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Тут в коротких роликах представлены самые последние мировые события. Хотите подробностей? Тогда читайте нашу статью « 5 лучших сайтов, где можно смотреть новости на английском языке » и изучайте интересные для вас видео. Причем если в наши дни цель издания — держать людей в курсе мировых событий, то в далеком 1855 году ее основатель полковник Артур Слай стал издавать газету с единственным намерением — критиковать в статьях герцога Кембриджского.

Впрочем, все усилия Слая были тщетны: через несколько лет герцог стал главнокомандующим британской армией. Как и другие издания, The Daily Telegraph ежедневно публикует статьи разной тематики: политика, экономика, технологии, спорт, здоровье, мировые новости, культура, мода, путешествия и т. На сайте газеты есть и раздел с видео, где вы сможете отдохнуть от чтения и потренировать навык аудирования, прослушивая последние новости. Positive News Это сравнительно молодое издание было основано в 1993 году.

И отличается оно не только новизной, но и спецификой материала.

Footage shows how Ms Cox filmed the guard at his desk as an argument erupted between the pair. As she turned her back on him, Mr Ayan responded with a sucker punch that left the schoolteacher sprawled on the ground writhing in pain, with the guard seen walking away remorselessly.

Завод CF Industries в городе Биллингем на северо-востоке Англии является крупнейшим производителем углерода в Великобритании. Его мощность составляет 400 тыс.

According to experts, the global economy will continue to decelerate in 2023. At the same time, it is vital to make the most of the opportunities that are presenting themselves. That means focusing on attaining technological and financial sovereignty, forging strong ties, developing optimal logistics routes, improving infrastructure and tackling inequality and poverty. Boosting the labour market is another priority. In order to achieve this, there needs to be a close partnership between the state and the business community, particularly with regard to introducing lean manufacturing technology and modernizing enterprises.

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Ранее в январе Freeport LNG, по данным Рейтера, заявил о завершении ремонтных работ и запросил разрешения регулирующих органов возобновить некоторые операции. Компания ожидала частичного восстановления производства СПГ на заводе еще в середине декабря, а до этого полагала, что после произошедших в начале июня взрыва и пожара предприятие будет закрыто минимум на три месяца. Первоначальный же период простоя в связи с необходимостью устранения последствий аварии вообще оценивался в три недели.

Preferential taxation as the main instrument for stimulating the development of renewable energy is used in many developed countries, such as Germany, the United States and France, where the most effective way to ensure energy conservation is to adopt laws on tax incentives. In this way it is possible to provide tax rebates on the costs of acquiring equipment or services leading to energy savings. In a number of countries, such as Belgium, Denmark and France, a state fund for investing in energy-saving measures has been established. As a rule, the interest rate set by the fund is lower than under normal commercial conditions, which is equivalent to a concessional loan.

The ecological method. This method, first of all, includes the introduction of energy saving technologies and the transition to renewable energy sources - solar, wind, hydro power of rivers. The advantage of renewable energy is due to the fact that they do not lead to a change in the climate of the planet and to global warming, in contrast to fuel fossils, which, when burned, emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. World experience shows that the developed countries began to support and stimulate non-traditional energy, through the implementation of federal development programs, within which various privileges and preferences for this sphere are provided. Today, in the United States, there are already three cities that have completely switched to renewable energy - Aspen, Burlington, Vermont. For example, in Iceland, five thermal geothermal power plants are successfully functioning, due to which 26.

In the newly industrialized countries of South-East Asia, much of the energy-saving measures are financed by the state itself, which most often installs energy equipment that corresponds to the non-industrial sphere, allocates targeted interest-free loans or subsidies to the owners of residential buildings for the acquisition of materials in accordance with existing standards of energy saving technologies. The analysis of the global use of electricity has made it possible to identify the dependence of electricity consumption on the population and the level of economic development, as well as the effect of increasing energy consumption on the state of the environment. Based on the identified problems, the world experience in the restructuring of the electric power industry was studied and methods for reforming the industry were proposed. These methods were combined into five groups: an organizational one, a method of consolidating markets, financial, fiscal and environmental. The carried out researches in the field of tools of reforming the electric power industry will, firstly, lead to the construction of such a system of electricity markets that will create incentives for competition, improve efficiency, and also contribute to the development of the industry, and secondly, the considered environmental methods of reforming the industry will reduce environmental pollution, by switching to energy-saving technologies and renewable energy sources in order to improve the energy security and environmental friendliness of the industry. References 1.

Global and Russian energy outlook to 2040 2014 [online]. Тренев, В. Ириков и др.

Видео пожара сняли очевидцы. На нем видны огромные клубы дыма над загоревшимся заводом. Между тем пожарная служба графства Хамберсайд в своем Twitter призывает жителей закрыть окна и двери в домах. О пострадавших пока неизвестно.

These are in no small measure due to the ongoing formation of a multipolar world and efforts by most countries to secure political and economic independence.

I would therefore like to once again express my gratitude to all those working at companies and organizations, whether in senior positions or as team members, for having done much to overcome the severe consequences of unlawful sanctions. According to experts, the global economy will continue to decelerate in 2023. At the same time, it is vital to make the most of the opportunities that are presenting themselves. That means focusing on attaining technological and financial sovereignty, forging strong ties, developing optimal logistics routes, improving infrastructure and tackling inequality and poverty.

В Норвегии не смогли вовремя запустить завод после утечки топлива

Breaking headlines and latest news from the US and the World. Exclusives, live updates, pictures, video and comment from The Sun. О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам. The best of the BBC, with the latest news and sport headlines, weather, TV & radio highlights and much more from across the whole of BBC Online. The article reveals the factors affecting the electricity consumption in the world. Based on the study of the world experience in the restructuring of the electric power industry, five groups of methods are identified to improve its efficiency: organizational, consolidation of markets, financial, tax and.

6 отличных сайтов с газетами на английском языке

However, all existing methods can be divided into the following five groups: organizational, method of combining markets, financial, fiscal and environmental: 1. Organizational method. This method by separating the monopoly functions from the competitive unit -the functional division of generation, transportation and sale of electricity - makes it possible to liquidate natural monopoly structures and introduce competition into the production of electricity. This is due to the fact that recent advances in technology and production of generating capacities have led to the fact that medium-sized power plants proved to be quite competitive in comparison with large power plants that are part of the giant structures of existing vertically integrated companies. Therefore, smaller investors were able to build independent generating capacities and conduct their own commercial activities. Such a way of reforming the electric power industry was used in the UK, where, as a result of the division of the monopoly company, private power generation companies and sales companies were formed, which allowed to build their own power generation capacities in order to increase the efficiency of meeting the demand for electricity and reduced the load of existing generating capacities.

Also, examples of the most successful liberalization of the generation market can be found in Argentina, where through the disintegration and privatization of the largest electric power stations, strict regulation systems for permissible electricity transmission tariffs were created, and the total government revenues from the privatization of the electric power industry exceeded 10 billion dollars [8]. Due to vertical disintegration in many countries, it was possible to reduce electricity tariffs, so in some US states the price of electricity fell by 7. The method of combining the energy system. The need of reducing the high tariffs for electricity, as well as the internationalization of global markets, aimed at creating a single economic space, has set the task of many countries to reorganize their own energy facilities. To solve the problems, the method of combining the energy system was used, the main purpose of which was equalization of loads, smoothing of peaks and optimal use of different energy sources for electricity generation.

In winter, more electricity is produced by wind farms located in the northern countries, which are part of this system, in summer - by solar power plants that operate in the southern countries. A vivid example of such system is the Scandinavian countries, where an efficient infrastructure for the functioning of the market was created resulted from the separation of public vertically integrated companies [10]. Financial method. In our opinion, one of the most reasonable ways to support the use of renewable energy is the provision of investment preferences. Investment preferences may include the full amount of grants.

Exemption from customs duties is due on import of equipment and components to it, imported for the im- plementation of the investment project. State full-scale grants can include land plots, buildings, structures, machinery and equipment, computers, measuring and regulating devices for production using RES. In the event that investment obligations are in compliance with the contract, the property is granted to the investor in the property free of charge.

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Last updated: 16:37 BST, 26 April 2024 Advertisement Shocking moment British mother, 37, is knocked out with a single punch by Thai security guard when she confronted him for sleeping at his desk at her apartment block Married mother-of-one Ayesha Jane Cox, 37, from Eastbourne, was furious that Mohammad Ayan, 27, was napping while being paid to patrol the Modern Home Tower apartment block where she lived in Bangkok, Thailand, at 3. Footage shows how Ms Cox filmed the guard at his desk as an argument erupted between the pair.

Business News

There have been signs that some European leaders are reluctant to take the present British offer seriously, and it is widely felt in Whitehall that Mr. The pamphlet claims that on balance farmers would be better off if Britain joined the Common Market. In addition, says the Union, the pamphlet fails to mention horticulture, which constitutes an important part of British agriculture, and which is likely to be badly hit in the event of a link-up with the Common Market. The officials said that in their view the pamphlet tended to over-emphasize the benefits of joining the EEC, and to leave out of account many genuine difficulties. Выпуск Новостей Тридцать пять машин столкнулось сегодня утром в большой аварии на дороге Ml. Происшествие случилось примерно в трех милях южнее сервисного центра Ньюпорт Пэгнель, когда грузовик с прицепом, груженный стальными прутьями, завалился на бок и перевернулся. Многие водители грузовиков и автомобилей не смогли вовремя увернуться и врезались в перевернутое транспортное средство, вызвав большое нагромождение машин.

Некоторые стальные прутья сорвались с грузовика через разделительную полосу на южную полосу дороги, которая была закрыта для одностороннего движения из-за ремонта и смены покрытия, что привело к ряду мелких аварий. Поврежденные машины и машины скорой помощи имели значительные трудности из-за тумана при прибытии на место аварии. На месте было очень тесно, и мигающие сигнальные были включены большую часть ночи. Пока не поступало сообщений о сколько-нибудь серьезно пострадавших в аварии. Это происшествие, четвертое по числу столкнувшихся транспортных средств за последний месяц, произошло как раз накануне первой Национальной Конференции по использованию дорог. На церемонии открытия прошлым вечером в Лондоне сэр Джон Стоун, советник по дорожному движению области Метрополитэн, раскритиковал стандарты дорожного движения страны.

Резюме и портфолио присылайте в телеграмм MarketYours. Обязанности: — работа в креативной паре с копирайтером, генерирование интересных и работающих постов, съемка фото и видео контента для аккаунта Универмага; — придумывание идей для спецпроектов и коллабораций, участие в разработке бренд-кампаний; — ежедневный постинг в собственном аккаунте о сервисе, партнерах, товарах, акциях и спецпроектах, от 25-30 публикаций в месяц; Условия: — удаленно, рабочий день начинается в удобное для вас время, но важно не пропускать Zoom-встречи. Требования: — опыт в фото- видео- продакшне и smm для бизнес-аккаунта; — коммуникабельность, креативность, готовность учиться новому. Это рекламное объявление. Резюме присылайте на почту igor vinvoy. Обязанности: — продажи предметов класса люкс в розничном магазине; — обработка заказов и создание карточек товаров на русском и английском языке в интернет-магазине; — фотографирование предметов в мини-студии и обработка изображений; — ведение и обновление клиентской базы; — участие в фотосъемках и мероприятиях в качестве стилиста-ассистента; — составление договоров и отчетов о проданных предметах; — ведение корпоративного блога в части новостей компании. Условия: — фиксированный оклад и бонус от объема продаж и интернет-заказов обсуждаются с успешным кандидатом.

Требования: — грамотная устная и письменная речь; — базовые навыки фотографии и редактирования изображений; — навыки стилиста и широкий кругозор в области моды.

Первоначальный же период простоя в связи с необходимостью устранения последствий аварии вообще оценивался в три недели. По данным управления энергетической информации EIA министерства энергетики страны, в прошлом году экспорт американского СПГ достиг рекордного уровня — 9,7 миллиарда кубических футов в сутки.

So far there are no reports of anyone seriously injured in the accident. This accident, the fourth involving a multiple pile-up of vehicles in the last month, comes just as the first National Conference on Motorway Use is getting under way. At the opening meeting in London last night, Sir John Stone, the Metropolitan Area Traffic Adviser, criticised the standard of motorway driving in this country. He said that there was evidence that many of the basic disciplines of motorway use had yet to be learned by British drivers. Lane discipline was much worse in this country than in America; and the habits of drivers when overtaking were particularly bad. One saw far too much dangerous pulling-out without an adequate signal having been given, and there was a similarly dangerous tendency for drivers to cut in after overtaking. Perhaps the commonest form of misuse however, was the reluctance of drivers of private cars to move into the inside lane whenever it was possible to do so. Sir John said that far too many were determined to stay in the middle or even the outside lanes, regardless of traffic conditions, with the result that drivers wishing to overtake became impatient and tried to follow too closely behind the vehicle in front, thus making accidents more likely. The conference is continuing. Now, the Common Market negotiations. Geoffrey Rippon, the chief negotiator, flew to Brussels last night. Britain has put forward the suggestion that a reasonable contribution would be thirteen to fifteen per cent, built up in a series of equal yearly steps over a period of five years. But the Council of Ministers is considering a recommendation that the British share should be twenty one point five per cent throughout the five year period of transition, or, alternatively, a contribution of between ten and fifteen per cent in the first year rising to between twenty and twenty five per cent in the fifth year.

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WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION Агентство замечает, что завод Prelude FLNG только на этой неделе возобновил работу после двухмесячного технического обслуживания.

В Норвегии не смогли вовремя запустить завод после утечки топлива

Breaking news, live coverage, investigations, analysis, video, photos and opinions from The Washington Post. Subscribe for the latest on U.S. and international news, politics, business, technology, climate change, health and wellness, sports, science, weather, lifestyle and more. Американская CF Industries Holdings временно остановит производство аммония на своем единственном заводе в Великобритании. Требуются люди на завод Coca-Cola в Великобритании (Лондон) На работу на конвеере. Discover the latest stories in the US and read below for the trending US articles. Learn about the latest news events happening around the nation with Fox News.

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