Новости фикбук оверлорд

Фандом: Гарри Поттер, Overlord Название фанфика: Владыка Дадли Автор или переводчик: Гу Ди Рубен Пэйринг и персонажи: Дадли Дурсль, Гнарл, Рейтинг: G Категория: Джен.

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With a spring in her step she walked up to the edge of one of the great plateaus overlooking the sprawling valley below. It was practically noon, but the sky was dark as dusk. Clouds chocked the sky like grey-black ink on clear water.

Это что, правда? Такое ощущение, будто у меня всё меньше и меньше желания продолжать писать дальше. Может, мне вообще стоит завершить эту серию и вернуться работать в офис...

Afterward, the Emperor gave up and submitted to Ainz. His only desire is to peer into the void of magic and he is willing to betray anyone to get there. Upon meeting Ainz and seeing his tenth-tier magic aura, he immediately swore loyalty to him. Dwarf Kingdom[ edit ] A nation of Dwarves that resides inside the Azerlisia Mountain range, located to the north of Nazarick. They are a mobile nation mostly composed of miners, with everything that is mined belonging to the state. Ainz struck a trade deal with the nation in return for retaking their former capital, which was being occupied by Frost Dragons and a demi-human species known as the Quagoa. His appearance is somewhat typical, short, with a long beard, wearing coarse overalls and a metal helmet. He is somewhat anti-social, as seen in his lack of enthusiasm when it comes to relaxing with friends, but he is not introverted. He holds a sense of guilt due to his inability to use or make runes, something his father and grandfather had.

He still persists with his low abilities, and hopes to one day revive runecraft, and is willing to do anything so that it does not die out. He and the other runesmiths were taken to and are presently residing in Carne Village, where they are working in secret. Not even the villagers know what they are doing. Frost Dragons[ edit ] A subspecies of dragons that inhabit the Azerlisia Mountains. Ainz confronted them to reclaim the capital as part of a trade deal with the Dwarves and they ended up swearing loyalty to him out of fear after he killed their patriarch. Unlike most dragons, who are brute and violent, he has a more scholarly attitude. Due to constant reading, he has weak eyesight, causing him to wear a pair of spectacles. He is also fat and timid to the point of cowardness. However, he realized he was no match for the undead and surrendered.

After Ainz killed his father, he convinces him to spare the remainder of his family. Quagoa[ edit ] A race of mole-like demi-humans inhabiting the Azerlisia Mountains that were waging war against the Dwarf Kingdom. Unfortunately for them, Ainz interfered in the conflict as part of a trade deal with the Dwarves and he had Aura and Shalltear massacre them. Afterward, the survivors swore servitude to Ainz to guarantee their survival. He had great ambitions for his people, wishing for them to become the sole rulers of the Azerlisia Mountains. To this end, he waged war against the Dwarfs and forged an alliance with the Frost Dragons. When Aura and Shalltear appeared before him and told him to surrender, the king was too stunned by the seemingly ridiculous demand to answer. As a result, he had to watch as the pair massacred his brethren. With his spirit broken, he swore servitude to Ainz.

Abelion Hills[ edit ] A vast wilderness inhabited by all kinds of Demi-Human tribes who are constantly attempting to invade the neighboring Roble Holy Kingdom. Jaldabaoth Demiurge in disguise conquered the Abelion Hills and forced its inhabitants to attack the Holy Kingdom. Ainz later laid claim to the region, officially making it part of the Nazarick. He was taken captive by the demi-human alliance, forcing the Zern to fight on their behalf. Afterwards, he and the surviving Zern found refuge with Nazarick. However, he later returned to aid the Liberation Army in their final battle against the Demi-Human Alliance, leading an arm of his people under the command of Ainz. He was infamous for having killed many Holy Kingdom soldiers. After the alliance laid siege to the Northern Holy Kingdom, he and his people were tasked with guarding a city and were eventually attacked by the Holy Kingdom Liberation Army, where he faced off against Ainz. Upon realizing he was no match for him, however, he offered his loyalty to him.

However, Ainz was disgusted by his habit of wearing child skulls as trophies and killed him. He had a warrior mindset, only caring about fighting strong opponents. When the Holy Kingdom Liberation Army retook a city, he was part of a force sent to recapture it. While initially having the upper hand against the Liberation Army, he was killed by Ainz when he took to the front lines. She admired only strength and desired to sire the offspring of Jaldabaoth Demiurge in disguise. When the Holy Kingdom Liberation Army retook a city, she was part of a force sent to recapture it. While initially having the upper hand against the Liberation Army, she was killed by Ainz when he took to the front lines. When the Holy Kingdom Liberation Army retook a city, he was part of a force send to recapture it. Adventurers[ edit ] Members of the international Adventurers Guild, are essentially glorified mercenaries whose work primarily involves hunting monsters and escorting people.

Unfortunately, all members were later killed by Clementine and Khajiit, effectively disbanding the group. He is later killed and turned into a zombie by Khajiit along with Lukrut and Dyne. When he meets Nabe for the first time, he immediately falls in love with her, much to her disgust, but even so he remains undeterred. He is later killed and turned into a zombie by Khajiit along with Peter and Dyne. Her dream was to get one of the swords of darkness, but she prioritized finding her older sister, who was taken by a noble. She is later brutally tortured to death by Clementine. She masquerades as a man in order to maintain respect amongst her peers, a fact that Ainz and Nabe discovered when they found her body. He is later killed and turned into a zombie by Khajiit along with Peter and Lukeluther. She is actually a vampire hence why she always wears a mask and cloak once known as Landfall, who was infamous for destroying the nation Inveria, as well as a former member of the Thirteen Heroes.

She is also very prideful and frequently argues with Gagaran, who insults her by calling her "Shorty". On the other hand, she despises Ainz, not knowing they are the same person. She is a main character in the Overlord Bonus Volume, The Vampire Princess of the Lost Country, which takes place in an alternate universe but with a different origin that states she was originally a former princess of the fallen nation, Inveria. She uses her real name instead of an alias and currently travels with Ainz in the New World in search of knowledge on how to turn her back into being human. She is a young woman who uses faith-based magic, including resurrection magic. She also wields the demonic sword Kilineiram, one of the legendary "Swords of Darkness" held by one of the Thirteen Heroes. She is also close friends with Princess Renner. She has an extremely muscular and bulky figure, to the point where she barely looks like a woman. She also has a somewhat vulgar personality but is often seen as the "big brother" of the team.

She is close friends with Climb, often helping him with his training. They also have a third sister named Tira. They were originally hired to assassinate Lakyus but failed. However, rather than kill them, she instead had them join the group. Workers[ edit ] Mercenaries who do similar work as Adventurers but outside of the regulations of the Adventurer Guild. Like Adventurers, they swear allegiance to no nationality. Foresight[ edit ] A worker group based in the Baharuth Empire. The members were all decent people who left the Adventurer Guild due to disagreeing with its politics. They were one of four Worker Groups hired to raid Nazarick.

Unfortunately, the entire group ended up being killed during their excursion into the tomb.

That must have been quite devastating for that gentleman! Where the violent, sexually deprived brutes live! BUT You know who is missing here? And it is newspaper.

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альтернатива: Not Overlord Fanfic. автор: Evrabonzz. Официально вышел первый тизер к фильму "Overlord: Sei Oukoku-hen" (Повелитель: Святое королевство). Follow the 2 OP sisters as they crash the World of Overlord with incredible power and luck. Насколько злым вы можете стать?Узнайте, насколько вы извращены в Overlord, запутанном фентезийном боевом приключении, где вы можете быть злым. Фандом: Гарри Поттер, Overlord Фанфик "Владыка Дадли" от Гу Ди Рубен Пейринги: Жанры: AU, Фэнтези Объем произведения: Драббл. If you're looking for great Overlord fanfiction, then check out this post for the most popular fanfics based on this video game!

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  • Глава 34. Overlord: Право на жизнь
  • List of Overlord (novel series) characters - Wikipedia

Overlord LN Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussion

Сейчас учится в Камчатском кооперативном техникуме. Сам Даниил называет себя «хакером-энтузиастом». В конце январе-начале феврале, как раз таки под его днюху был отдан в дурку из-за драки с отцом.

Но ведь это только одна из граней алмаза. Крутые персонажи, хороший юмор, немного драммы, неожиданные повороты, интересный мир исследовать который одно удовольствие.

Когда мы ищем фанфик по оверлорду, мы ожидаем получить примерно это. Маруяма нашел чем развлечь читателя в ситуации, когда герой уже достиг капа своего персонажа. Это на самом деле не просто, гораздо легче написать историю, ядром которой станет прокачка и сосредоточить на ней свое внимание. Фантазеры пишущие фанфики по оверлорду часто делают именно это, а о читателях заботятся по остаточному принципу.

The villagers became loyal to Ainz after he saved them from an attack by the Slane Theocracy. As a result, they sided with Nazarick when it went to war with the Re-Estize Kingdom and later became part of the newly founded nation. The village has since started to take in other races including Goblins, Ogres, and Dwarves. Ainz gives her 2 Goblin-Summoning Horns that she would eventually use to protect her village. Enri shares a close bond with her childhood friend, and lover after the events of the 8th light novel, Nfirea. She and all the other villagers admire and respect Ainz for saving them from Nigun, and willingly leave the Kingdom when the crown prince attempt to force them into joining the fight against Ainz in the 9th novel. It is revealed in the 11th light novel that she and Nfirea have gotten married and moved into their own house. All Goblins she summoned regard her as "General Enri" and are more than willing to attack anything that they think threatening her safety, even entity as strong as Lupusregina.

When Enri and Nfirea are invited to Nazarick for dinner she joins them. Ainz adds her name to the list of Carne people that Lupusregina must protect even at the cost of her own life afterward. He is the grandson of Lizzie Bareare and the childhood friend of Enri Emmot. He has an innate talent of being able to use any magic item. Nfirea harbors romantic feelings for Enri, which eventually come to fruition. Ainz is pleased with this step forward but hopes that he can at least make this kind of potion out of materials from the New World. It is revealed in the 11th light novel, that Nfirea and Enri have gotten married and are living in their own house. Ainz decides to give her a special red potion to make up for her loss.

She quits being an adventurer after encountering Shalltear and moves to Carne Village, where she ends up assisting the people. She also joins the Villagers in fighting against the Kingdom and for Ainz in the 9th Novel. When Nfirea is captured by Clementine, she gives up "everything" to Momon in order to save him. Lizardmen[ edit ] A demi-human species that have shared human and reptilian characteristics. Nazarick attempted to massacre them to solidify their control over the region. However, the Floor Guardian overseeing the operation, Cocytus, developed respect for them, causing Ainz to subjugate them instead. After being resurrected by Ainz and witnessing the amazing and impossible feats of power and magic, they made a statue of Ainz and started worshipping him as a god. He wields the ice sword "Frost Pain".

He once left his tribe to explore the world but returned with knowledge about cultivating fish. He is the one who manages to unify all the Lizardman tribes to fight against Ainz. While doing this, he also meets Crusch Lulu, who later becomes his wife. However, Crush requests Ainz to resurrect him. Afterward, he came to view Ainz as a god and swore servitude to him. He later becomes a father to an Albino Lizardman. He is among the few Lizardmen to fight against Cocytus and be revived. He and his brother are very caring of each other.

She is an Albino, which normally would entail abandonment at birth, but she was kept and raised by her parents. She is a powerful magic user. During a famine, her father, the chief, committed Fratricide to prevent the death of his people. Unable to bear the shame, Crusch arranged an uprising, which was successful, passing the mantle of the chief to her. She and Zaryusu meet when he comes to ask for an alliance between Lizardmen, and they fall in love, when he, while infatuated by her beauty, lets out a mating cry for her. They eventually become closer and marry and even have a son, who is an albino. She becomes a representative for the Lizard people, after the fight against Cocytus. She meets Ainz, talking to him in fear and respect, and he offers to bring back Zaryusu in return for her acting as an informant to him, for any sign of rebellion.

She is the most powerful magic caster among the lizardmen, but due to her skin, she is extremely vulnerable to the sun, making her wear a ridiculous bush outfit whenever she goes out during the day. She is still fearful of Ainz, as when he inquires about the child she fears he might take him away. After Zaryusu proves his strength in a duel against him, he becomes his close companion. Bigger than the average Lizardman, his most outstanding feature are his asymmetrical arms; his right arm is much bigger and more muscular than his left. Like Zaryusu, he was also a Traveler. He wears an enchanted armor that increases his strength, but suppresses his intelligence, making him speak in short, coarse sentences. He is known as the best ranger among all the lizardmen. Eight Fingers[ edit ] A crime syndicate within the Re-Estize Kingdom that effectively controls the entire nation from the shadows.

They came into conflict with Nazarick after Sebas saved one of their slaves, Tuareninya, causing Ainz to order their destruction. However, Demiurge saw a use for them and instead took control of the organization. She was once a prostitute and got her current position by manipulating the nobles she slept with. She was the first Eight Fingers member to be abducted and tortured by Nazarick. Afterward, she swore servitude to them out of fear and sold out the remainder of Eight Fingers. The trauma of her torture also caused her to lose the ability to eat solid food. He is noted to be gay. During Eight Fingers evacuation of the kingdom, he is rescued and sent to be tortured into being loyal to Nazarick.

The group was disbanded after all its members were either killed or taken into custody. He specializes in unarmed combat and possesses a skill that temporally grants him the abilities of animals he killed. He developed a one-sided rivalry with Sebas after he humiliated the group, causing him to abduct Tsuareninya to lure him into a trap. He later fought Climb and Brain while the other members dealt with Sebas. However, Sebas arrived, having killed the other members, and killed him after enduring his strongest attack. He fights using a combination of sword skills and illusions. While guarding Cocco Doll, he ended up in a fight with Climb and Brain, where the latter defeated him. He was subsequently taken into custody by the Re-Estize Kingdom.

However, he was later broken out and given a chance to redeem himself only to once again be defeated, this time by Climb. Afterwards, he was presumably recaptured. He possesses several magic items and, unlike most undead, is able to suppress his natural disdain towards the living. Upon learning of his title, Sebas became enraged and instantly killed him, as he thought of it as an insult towards Ainz. She possesses a set of the floating swords that she can control telepathically along with an ability that allows her to use every part of her body independently from the others. He fights using an extremely thin sword that is closer to a whip and possesses a technique called "Dimension Slash", which is actually just a normal sword slash that is difficult to see due to its speed and the thinness of his sword. He was killed by Sebas after he effortlessly blocked his technique. After Sebas killed all other members of the group and effortlessly blocked his rapier, he became hysterical until the former put him out of his misery.

Baharuth Empire[ edit ] A Human nation east of Nazarick.

Я решил высказать свои мысли на эту тему. В интернете полно разного рода кала, где герой попадает в другой мир и обретает СИЛУ, чаще всего "автор" подобными высерами компенсирует свои комплексы. Если смотреть на оверлорда под таким углом, то выходит что это трижды ебаный вопиющий бесстыдный пиздец. Каповый герой попадает в другой мир и развлекается среди нубов. Вот как это выглядит для тех кто не знаком с историей.

Про оверлорд можно сказать, что в нем есть в том числе и это.

Фанфик по Overlords [Хволкер Фанфик по Overlord] (fb2)

Однако в какой-то момент он переносится вместе с Назариком в новый мир, в котором герой становится единственным правителем, способным не только удержать силу своей гильдии, но и направить её на создание чего-то грандиозного, способного затмить все его прошлые исследования.

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Казалось бы, радуйся - ты воплотил мечту миллионов игроков - стал реальным крутым "перцем", причём, видимо, самым сильным в мире игры, и как минимум, очень сильным в параллельном мире, очень похожем на мир игры. Но, у глав-персонажа зуд в одном месте, и вместо того чтобы отыгрывать роль властелина монстров, кем он себя изначально якобы позиционирует, он начинает вести себя довольно тупо. Если честно, я не понимаю, с чего это момонга считался владыкой тьмы или чего-то подобного?

Обычно, согласно тупым штампам фантези, со стороной "тьмы" ассоциируются монстры, но среди приспешников момонги монстров, по сути нет - только несколько коричневых "троллей" на заднем фоне и жукоподобный гуманоид-охранник с одного из этажей замка. А наличие... Боевых горничных и их начальника-человека в качестве элитной охраны последнего этажа замка вовсе выглядит нелепо и глупо. С одной стороны, можно сказать - "о, смотрите, штампов почти нет! Но они есть, ведь, в частности, слуги момонги считаются монстрами, хоть в подавляющем большинстве выглядят как люди. И от этого несоответствия просто тошнит. Да и сам глав-персонаж выглядит как человек в костюме скелета, а не как скелет-правитель-великий маг. И честно признаться, всё это очень разочаровывает - ожидаешь после начала этого аниму, увидеть толпы страшных но, всё же хороших монстров, служащих властелину-скелету, который, ввиду того, что сам монстр, должен других монстров защищать - а видишь толпу людей-приспешников, которых афторы считают монстрами, только потому что у них рожки и ушки.

Детсад, просто стыдно на это смотреть, на этот фансервисный бред. В поисках логики сюжета. Если уж вы сказали "А", то скажите "Б" - если у вас глав-персонаж монстр, то пусть и приспешники его будут все монстрами, или хотя бы большинство из них. А в этом мульте мы видим прямо противоположное. И это сильно портит впечатление от мульта. Дальше - хуже. Момонга начинает гулять по своим владениям, наверно для того, что бы попасть в якобы смешные ситуации и повеселить зрителя. Не знаю, на кого тамошние ситуации рассчитаны, но выглядят они тупо, а не смешно.

Особенно раздражает эпизод с ареной, которую охраняют два эльфа-подростка, один из которых - то-ли девка то-ли трап, да ещё и трус, так как боится прыгать вниз, на арену, с возвышения. И это, блин элитные охранники? Ну ладно, призванного момонгой огненного элементаля они убили "Охрененный" момонга повелитель монстров - сам же их толкает на гибель , а с людьми-рыцарями они справятся? Что-то сомневаюсь. Конечно же, момонге скучно - обладая великой магической силой, личным замком и толпой приспешников, ему не сидится на месте. Хотя, с одной стороны, наверно, его можно понять - в его родном мире у него, наверно, есть работа и родственники, которые не обрадуются, когда поймут что их кровный брат исчез. Только вот почему-то момонга особо об этом не грустит и никак об этом не говорит, даже мысленно. Значит его всё устраивает?

Да, вот так и выходит. Как указано в описании аниму, момонга хоть и "оказался в другом мире без родителей, друзей и каких-либо связей со старым миром", видно, что об отсутствии этого он не очень-то и грустит! Да и вообще, сразу нужно сказать - момонга отстойно отыгрывает роль "тёмного властелина". Он вроде как владыка монстров, но при этом людишек спасает и монстров убивает сотнями. А потом он вообще, весь из себя такой пафосный и гордый, побежал служить разбойникам. Ну, в смысле... Авантюристам, приключенцам на пятую точку, команде которых и помогал убивать монстров. Спрашиваете, зачем он это делал?

Свяжите его крепко на крепко и засуньте ему в рот яблоко желательно гнилое. Потом отведите в самое оживленное место. Там поставьте котел и залейте его маслом до краев. Медленно опустите жителя в кипящее масло и начните варить его. Когда блюдо будет готово, вытащите его и предложите жителям отведать кусочек. Таким образом можно наказать любого крестьянина за неповиновение и др. Гнарл собрал некоторых миньонов в подземелье туда обычно не ходит Повелитель, так как... В общем он не хочет сюда ходить. Его окружили Гиблет, Смертис, Грабби и Трынчак. Гнарл начал -Друзья!

Я собрал вас тут для решения большой проблемы. Наш господин не творил зло уже целый месяц! Негоже не творить зло такому могущественному владыке! И что он тогда сделал? Такое уже было с отцом нынешнего правителя. Ему надо было убивать Уильяма, разрушать Кутеж , а он просиживал дни напролет на троне и пинал шута. Тогда его спасла Роза. Наплела с три короба, что его обозвали дураком и все в духе «твои враги тебя не боятся, а тебя обозвали слабаком». После этих слов, он за день разрушил Кутеж и Небесную обитель и убил Уильяма. План Гнарла был в тот же и похоже он начал срабатывать.

В тронный зал вбежал синий прихвостень он подполз на коленях к ногам Овера. Он задыхался и кое-как шептал -Э... Повелитель вновь погрузился в книгу «Перепись всех темных материй» -Они назвали вас... Слабаком и.. Синий уже бежал от молний, а его господин взял топор. Он провел пальцем по острию. Из дверей показался его слуга. Иди наточи топор! Шевели своими дряхлыми ногами! Если через минуту моего топора не будет тут, то не будет всего улья бурых миньонов!

Через минуту в руках Овера был топор, наточенный до предела, а Гиблет потирал ушибленный зад все же он опоздал на секунду и его пнули Не теряя времени, Овер зашел в портал и вот он уже в заснеженном городке Нордберге. Открыв пинком ворота, он сначала перебил эльфов, потом разрушил дома и сжег надписи «Да не будет тирании! Довольный собой, он вернулся домой.. Потом он все же узнал, что все было подстроено. Гиблета чуть не бросили в плавильную печь, Гнарлу подпалили бороду, а Смертиса искупали в реке мертвых.

Overlord (Завершено)

НПС обрели сознание. Похоже, меня вместе с моей гильдией забросило в другой мир…Одинокий, заурядный юноша из реального мира, любивший эту игру, превращается в могущественного мага-скелета по имени Момонга. Так начинается славный путь гильдии «Айнз Ул Гоун»! Мы специализируемся на переводе и издании книг, манги и аниме.

Являясь отъявленным ролевиком, он полностью вливается в роль Лорда Рассвета из аниме Созданный в Бездне. Легендарные исследования потребовали подходящей расы, поэтому он вложился в развитие своей расы до Повелителя химер, чтобы давить врагов созданием хтонических существ из плоти врагов.

Являясь отъявленным ролевиком, он полностью вливается в роль Лорда Рассвета из аниме Созданный в Бездне. Легендарные исследования потребовали подходящей расы, поэтому он вложился в развитие своей расы до Повелителя химер, чтобы давить врагов созданием хтонических существ из плоти врагов.

Наш повелитель отправил четыре отряда миньонов на разведку для того чтобы узнать нет ли каких-нибудь миролюбивых государств для присоединения к нашей империи зла. Из четырех отрядов вернулся лишь один миньон. Он говорил о сказочной стране Эквестрии где живут пони и все решается мирным путем.

Overlord + Yuri Alpha

Реквестирую чейджлингов в роли миньенов и Кризалис, как наложницу Оверлорда! Оверлорд фикбук. Overlord Аинз и актер Пандоры. Cursed Overlord v. 1.10 (Windows-Linux) AD. Другие названия: Very Scary Overlord /. Всего просмотров: 2 081. Ainz and Albedo did not end up together in Overlord at the time of writing. Электронная Библиотека >"Lasombra" >Overlord: Лорд Рассвета (СИ).

Overlord (Завершено)

If you're looking for great Overlord fanfiction, then check out this post for the most popular fanfics based on this video game! На нашем сайте имеется возможность качать книгу «Фанфик по Overlords» в формате fb2, html, txt, rtf, epub, mobi, pdf читать книгу он-лайн. Overlord Volume 18 doesn’t have a specified release date and it could be a while before it releases, as we have said on numerous occasions in this article. Ответить на тему "Overlord". Экран. Оверлорд аниме Маре и Аинз.

Взрыв и пожар в Невинномысске сняли на видео

Читать интересную книгу Повелитель / Overlord на Другие названия: Very Scary Overlord /. Всего просмотров: 2 081. Оцените рейтинг сайта по 5-бальной шкале от 1 до 5, кликнув на соответствующую звёздочку. Overlord Полное прохождение #2 Оверлорд ПК Игрофильм Русские субтитры FoC Games. Реквестирую чейджлингов в роли миньенов и Кризалис, как наложницу Оверлорда!

Фанфики по Overlord (Повелитель)

Однако время отключения прошло, а я так и не разлогинился. НПС обрели сознание. Похоже, меня вместе с моей гильдией забросило в другой мир…Одинокий, заурядный юноша из реального мира, любивший эту игру, превращается в могущественного мага-скелета по имени Момонга. Так начинается славный путь гильдии «Айнз Ул Гоун»!

Главный герой Хэн пережил очень трудное детство в нищете, это сделало его очень сильной, безумной и навязчивой личностью. Он всеми силами пытается избежать повтора событий и обезопасить свою сестру и бабушку от бед внешнего мира, поэтому он погружается во всемирно известную игру жанра VRMMO — «Королевская дорога». На протяжении всего пути ему будут встречаться очень уникальные люди, с которыми у него будут весьма неординарные отношения.

Синий грустно вышел из кабинета, постоянно бормоча :" Сходи туда, позови тех, узнай что-то...

Я что шпион что ли?! И ему исполняется... Никому ни слова. Все рассмеялись, а Фева залилась краской... Видимо только он один воспринял свое предложение как шутку. Я не буду готовить! Тебя туда никто и не пустит.

Готовить буду я и несколько красных. Ты соберешь гостей. В голове Трынчака родилась другая не менее "гениальная мысль" -И если ты испортишь праздник господину, то я лично убью тебя! И это никак не могло не скрыться от зорких, пламенно желтых, прожигающих глаз Оверлорда. Гиблет пропал в кузне, Смертис... Гнарл что-то усиленно писал и любые попытки побеспокоить его, пресекал. Повелитель не придал всему этому большого значения и слегка подустав наблюдать за бегающими туда-сюда миньонами, он поднялся в личные покои, сбросил с себя все доспехи и улегся спать.

Хоть он Властелин Тьмы, но от завоеваний всего мира нужно отдыхать. Ближе к полуночи Гнарл написал свою длинную и "крайне занимательную" речь, Гиблет выковал топор и теперь он молился, чтобы господин не заметил пропажи 300 миньонов всех видов , а Смертис... А Смертис стоял у реки Мертвых и уже засыпал на своем посту... Овер проснулся рано утром. Надев доспехи и собрав армию зеленых и бурых бойцов, двинулся в Эверлайт, дабы сделать "утреннюю ураганную и разрушительную пробежку по Эверлайту и Нордбергу". Гнарл тоже не спал и руководил подготовкой к банкету. Он был немного не в настроении и орал на каждого.

По причине и без. Как вы расставляете тарелки?! Меньше соли нужно класть в это блюдо!! А сюда наоборот больше! Ценой двух ушибленных ног На них Гнарл ка бы случайно уронил стол и одной сломанной руки А кто виноват, что на Гнарла вылили тарелку пунша? Конечно Фева, но его злость досталась зеленому новобранцу огромный стол был накрыт, а гости... А где же гости?

Все было готово, но гостей так и не было. Гиблет и Гнарл чувствовали, что Трынчак решит пошутить, но как обычно неудачно. Джуно, Фева и Келда выбирали свои самые лучшие наряды. Джуно подчеркивала свои большие... Опасения Гнарла подтвердились. Трынчак привел собой эльфов и людей, скорее для того, чтобы Овер перебил их, а не для поздравлений.

When she and her comrades encountered Ainz while raiding Nazarick, she was the only one to get away, only to be killed by Shalltear instead.

Afterward, her voice is taken by Entoma after her original one was destroyed by Evileye. Her fate in the web novel differs due to fans wishing for her survival upon the author asking for their opinion. He was expunged from the Adventurers Guild after he got into a fight with a guild master. He fights with several weapons among which are a dagger, a mace, and a hidden blade, but his primary weapon is two swords. He also holds affection for his fellow member of Foresight, Imina. When he and his comrades encountered Ainz while raiding Nazarick, he attempted to trick him by stating they were sent by his "friends", which, knowing they were lying, greatly angered him and caused him to brutally murder him and his comrades. He is a kind man, who donates most of his earnings to the needy.

He became a worker due to regulations within the Adventurers Guild and the Temple preventing him from healing those who could not pay for it. When he and his comrades encountered Ainz while raiding Nazarick, he survived but was taken captive to be experimented on for faith based magic. After having his memory altered so many times, he went insane. She is a half-elf who generally has a no-nonsense attitude, but she is very kind to her friends. When she and her comrades encountered Ainz while raiding Nazarick, Hekkeran sacrificed himself to save her from one of his spells. However, she was eventually killed by Ainz anyway, making his sacrifice in vain. Their name came from a dragon they slew.

He was a veteran worker who fought with a spear made from a dragon he and his team slew. He also had a very discreet nature, preferring to avoid risks. Because of this, when he and his group were raiding Nazarick, he became suspicious and volunteered his group to guard the entrance. Despite this precaution, however, they were ambushed and killed by a group of Undead. They were one of the four Worker Groups hired to raid Nazarick. The group consisted of fourteen members, but only five were present during the raid on Nazarick. Therefore, the group could still exist, minus the five who died in Nazarick.

He was a short man wearing full body armor who looked more like a dwarf. While a Group in name, aside from the leader, all other members were his Elven slaves. The group was disbanded after the leader died. Afterward, because they did not willingly trespass into Nazarick, Ainz spared the Elves and gave them to Aura and Mare. He was a chauvinistic warrior who believed in human superiority, owning Elven slaves whom he constantly abused. He also used them to boost his abilities as well as act as living shields and a personal harem for him. While raiding Nazarick, he was killed by Hamsuke when she used him as a training dummy.

Re-Estize Kingdom[ edit ] A human nation located west of Nazarick. It was a failed state, with corrupt nobles and crime lords undermining it from within while the Baharuth Empire encroached on its territory. The nation finally fell following two disastrous wars with Nazarick, with the latter absorbing its territories. One such case was by preventing him from being knighted. In response to this, the king created a new title just for him: "Warrior Captain", and gave him his own "Warrior Troop" to command. He first met Ainz while investigating the destruction of several villages and came to greatly respect him due to him saving Carne Village. Unfortunately, they later became enemies when the Kingdom and Nazarick went to war with each other.

He challenged Ainz to a one-on-one duel where the latter reluctantly killed him. Before his death, he wished not to be resurrected should he lose, so Ainz honored his wish by casting a spell on him that invalidates resurrection. When Shalltear raided his hideout and slaughtered his men, he found himself terrified and humiliated that Shalltear blocked his strongest technique with her pinky finger. He barely managed to flee the Vampire. After that his will is shattered, stating how the peak of the strongest cannot be climbed by weak beings like humans. He regains his will when he sees Climb withstand the intense killing intent from Sebas, understanding that humans can still change and become stronger. When he re-encounters Shalltear who does not remember him due to the mind control she faced , he manages to cut the nail on her pinky finger, which reinforces the belief that he can still try to beat her.

Before he could find the Sorcerer King, he would encounter Cocytus. Brain subsequently challenged the floor guardian to a duel, where he would ultimately meet his demise. She saved him when he was just a street urchin about to die from sickness. As such, he views his services to her as a fulfilling of that debt he owes and is even willing to give up his life for her. He is rather disliked due to him having such a position despite not even being a commoner, but an urchin. Despite this position, he holds no talent at fighting, making up for it with sheer effort. He eventually meets Sebas and, after convincing him to teach him some of his skills, they become friends, though he remains unaware of his loyalty towards Ainz.

He also had a close friendship with Gazef and Brain as well as several members of Blue Roses. She is publicly known as the Golden Princess due to her great beauty and kindness as well as being a reformer who brought positive changes to the Kingdom. However, in reality, she is a yandere who harbors a demented love for her bodyguard, Climb, which emerged as a result of her overdeveloped mental capacities, causing no-one to understand her until she found him and he began holding onto her every word. She later tricked Climb into becoming one as well, so they can spend eternity together. Due to family neglect, and a lack of education, Philip grew up into an incompetent, delusional man-child who frequently believed himself to be a genius. Eventually, Philip became the new Baron of the family, but struggled with finances due to the new trade agreements between the Sorcerer Kingdom and Roble Holy Kingdom. This decision would ultimately lead to Sorcerer Kingdom declaring war on Re-Estize.

Albedo decides to use him as a test dummy for "information gathering torture techniques" before likely killing him. He was an elderly man who truly cares for his people and struggles to keep his nation united amidst political infighting and invasions by other countries. He also appears to struggle to balance his duties as a king and a father. Despite being the second son, he desires the throne for himself, sparking a rivalry with his older brother, Crown Prince Barbro. While publicly seen as incompetent, he is actually quite intelligent and surrounds himself with powerful allies, like Marquis Raeven. Unfortunately, he is ultimately assassinated by traitorous nobles who then attempted to surrender to Nazarick by offering his decapitated head as a peace offering, which landed on deaf ears. He retired from politics after being traumatized by the events of the Massacre of the Katze Plains.

Self-centered and short-tempered, he competed with his younger brother, Zanac, for the throne. Afterward, he was ambushed and tortured to death by Lupusregina. Slane Theocracy[ edit ] A human nation located south of Nazarick. It was founded over 600 years ago by a group known as the Six Great Gods, who were heavily implied to have been Players. It is the strongest human nation, promoting human supremacy and the persecution of other races. He is highly arrogant and self-righteous, having led many secret genocides against innocent non-humans. He and his Scripture were hired by some corrupt nobles from the Re-Estize to assassinate Gazef Stronoff and would have succeeded if not for Ainz, who effortlessly defeated him.

He was then taken captive and is tortured to death by Demiurge. He appears to be a young man with long black hair and sharp red eyes.

Overlord comic

Взрыв и пожар в Невинномысске сняли на видео Сюжет потихоньку движется хотя в остальном типичный Оверлорд.
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Looking for Overlord? Dive into the dark and captivating universe of Overlord, a Japanese light novel series penned by Kugane Maruyama and illustrated by so-bin. This thrilling saga has been adapted. Ainz and Albedo did not end up together in Overlord at the time of writing. Overlord Volume 18 doesn’t have a specified release date and it could be a while before it releases, as we have said on numerous occasions in this article. Join former military unicorn and protégé of the Overlord, Argent Silver, as she learns about the magic of friendship with her friends! Overlord 8199 stories for ainz, alastor, cole, hazbinhotel, lloyd, ninjago, overlord, zane, The best collection of stories.

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