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Сюжет потихоньку движется хотя в остальном типичный Оверлорд. Сюжет потихоньку движется хотя в остальном типичный Оверлорд. В Ставропольском крае пылают помещения торгового комплекса, площадь пожара — не менее 1 000 квадратных метров. Евгений Краснов) - актёр закадрового озвучивания из Москвы.

Фанфики по Overlord (Повелитель)

Взрыв и пожар в Невинномысске сняли на видео // Новости НТВ Если вам нравится книга Фанфик по Оверлорд Автора Автор безвременно погиб то у нас вы можете найти похожие книги, следить за продолжениями, читать отзывы на книгу, посмотреть.
Overlord: Raising Hell General Discussions :: Steam Community Фанфик на вселенную аниме "Overlord".

Overlord + Yuri Alpha

Он высказал свои опасения касательно «Фикбука», самого популярного сервиса фанфиков в русскоязычном пространстве: На базе «Фикбука» существует целое сообщество педофилов. Он высказал свои опасения касательно «Фикбука», самого популярного сервиса фанфиков в русскоязычном пространстве: На базе «Фикбука» существует целое сообщество педофилов. Overlord: Scourge of Life by Kriskata. Фикбук. Платёжная система с 27 апреля перестала работать с картами российских банков по техническим причинам.

Overlord LN Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussion

Вселяющая страх воительница, некромант и поднятые им толпы...

В ходе разведывательной деятельности они обнаруживают, что основные силы противника сосредоточены возле местной церкви, в недрах которой происходит нечто ужасное. То, к чему они оказываются совершенно не готовы. МНЕНИЕ: Тот самый случай когда знакомое каждому любителю забористого трэша словосочетание "зомби-нацисты" играет совершенно новыми красками, потому что это относительно дорогое студийное кино с хорошим гримом и приличными спецэффектами.

Will he win, and gain a new worker and possible platonic interest-or maybe more? Knowing the future of Yggdrassil, he becomes the top ranked player in Yggdrassil and with some privilege points form the devs gets broken. The Guild gets transported to the familiar but unfamiliar world where dragons roam, the ten demonlords holds tea parties and a certain Blue blob tries to create a country of monsters.

Also this will be an AU of sorts, changes are bound to be included. I wanted to keep the original plot till Rimuru becomes a slime. But he will meet with Him. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? Nazarick will arrive 10 years later. Seeing your comrade Hero-Hero in the meeting room made you two happy despite of all the members were completely gone and left the guild for their life in real world. When you open your eyes, you are still in the game with your brother.

Still confused, you let your brother handle it and.. To make the guild rise once more.. Touch Me was the sole remaining members of Ainz Ooal Gown that stay until the curtain was close. She lives her life like any other citizen of Ninjago, except for being the princess of darkness.

В разговоре, лёжа в ванне, в разгар драки, во время напряженного сюжетного поворота, автор останавливается и далее: "Но давайте прервёмся и на трёх страницах порассуждаем на отвлечённую тему. Да, мастерство автора растёт с каждым томом и это заметно, но рваный темп остаётся. Сам ГГ тоже симпатии не вызывает. С одной стороны, ведёт он себя как матёрый психопат. Жестокий, безжалостный, безэмоциональный итд. По его приказу разоряют мирные города, посылают заведомо куда более слабых персонажей на самоубийство, учиняют геноцид, похищают и пытают людей далеко не все из них эти пытки заслужили. И буквально в следующем абзаце после кровищи, изнасилований, пыток, поедания людей и убийств невинных щеночков на которые ГГ невозмутимо взирал, на читателей вываливают его мысли. Убивать людей плохо, но мне как-то пофиг, интересно почему?

Overlord comic

Жестокий, безжалостный, безэмоциональный итд. По его приказу разоряют мирные города, посылают заведомо куда более слабых персонажей на самоубийство, учиняют геноцид, похищают и пытают людей далеко не все из них эти пытки заслужили. И буквально в следующем абзаце после кровищи, изнасилований, пыток, поедания людей и убийств невинных щеночков на которые ГГ невозмутимо взирал, на читателей вываливают его мысли. Убивать людей плохо, но мне как-то пофиг, интересно почему? У Альбедо классные сиськи. Если стражи прочухают что я тупой офисный планктон мне. Автор пытается подать это как фичу, но сам же путается в показаниях то у него вообще нет эмоций, то они есть, но чуть чуть, то глушатся только сильные. В целом, если удастся как-то абстрагироваться от главных проблем - читать можно.

He is somewhat anti-social, as seen in his lack of enthusiasm when it comes to relaxing with friends, but he is not introverted. He holds a sense of guilt due to his inability to use or make runes, something his father and grandfather had. He still persists with his low abilities, and hopes to one day revive runecraft, and is willing to do anything so that it does not die out. He and the other runesmiths were taken to and are presently residing in Carne Village, where they are working in secret. Not even the villagers know what they are doing. Frost Dragons[ edit ] A subspecies of dragons that inhabit the Azerlisia Mountains. Ainz confronted them to reclaim the capital as part of a trade deal with the Dwarves and they ended up swearing loyalty to him out of fear after he killed their patriarch. Unlike most dragons, who are brute and violent, he has a more scholarly attitude. Due to constant reading, he has weak eyesight, causing him to wear a pair of spectacles. He is also fat and timid to the point of cowardness. However, he realized he was no match for the undead and surrendered. After Ainz killed his father, he convinces him to spare the remainder of his family. Quagoa[ edit ] A race of mole-like demi-humans inhabiting the Azerlisia Mountains that were waging war against the Dwarf Kingdom. Unfortunately for them, Ainz interfered in the conflict as part of a trade deal with the Dwarves and he had Aura and Shalltear massacre them. Afterward, the survivors swore servitude to Ainz to guarantee their survival. He had great ambitions for his people, wishing for them to become the sole rulers of the Azerlisia Mountains. To this end, he waged war against the Dwarfs and forged an alliance with the Frost Dragons. When Aura and Shalltear appeared before him and told him to surrender, the king was too stunned by the seemingly ridiculous demand to answer. As a result, he had to watch as the pair massacred his brethren. With his spirit broken, he swore servitude to Ainz. Abelion Hills[ edit ] A vast wilderness inhabited by all kinds of Demi-Human tribes who are constantly attempting to invade the neighboring Roble Holy Kingdom. Jaldabaoth Demiurge in disguise conquered the Abelion Hills and forced its inhabitants to attack the Holy Kingdom. Ainz later laid claim to the region, officially making it part of the Nazarick. He was taken captive by the demi-human alliance, forcing the Zern to fight on their behalf. Afterwards, he and the surviving Zern found refuge with Nazarick. However, he later returned to aid the Liberation Army in their final battle against the Demi-Human Alliance, leading an arm of his people under the command of Ainz. He was infamous for having killed many Holy Kingdom soldiers. After the alliance laid siege to the Northern Holy Kingdom, he and his people were tasked with guarding a city and were eventually attacked by the Holy Kingdom Liberation Army, where he faced off against Ainz. Upon realizing he was no match for him, however, he offered his loyalty to him. However, Ainz was disgusted by his habit of wearing child skulls as trophies and killed him. He had a warrior mindset, only caring about fighting strong opponents. When the Holy Kingdom Liberation Army retook a city, he was part of a force sent to recapture it. While initially having the upper hand against the Liberation Army, he was killed by Ainz when he took to the front lines. She admired only strength and desired to sire the offspring of Jaldabaoth Demiurge in disguise. When the Holy Kingdom Liberation Army retook a city, she was part of a force sent to recapture it. While initially having the upper hand against the Liberation Army, she was killed by Ainz when he took to the front lines. When the Holy Kingdom Liberation Army retook a city, he was part of a force send to recapture it. Adventurers[ edit ] Members of the international Adventurers Guild, are essentially glorified mercenaries whose work primarily involves hunting monsters and escorting people. Unfortunately, all members were later killed by Clementine and Khajiit, effectively disbanding the group. He is later killed and turned into a zombie by Khajiit along with Lukrut and Dyne. When he meets Nabe for the first time, he immediately falls in love with her, much to her disgust, but even so he remains undeterred. He is later killed and turned into a zombie by Khajiit along with Peter and Dyne. Her dream was to get one of the swords of darkness, but she prioritized finding her older sister, who was taken by a noble. She is later brutally tortured to death by Clementine. She masquerades as a man in order to maintain respect amongst her peers, a fact that Ainz and Nabe discovered when they found her body. He is later killed and turned into a zombie by Khajiit along with Peter and Lukeluther. She is actually a vampire hence why she always wears a mask and cloak once known as Landfall, who was infamous for destroying the nation Inveria, as well as a former member of the Thirteen Heroes. She is also very prideful and frequently argues with Gagaran, who insults her by calling her "Shorty". On the other hand, she despises Ainz, not knowing they are the same person. She is a main character in the Overlord Bonus Volume, The Vampire Princess of the Lost Country, which takes place in an alternate universe but with a different origin that states she was originally a former princess of the fallen nation, Inveria. She uses her real name instead of an alias and currently travels with Ainz in the New World in search of knowledge on how to turn her back into being human. She is a young woman who uses faith-based magic, including resurrection magic. She also wields the demonic sword Kilineiram, one of the legendary "Swords of Darkness" held by one of the Thirteen Heroes. She is also close friends with Princess Renner. She has an extremely muscular and bulky figure, to the point where she barely looks like a woman. She also has a somewhat vulgar personality but is often seen as the "big brother" of the team. She is close friends with Climb, often helping him with his training. They also have a third sister named Tira. They were originally hired to assassinate Lakyus but failed. However, rather than kill them, she instead had them join the group. Workers[ edit ] Mercenaries who do similar work as Adventurers but outside of the regulations of the Adventurer Guild. Like Adventurers, they swear allegiance to no nationality. Foresight[ edit ] A worker group based in the Baharuth Empire. The members were all decent people who left the Adventurer Guild due to disagreeing with its politics. They were one of four Worker Groups hired to raid Nazarick. Unfortunately, the entire group ended up being killed during their excursion into the tomb. She was also a former noble after Emperor Jircniv stripped her family of its title. However, her parents, unable to accept this, constantly borrowed money to continue their lavish lifestyle, building up a huge debt. While she initially became a Worker to help pay off the debt, she eventually gave up and planned to run away with her younger sisters. When she and her comrades encountered Ainz while raiding Nazarick, she was the only one to get away, only to be killed by Shalltear instead. Afterward, her voice is taken by Entoma after her original one was destroyed by Evileye. Her fate in the web novel differs due to fans wishing for her survival upon the author asking for their opinion. He was expunged from the Adventurers Guild after he got into a fight with a guild master.

В компании боевой служанки Нарберал он проникает в город крепость Э-Рантель, чтобы собрать сведения об этом мире, записавшись в ряды авантюристов и прославившись среди местных жителей. Заинтересовав известного зельевара, пара отправляется с ним за целебными травами во владения магического зверя — Мудрого короля леса.

Наш предыдущий повелитель попрбовал захватить всю преисподнюю но у него ничего не вышло и он погиб, затащив всех нас под землю. Но через несколко столетий у нас появился новый хозяин который завоевал целую империю. Но как я говорил раньше зло не может стоять на месте.

Фанфик по Overlords

Фикбук. Платёжная система с 27 апреля перестала работать с картами российских банков по техническим причинам. Главная» Творчество поклонников серии "Overlord"» Fan fiction (фанфики). Оверлорд фикбук. Overlord Аинз и актер Пандоры. Насколько злым вы можете стать?Узнайте, насколько вы извращены в Overlord, запутанном фентезийном боевом приключении, где вы можете быть злым.

Фанфик по Overlords [Хволкер Фанфик по Overlord] (fb2)

Каким бы был Оверлорд если бы автор оригинала отыгрывал сполна роли и маски своих персонажей? Официально вышел первый тизер к фильму "Overlord: Sei Oukoku-hen" (Повелитель: Святое королевство). У всей системы оверлорда ноги растут из D&D. Маруяма её не создал с 0, а именно что немного видо-изменил.

Overlord LN Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussion

Он ведёт свою гильдию «Аинз Оал Гоун» к невиданному легендарному фэнтези приключению!

Желаем увлекательного чтения! С этой книгой читают:.

Как и гильдии у ГГ.

Я понимаю, что многим очень хочется видеть Лича и демонических миньонов, но увы. Я художник — я так вижу. Идея примерно та же, как и в оригинале: влияние игрового персонажа на Главного Героя.

However, the Floor Guardian overseeing the operation, Cocytus, developed respect for them, causing Ainz to subjugate them instead. After being resurrected by Ainz and witnessing the amazing and impossible feats of power and magic, they made a statue of Ainz and started worshipping him as a god. He wields the ice sword "Frost Pain". He once left his tribe to explore the world but returned with knowledge about cultivating fish. He is the one who manages to unify all the Lizardman tribes to fight against Ainz. While doing this, he also meets Crusch Lulu, who later becomes his wife. However, Crush requests Ainz to resurrect him.

Afterward, he came to view Ainz as a god and swore servitude to him. He later becomes a father to an Albino Lizardman. He is among the few Lizardmen to fight against Cocytus and be revived. He and his brother are very caring of each other. She is an Albino, which normally would entail abandonment at birth, but she was kept and raised by her parents. She is a powerful magic user. During a famine, her father, the chief, committed Fratricide to prevent the death of his people. Unable to bear the shame, Crusch arranged an uprising, which was successful, passing the mantle of the chief to her. She and Zaryusu meet when he comes to ask for an alliance between Lizardmen, and they fall in love, when he, while infatuated by her beauty, lets out a mating cry for her. They eventually become closer and marry and even have a son, who is an albino.

She becomes a representative for the Lizard people, after the fight against Cocytus. She meets Ainz, talking to him in fear and respect, and he offers to bring back Zaryusu in return for her acting as an informant to him, for any sign of rebellion. She is the most powerful magic caster among the lizardmen, but due to her skin, she is extremely vulnerable to the sun, making her wear a ridiculous bush outfit whenever she goes out during the day. She is still fearful of Ainz, as when he inquires about the child she fears he might take him away. After Zaryusu proves his strength in a duel against him, he becomes his close companion. Bigger than the average Lizardman, his most outstanding feature are his asymmetrical arms; his right arm is much bigger and more muscular than his left. Like Zaryusu, he was also a Traveler. He wears an enchanted armor that increases his strength, but suppresses his intelligence, making him speak in short, coarse sentences. He is known as the best ranger among all the lizardmen. Eight Fingers[ edit ] A crime syndicate within the Re-Estize Kingdom that effectively controls the entire nation from the shadows.

They came into conflict with Nazarick after Sebas saved one of their slaves, Tuareninya, causing Ainz to order their destruction. However, Demiurge saw a use for them and instead took control of the organization. She was once a prostitute and got her current position by manipulating the nobles she slept with. She was the first Eight Fingers member to be abducted and tortured by Nazarick. Afterward, she swore servitude to them out of fear and sold out the remainder of Eight Fingers. The trauma of her torture also caused her to lose the ability to eat solid food. He is noted to be gay. During Eight Fingers evacuation of the kingdom, he is rescued and sent to be tortured into being loyal to Nazarick. The group was disbanded after all its members were either killed or taken into custody. He specializes in unarmed combat and possesses a skill that temporally grants him the abilities of animals he killed.

He developed a one-sided rivalry with Sebas after he humiliated the group, causing him to abduct Tsuareninya to lure him into a trap. He later fought Climb and Brain while the other members dealt with Sebas. However, Sebas arrived, having killed the other members, and killed him after enduring his strongest attack. He fights using a combination of sword skills and illusions. While guarding Cocco Doll, he ended up in a fight with Climb and Brain, where the latter defeated him. He was subsequently taken into custody by the Re-Estize Kingdom. However, he was later broken out and given a chance to redeem himself only to once again be defeated, this time by Climb. Afterwards, he was presumably recaptured. He possesses several magic items and, unlike most undead, is able to suppress his natural disdain towards the living. Upon learning of his title, Sebas became enraged and instantly killed him, as he thought of it as an insult towards Ainz.

She possesses a set of the floating swords that she can control telepathically along with an ability that allows her to use every part of her body independently from the others. He fights using an extremely thin sword that is closer to a whip and possesses a technique called "Dimension Slash", which is actually just a normal sword slash that is difficult to see due to its speed and the thinness of his sword. He was killed by Sebas after he effortlessly blocked his technique. After Sebas killed all other members of the group and effortlessly blocked his rapier, he became hysterical until the former put him out of his misery. Baharuth Empire[ edit ] A Human nation east of Nazarick. It is an absolute monarchy state, ruled by an emperor. It also has annual territorial skirmishes with the Re-Estize Kingdom. They were the first nation to make contact with Nazarick. Fearing their power, the Emperor accepted the tomb as an independent nation while attempting to rally other human nations against it, but this failed. As a result, the Empire submitted to Nazarick and became a vassal state.

He is a calm and pragmatic person who purges anyone who gets in his way and replaces them with whomever he sees as more fitting, earning him the nickname "Bloody Emperor". Upon learning about Ainz, he intended to turn him into his pawn. However, his scheme was seen through and he was forced to travel to the tomb to apologize to Ainz. Upon seeing the power of Nazarick, he proposed an alliance to prevent them from attacking the Empire. He planned on forming an alliance with the other human nations against Nazarick, but they abandoned him. Afterward, the Emperor gave up and submitted to Ainz. His only desire is to peer into the void of magic and he is willing to betray anyone to get there. Upon meeting Ainz and seeing his tenth-tier magic aura, he immediately swore loyalty to him. Dwarf Kingdom[ edit ] A nation of Dwarves that resides inside the Azerlisia Mountain range, located to the north of Nazarick. They are a mobile nation mostly composed of miners, with everything that is mined belonging to the state.

Ainz struck a trade deal with the nation in return for retaking their former capital, which was being occupied by Frost Dragons and a demi-human species known as the Quagoa. His appearance is somewhat typical, short, with a long beard, wearing coarse overalls and a metal helmet. He is somewhat anti-social, as seen in his lack of enthusiasm when it comes to relaxing with friends, but he is not introverted. He holds a sense of guilt due to his inability to use or make runes, something his father and grandfather had. He still persists with his low abilities, and hopes to one day revive runecraft, and is willing to do anything so that it does not die out. He and the other runesmiths were taken to and are presently residing in Carne Village, where they are working in secret.

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Описание Информация по книге Объявили, что вскоре будут отключены все сервера, и онлайн-игра «Иггдрасиль» навсегда закроется. Но почему-то после того, как сервер закрылся, игрок Момонга, оставшийся в сети в последний день, не смог выйти, а НИП начали подавать признаки разума.

Год его публикации неизвестен. Книге не присвоен международный стандартный книжный номер. Аннотация Попаданец в мир "Мир 2138 года", где проживает обычный японский... Примечания автора: Моя очередная попытка написать фанфик на Оверлорда. Возникла она из-за прочтения одного фанфика по этому аниме, и зацепила идеей! До этого доводилось читать, да и писать пробовал, про попаданцев в Момонгу. Также читал весьма достойные работы, к моему сожалению по большей части не законченные, где в Новый мир попадала другая гильдия.

И вот тут попался фанфик в котором все шло к тому что в Новый мир угодит не только оригинальный созданный попаданцем персонаж, но и сам Момонга! Идея зацепила, а вот автор её слил, тупо не перенеся последнего вместе с Назариком в Новый мир. Может конечно Момонгу там дальше вернут, но у меня желание читать пропало, а вот писать появилось! Ну вот собственно и результат. Читать онлайн N. Вот как у других? Попадают в главных героев, получают их силы и воспоминания, да еще и плюшек сверху от высших сущностей им отсыпают.

Главная, это стиль написания. С самого начала первого тома, появилось назойливое ощущение, что читаю какой-то второсортный фанфик. Идеи у автора есть, но вот нормально воплотить их на бумаге у него никак не получается. Например: в самом начале ГГ размышляет о своей жизни, работе, о том, как много он пережил вместе с друзьями по гильдии... А потом, внезапно, его взгляд падает на кольцо и без перехода следует длинная сентенция, что мол обычно в игре можно носить 4 кольца но вот ГГ такой крутой, выполнил спец. И такие места будут встречаться постоянно. В разговоре, лёжа в ванне, в разгар драки, во время напряженного сюжетного поворота, автор останавливается и далее: "Но давайте прервёмся и на трёх страницах порассуждаем на отвлечённую тему. Да, мастерство автора растёт с каждым томом и это заметно, но рваный темп остаётся.

Как видишь Маруяма оказался хорошим Dungeon Master и создал много slaves и gym. На выходе получилось интересное Deep Dark Fantasies. Так что ключевые элементы были взяты оттуда. Уровни, классы, многорассовый мир, гильдия авантюристов с их командами, частично магическая система. Говно фанфикшены по оверлорду есть и будут.

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