и посредством результативных действий. Как нам известно, некоторые команды из NCAA уже сейчас пытаются переманить Левшунова, что может придать остроты перед стартом нового сезона юниорской лиги.
Демидов — техничный крайний нападающий, который просто разрывал в главной юниорской лиге России, набрав 62 очка в 41 матчах и заслужив звание самого ценного игрока.
Примечательно, что в пятёрку лучших вошли два российских хоккеиста. На 20-м месте оказался нападающий системы московского «Динамо» Игорь Чернышов.
2024 NHL Draft Rankings
Спасибо за понимание! Закрыть Правила размещения комментариев Комментарии, содержащие оскорбления, нецензурные выражения в т. В случае авторизации через социальные сети, может быть информирована администрация данной сети.
Сам Ларионов отметил в конце сентября, что Силаев играет очень хорошо для своего возраста. Главное, его не перегрузить эмоционально, потому что он мальчишка, получающий большое количество времени.
И я пытаюсь найти время, дать ему паузу, чтобы он отдохнул. В прошлом году мы это делали с [Богданом] Конюшковым, который тогда попал в состав и играл здорово. Я ему дал четыре дня отдохнуть, мы пытаемся найти это окно и разгрузить и Силаева, и Никиту Артамонова, чтобы они побыли у родителей", - подчеркнул тренер. В нынешнем сезоне Чернышов сыграл за основу "Динамо" шесть матчей, в то время как в прошлом сезоне он провел за главную команду только пять игр, забросив одну шайбу.
Форвард является одним из лидеров "Динамо" в МХЛ, в девяти играх забросив четыре шайбы и отдав три голевые передачи. У него есть нюансы, которые ему даны, но их ему надо развивать, надо в том числе и над броском поработать", - подчеркнул в беседе с ТАСС главный тренер молодежки "Динамо" Антон Корредор. Тренера не удивило присутствие Чернышова в верхней части преддрафтовых рейтингов. В любом случае чтобы это оправдалось, все свои качества надо поднимать на порядок выше", - отметил он.
Сам Чернышов концентрируется сейчас на игре за "Динамо", с которым у него контракт до апреля 2025 года. У меня есть друг, Артем Кудашов сын главного тренера основной команды Алексея Кудашова - прим. ТАСС - вот он по большей части за рейтингами следит.
Журналист поставил белоруса на третье место в рейтинге проспектов. И хотя Левшунов старше по возрасту среди тех, кто попадает в число кандидатов в 2024 году, так как он родился в октябре 2005 года, однако Пауэр тоже родился в ноябре. Левшунов соответствует всем параметрам, которые команды ищут в защитниках высокого класса. Он правша с профессиональным телосложением.
We are changing the way we present our rankings to the public this season.
In the past we would publish our preliminary rankings in September but they were the rankings we came up with for our Draft Guide and were formulated the previous March making them pretty out of date by the time they hit our website. Our evaluations have been busy over the past months watching the many summer camps and showcases, the Hlinka Gretzky Cup, World Junior Summer Showcase, and early league play in both North America and Europe to provide input on this next wave of future NHL talent. Our teams early view of the 2024 draft crop is that this class holds solid depth of overall talent. Not only does it hold a couple of potential NHL organizational building blocks at the top but also a healthy amount of potential future NHL forwards, defenders, and even a couple potential starting goaltenders.
The Hockey Writers: в топ-16 рейтинга драфта НХЛ-2024 оказался один россиянин
Россиянин возглавил международный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года Россиянин Силаев возглавил международный рейтинг перед драфтом НХЛ 2024 года Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял первое место среди полевых игроков не из Северной Америки. Об этом сообщается на сайте НХЛ.
Let us know what you think and connect on Twitter UpsideHockey. As always, these rankings are completely free. Our only ask, if possible: Give us a follow on Twitter UpsideHockey Give one of our tweets about the rankings a like and retweet. Drop us a message via Twitter or email upsidehockey gmail.
This is the way. Google Sites.
Upon gaining the offensive zone is where Dickinson struggles to create as he loses his teammates and skates into defensive traps at times, resulting in missing open teammates to pass to. Still, on the cycle, he can be an effective passer and he can get hard, accurate shots on net in locations that can cause rebounds or be tipped. If he can take another step as a puck carrier and offensive creator then he could be a big-time player in the NHL. Parekh is the king of deception and misdirection as he will line up his eyesight and hips in one direction getting opponents to chase in that direction before flipping his hips fluidly and cutting up or cutting back against the grain unevaded to the net. Parekh is an excellent passer and playmaker and works the give-and-go to a high level. To top things off, Parekh is a gifted goal scorer who can rip the puck past OHL goalies. At times he can be a bit too smooth to the point where it becomes lackadaisical with the puck.
Defensively, Parekh is aggressive and effectively breaking up passes through the neutral zone. He times his pinches well forcing turnovers that he can immediately convert into offensive chances. Overall, the excellent skating and offensive instincts and traits are incredibly valuable that you will accept some of the warts with his game because the good is too rare to find elsewhere. This alone is likely to see him land quite high on draft day as his release is NHL-ready. However, when you zoom away from his core strength, Eiserman carries with him a few key flaws. While effective off the rush and in odd-man opportunities, he lacks the edgework and explosiveness to create separation from defenders who focus on him. His playmaking is currently underutilized as pucks tend to end up behind the net or frozen shortly after receiving the puck. Going forward, Eiserman will need to develop some extra layers to his game in some way. Fortunately, he has plenty of time to do so. Konsta Helenius , C — Jukurit Helsinki Liiga Anni Karvinen — Konsta Helenius is a highly skilled playmaking center whose game is built around intelligence and a profound understanding of the game.
He can create offense in multiple ways. However, Helenius truly excels when he takes control in the offensive zone, skillfully dangling through opponents and uncovering unforeseen passing or shooting lanes. This allows him to not only capitalize on scoring opportunities but also to create space for his teammates, as his skillset attracts the opponent. He can control the game because of his vision and quickness. He anticipates plays before they happen and gains an edge against the opponents with his positioning. Playing in Finnish Liiga, Helenius faces professional competition in every game. Overall Helenius has good tools but it is his vision and understanding of the game that makes him such an exciting prospect. Catton has an effortless first touch, seamlessly blends puck receptions into movements without losing speed and can use his control to patiently protect the puck or to just dangle around his opponents at high speed. Coupling this awareness with an excellent passing game makes Catton an elite passer in the WHL, completing highlight-reel passes with regularity. While not overly powerful, his strides are also quick and technically sound, which he partners with lateral crossovers to generate a ton of speed in the NZ.
Catton has shown an active stick and an understanding of passing lanes in the NZ, but Catton can often look lackadaisical in his own end, losing his checks and net battles. This is especially apparent on backchecks where he frequently shows little-to-no effort. Physically gifted and willing to use it, Lindstrom is incredibly disruptive along the boards, competes hard on every puck, and does a lot of little things right. On top of that, his skating is polished and he has no problem carrying his large frame on 200 feet, with or without the puck. Early on, we probably would have ranked his playmaking as a below-average tool. His ranking at 10th overall on our early board is a bet on that incremental growth continuing, and if it does, Lindstrom could develop into something special. Above all, the Norwegian winger plays with intensity and defensive reliability. He reloads above pucks to remain engaged in offensive zone turnovers, blasts through center ice to chase down loose pucks when they pop out, and protects pucks well along the boards. The same goes for his teammates; he can set them up in great areas with a combination of vision, poise and a wide arsenal of passes, but until recently, they would lack that finishing touch. As a 17-year-old, Levshunov is currently tied for 5th among scoring for defensemen across the NCAA, and his current point-a-game clip is on pace to be something that has not been emulated since the early 1980s.
The former two being particular strengths in his game, Levshunov is simply fantastic on the puck. While he remains very raw, especially for a defenseman playing in the KHL as a draft-eligible, his tools are rather unique and the ceiling is high. Silayev covers a ton of ice, needing only three or four strides to cross the neutral zone. Defensively, Silayev relies on his extraordinarily long reach and powerful strides to close gaps quickly and very aggressively. Early in the season, he regularly over-committed, leading to odd-man rushes against, and while he can still be aggressive to a fault, this element of his game has improved significantly in our viewings. That said, his decision-making both with and without the puck and his composure remain real works in progress, which ended up being the deciding factor in our debate between him and Levshunov at 10. He bullies opponents along the boards, easily strips them of possession, and makes small-area passes to open teammates with an ease and accuracy that leaves his opponents scrambling to keep up.
Драфт пройдет в июне следующего года, точные сроки и место события пока не определены. Клубы НХЛ будут выбирать игроков, родившихся между 1 января 2004 года и 15 сентября 2006 года. В драфте могут принять участие и хоккеисты не из Северной Америки, родившиеся в 2003 году. Игроки, которые были задрафтованы в 2022 году, но не подписали с клубами контракт и родившиеся после 30 июня 2004 года, также могут принять участие в драфте. Окончательные рейтинги центрального скаутского бюро хоккеистов, выступающих в Северной Америке и Европе, будут опубликованы только в апреле. Пока появляются предварительные рейтинги, одним из них стал список 16 лучших молодых игроков, составленный в середине сентября известным аналитиком канадского портала TSN Бобом Маккензи. Этот рейтинг сформирован по итогам голосования 10 скаутов клубов НХЛ. Первым номером прошедшего в этом году в Нэшвилле драфта НХЛ был двукратный чемпион мира среди молодежных команд канадец Коннор Бедард, и никто этот выбор "Чикаго" не оспаривал. Отмечается, что Селебрини может повторить путь Бедарда, так как имеет потенциал добавить во всех компонентах: катании, владении шайбой, видении площадки, голевом чутье. Интересно, что оба родились в агломерации Ванкувера. Вторым в рейтинге стоит крайний нападающий Коул Эйзерман, который, как и многие американские игроки, является участником программы Ассоциации хоккея США по развитию игроков до 18 лет. Эксперты отмечают его бросок, из-за которого канадский аналитик, специализирующийся на выявлении хоккейных талантов, Крэйг Баттон сравнил Эйзермана с нападающим "Вашингтона" Александром Овечкиным. Демидов хочет выиграть Кубок Гагарина Нападающий СКА Иван Демидов идет на третьем месте в списке, 17-летний форвард известен своим универсализмом, культурой паса и броском.
2024 NHL Draft Rankings
2024 NHL entry draft - Wikipedia | Лента новостей. 2024 NHL Draft Prospect Rankings | Tankathon. |
5 Лучших Русских Проспектов Драфта НХЛ 2024 - YouTube | NHL Inside | Обзоры НХЛ. 7 апр 2023. Пожаловаться. Колумнист авторитетного портала The Athletic Скотт Уилер представил предварительный рейтинг лучших проспектов для драфта НХЛ 2024 года. Первое место в данном рейтинге досталось канадцу Маклину Селебрини. |
2024 NHL Draft Rankings – Horn’s Top 100 for April | Драфт НХЛ 2024: Рейтинг проспектов и перспективы. |
2024 NHL Draft rankings: Mid-November top 40 | Yardbarker | Prospect rankings for the top college, junior, and international players in the 2024 NHL Draft. |
2024 NHL Draft rankings: Mid-November top 40
Рейтинг драфта НХЛ — 2024 игроков остального мира возглавляет финский нападающий Конста Хелениус. Upside Hockey's 2024 NHL Draft Rankings: Spring Edition. The 2024 NHL Draft prospects list is topped by Macklin Celebrini. The 17-year-old forward player has currently committed to Boston University. Vancouver native started competing for the BC Junior Canucks in 2015. Эксперт Sportsnet Сэм Косентино представил свой февральский рейтинг.
Четыре российских хоккеиста вошли в топ‑10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ 2024 года
He then represented his country in the second-level ice hockey league, Belarus Vysshaya. He achieved 13 goals and 29 assists in just 62 games. Artyom became noticeable with his impressive defense skills. Ivan Demidov Ivan Demidov is a winger in the making.
Petersburg of the MHL. Though Demidov has to improve his skating skills, his puck movement is noticeable. He creates magic on ice when he gets hold of the rubber disc.
Ivan recently played 41 games in the MHL and scored whopping 62 points. He is ranked fourth top prospect by Consolidated Ranking and Daily Faceoff. He was selected by the Spokane Chiefs with whom he has played 2 seasons.
Catton started his junior career with the Saskatoon Minor Hockey Association. He was noticed by the scouts when he scored 58 goals in just 30 games with the U-15 Saskatoon Bandits. He competed for their under-16 team in 15 games.
На восьмом месте — защитник «Торпедо» Антон Силаев. Нападающий «Динамо» Антон Чернышов занял 18-е место. Напомним, что в первом раунде драфта 2023 года было выбрано четверо россиян: защитник Дмитрий Симашев 6-й номер, «Аризона» , нападающий Матвей Мичков 7-й, «Филадельфия» , нападающий Даниил Бут 12-й, «Аризона» и защитник Михаил Гуляев 31-й, «Колорадо».
Louis will receive a third-round pick in 2024 if the Rangers qualify for the 2023 Stanley Cup playoffs [59] — was converted on March 27, 2023. Louis in exchange for this pick. Louis Blues as the result of a trade December 8, 2023, that sent Robert Bortuzzo to New York in exchange for this pick.
Additionally, while his vision is fantastic, he does not always connect on pass attempts, and will likely never be a high-end play-maker. But make no mistake, he has the potential to be one of the premier two-way wingers in the NHL.
He uses the threat of his shot very effectively to create passing lanes for his teammates to move into. He plays a very intelligent game which sees him attack the middle often and quite successfully as he leverages a combination of his high-level stickhandling and physical tools. The knock on his game thus far has been his quirky staking style, but it seems to be improving with each game, and he still has good speed in-spite of his mechanics. Additionally, he has proven to be quite the effective penalty killer for Windsor, and this is a result of his excellent stick movement, often eliminating passing lanes in the defensive zone and helping create passing options in the offensive zone. Similarly to Misa, he looks to pray on the vulnerable and does a great job of stick lifting and poke checking to cause disruption in puck possession.
Iginla does well at feathering passes in tight and does a good job with puck security when being pursued by multiple attackers at close proximity. Iginla has second line upside and could be deployed at center or wing without losing a step. But make no mistake, the Nizhnekamsk native has been one of the best three Russian forwards amongst his age-group for the last couple of years. This year however? He has taken a giant leap, and is playing at a level in the KHL that very few draft eligibles ever achieve.
Artamonov belies the outdated stereotype of the skilled, Russian winger who only plays in the offensive zone. He is an energiser bunny. Voracious on the fore-check, diligent in the defensive zone, with an active stick that constantly disrupts lanes. Furthermore, while no-one would mistake him for a physical player, he is more than happy to go to the corners or net-front. He is a great skater and a fantastic passer, alongside this his ability to get free ice in the offensive zone is exceptional.
The downsides? He has extremely good speed for his size especially his lateral speed that allows him to shift positioning when he is slighly further away from where he needs to be when defending against the rush. Silyaev uses his reach and size to take up space. While this ranking might seem relatively low to where others have Silayev, the offensive upside of Artamonov, Iginla, Misa, Greentree and others in the 10-20 range made it a challenge for the Smaht team to push Silayev up higher. Josh Tessler 18 — Trevor Connelly, F, Tri-City Trevor Connelly does a good job of not forcing the puck into danger and will pivot away from pressure to get the separation that he needs to complete a pass to the interior.
When driving the cycle to find a lane to the slot, he does a good job of navigating the puck around pressure with his reach and great handling. He will work the puck along the boards and scan for passing lanes to get the puck to an open teammate in the slot. If he has the puck and a teammate is close by with an attacker looking on, he will delay, draw the attacker to him and then pass to his teammate who is now open with a clear lane to the crease. Hemming has them all. He can be a juggernaut even against men in Liiga, able to use his speed, edge-work, pick-handling and size in conjunction to drop a shoulder and get past anyone.
Even at 17 years old against men, Hemming has an incredible transition game. His wrist-shot is lethal to boot, and he is able to pick a corner from anywhere on ice. While he has the size he rarely uses it, and plays on the perimeter. Defensively he gets lost far too often, and his consistency is also worrying, as even against his own age-group he can go missing for long stretches. There is the upside for him to be a 30 goal scorer in the NHL if he can iron out these kinks.
Boisvert will toe drag to get separation and then quickly make use of a passing lane. He has a great shot off of the rush and has found success sniping far side top shelf goals from low danger. His dangling and toe drags have helped light the lamp in Muskegon regularly. Is this simply a case of the spotlight being so strong, for so long, that his weaknesses have been magnified? The answer is probably no.
There are legitimate concerns over his game. He is undersized, he is not the best skater, and early this season a knee injury that required surgery has put him out for four months. Kiviharju is expected to be healthy again in February. However, in a league where top pairing defensemen are at a premium, if Kiviharju falls outside the first? There is the potential for one of the bigger draft steals in recent history.
While there are concerns about his game the upside is inarguable. His hockey IQ would be the envy of most NHLers, he is almost always two-steps ahead and rarely makes bad decisions. This, combined with fantastic vision, great passing and silky hands means he is great in transition, and controls play when set-up in the OZ. Defensively he has an active stick, good gap control, and thrives on breaking up plays before they develop.