Марлон Вера на UFC 299. Чемпион UFC Шон О’Мэлли заявил, что намеренно проиграл Марлону Вере. Марлон Вера на UFC 299. Марлон Вера на турнире UFC 299, 10 марта: во сколько, дата и время, где смотреть, прямая онлайн трансляция, прогноз, высокие коэффициенты на UFC, статистика ЮФС, результаты, кто фаворит, полный кард, ставки. Накануне стало известно, что бойца легчайшего веса UFC американца Шона О’Мэлли сняли с поединка против колумбийца Марлона Веры из-за очередного проваленного допинг-теста.
О’Мэлли может подраться за титул с Марлоном Верой
Шон О’Мэлли нокаутировал Алджамейна Стерлинга во втором раунде и забрал пояс в категории до 61 кг. В октагоне О’Мэлли заявил, что первый бой в статусе чемпиона хочет провести против Марлона Веры в декабре 2023 года. Чемпион UFC в легчайшем весе Шон О’Мэлли (17-1) проведет второй поединок с Марлоном Верой (21-8-1). Марлон Вера, боец UFC При этом Вера подчеркнул, что Шон является очень опасным противником, но Марлон уверен, что в противостоянии с американцем он сможет одержать победу. Full Fight Шон О’Мэлли – Марлон Вера – смотри бесплатно и онлайн.
‘You declined twice’… Marlon Vera takes aim at former UFC champion as he eyes MSG return
Главная › Новости › Новости UFC › Шон О’Мэлли сделал грубое заявление в адрес Вера и пообещал выбросить его из спорта. Шон О Мэлли — Марлон Вера. Henry Cejudo stands by his opinion that Marlon Vera is a bad matchup for UFC champ Sean O'Malley. Полное видео боя Шон О Мэлли Марлон Вера который прошёл 10 марта года на турнире по смешанным единоборствам UFC 299. UFC bantamweight Sean O'Malley has responded to Marlon Vera after "Chito" criticized a video of "Sugar" giving money to people in need.
- Марлон Вера хочет заставить Шона О’Мэлли «сдаться» в матче-реванше | NewsSporting
- ОМэлли Вера 2 полный бой
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О'Мэлли победил Веру и защитил пояс UFC в легчайшем весе
This could be a telling moment, if Mark can punish in full. As with the last frame, this looks a chance even this early. The black is on to both corners, there are loose reds and it looks like a good bunch to go in to. Allen 5-7 Higgins 71-32 Careless here from Mark, as he drifts a red offline to bottom right and leaves it in the jaws. Four reds and four blacks go down, before John traps Mark behind the yellow off the final red. Allen 5-7 Higgins 52-0 Mark makes it a half-ton with the black, and a short-stabbed red to bottom left with his next shot takes him up for the blue. Mark is moving and cueing smoothly here; the frame looks nailed on, as does a big ton. Allen 5-7 Higgins Mark leaves the green over the bottom right, and picks it up and drops it in the pocket to end the frame.
What a slog that was! Allen 5-6 Higgins 36-66 John makes 23 in total, enough to leave Mark needing two snookers. John takes a mid-range red, then the black, and then guides in the tough red down the right rail. Allen 5-6 Higgins 36-42 Mark makes 35, before an attempt to drive a red into the right middle goes awry and hits the top knuckle. Allen 5-6 Higgins 9-42 John gets to 38 before his break clangs to a halt as he overcuts a red to bottom right. In response Mark picks off that red but lands right in the pack, needing the spider to get out and rest on the black. Allen 5-6 Higgins 0-26 Frame 12 is up and running, and John leaves a red on to the left middle from his break-off shot.
Mark rolls it out off the knuckles, and the white clips the red coming back up the table and goes in-off. That leaves a simple starter from the D for John, and he soon starts letting his arm go. Allen 5-6 Higgins Open a window someone, that was a stinker. A little break of eight from John is enough to put the frame out of its misery, and the Wizard is back in front. Allen 5-5 Higgins 34-62 Mark drains a long red and then lays a snooker behind the green. John tries to swerve out of it, with the butt of the cue high in the air and jagging down.
What a slog that was!
Allen 5-6 Higgins 36-66 John makes 23 in total, enough to leave Mark needing two snookers. John takes a mid-range red, then the black, and then guides in the tough red down the right rail. Allen 5-6 Higgins 36-42 Mark makes 35, before an attempt to drive a red into the right middle goes awry and hits the top knuckle. Allen 5-6 Higgins 9-42 John gets to 38 before his break clangs to a halt as he overcuts a red to bottom right. In response Mark picks off that red but lands right in the pack, needing the spider to get out and rest on the black. Allen 5-6 Higgins 0-26 Frame 12 is up and running, and John leaves a red on to the left middle from his break-off shot. Mark rolls it out off the knuckles, and the white clips the red coming back up the table and goes in-off.
That leaves a simple starter from the D for John, and he soon starts letting his arm go. Allen 5-6 Higgins Open a window someone, that was a stinker. A little break of eight from John is enough to put the frame out of its misery, and the Wizard is back in front. Allen 5-5 Higgins 34-62 Mark drains a long red and then lays a snooker behind the green. John tries to swerve out of it, with the butt of the cue high in the air and jagging down. It needs two attempts and when he does connect, he pushes the red into the jaws of the bottom right. Mark is snookered behind the blue and tries his own serve to pot it; contact is made but too thin, and it sends it over the bottom left!
This red is frame ball for John and he drains it, we should be done here. Allen 5-5 Higgins 29-40 What a mess this frame is. Can John step in and take charge here? A miss from Mark leaves John on a red to bottom left, which he snicks in followed by the blue. Both players are out of rhythm, but if John can find it now he could at the least take charge of this frame. Allen 5-5 Higgins 8-30 John goes all out for a thin cut to the bottom right.
Prime is also the official hydration drink of the UFC. Paul is WWE U.
Allen 6-7 Higgins 51-34 This is good, matchplay stuff from Mark. He pots the red on the left rail on the stretch, and then off the black opens a bunch of three reds to leave the frame at his mercy. The half-ton is done, and it looks a formality from here. Allen 6-7 Higgins 22-34 John punches in a red just below the pack, opening up said pack as he does so, but that leaves a tough blue to bottom left to keep going. With a red near the pocket making it a narrow target, John overcompensates and rattles the blue out of the jaws. This could be a telling moment, if Mark can punish in full. As with the last frame, this looks a chance even this early. The black is on to both corners, there are loose reds and it looks like a good bunch to go in to. Allen 5-7 Higgins 71-32 Careless here from Mark, as he drifts a red offline to bottom right and leaves it in the jaws. Four reds and four blacks go down, before John traps Mark behind the yellow off the final red. Allen 5-7 Higgins 52-0 Mark makes it a half-ton with the black, and a short-stabbed red to bottom left with his next shot takes him up for the blue. Mark is moving and cueing smoothly here; the frame looks nailed on, as does a big ton. Allen 5-7 Higgins Mark leaves the green over the bottom right, and picks it up and drops it in the pocket to end the frame. What a slog that was! Allen 5-6 Higgins 36-66 John makes 23 in total, enough to leave Mark needing two snookers. John takes a mid-range red, then the black, and then guides in the tough red down the right rail. Allen 5-6 Higgins 36-42 Mark makes 35, before an attempt to drive a red into the right middle goes awry and hits the top knuckle. Allen 5-6 Higgins 9-42 John gets to 38 before his break clangs to a halt as he overcuts a red to bottom right. In response Mark picks off that red but lands right in the pack, needing the spider to get out and rest on the black. Allen 5-6 Higgins 0-26 Frame 12 is up and running, and John leaves a red on to the left middle from his break-off shot. Mark rolls it out off the knuckles, and the white clips the red coming back up the table and goes in-off.
Видео боя Шон О’Мэлли — Марлон Вера UFC 299
Его соперником станет эквадорец Марлон Вера, прервавший в мае серию из пяти побед подряд. Победитель получит оппонента из топ-10 рейтинга претендентов. Коэффициенты букмекерских контор Букмекеры считают фаворитом боя 25-летнего американо-ирландского проспекта. Букмекерские конторы не списывают со счетов Марлона Веру, однако 27-летний эквадорец выйдет на бой в статусе андердога. Поставить на победу латиноамериканского бойца можно с коэффициентом 2,83. Веру и самого воспринимают как перспективного бойца и потенциального соискателя титульного шанса. Пока что Шон оправдывает возлагаемые на него надежды, но уровень битой оппозиции оставляет желать лучшего.
Prime is the new official hydration drink of WWE and its logo will be on the mat for premium live events like WrestleMania.
Prime is also the official hydration drink of the UFC. Paul is WWE U.
Эта победа позволила Шону оспорить титул у Алджамейна Стерлинга, с чем ирландец справился просто блестяще. Кажется, у МакГрегора появился достойный преемник.
И хотя затем «Чито» проиграл решением Жозе Альдо, дальше он вышел на серию из 4 побед, в ходе которой отправил в нокаут прославленных ветеранов Фрэнки Эдгара и Доминика Круза. Pазвить успех Вере не дал Кори Сэндхаген, перебивший грозного нокаутёра в стойке.
It wriggles in to the bottom left, leaving Mark on the pink. His B game kept him in touch before the interval, and now his A game is on display as a two frame lead overnight comes in to view. Allen 8-7 Higgins 24-0 A poor safety from John at the start of frame 16 sees the white catch the jaws of the bottom right, and with reds scattered already Mark has a look at a red to right middle.
Allen 7-7 Higgins 72-0 Mark almost makes a hash of it with the winning line in sight as he drifts out of position on the reds, but makes a plant to get on the pink. Allen 7-7 Higgins 52-0 The pack is duly cracked, and Mark lands on a red to right middle. It loops around the lip of the pocket like a wayward Steph Curry three pointer but eventually drops, and Mark takes the break to the half-century point soon after. Allen 7-7 Higgins 30-0 Mark is purring now. A containing safety from John leaves Mark with a red on to left middle, and he blasts it in to hold for the yellow.
A good shot early in the break pots the black and clears a red off the black spot, and this is developing into a chance for another heavy visit. Allen 6-7 Higgins 51-34 This is good, matchplay stuff from Mark. He pots the red on the left rail on the stretch, and then off the black opens a bunch of three reds to leave the frame at his mercy. The half-ton is done, and it looks a formality from here. Allen 6-7 Higgins 22-34 John punches in a red just below the pack, opening up said pack as he does so, but that leaves a tough blue to bottom left to keep going.
With a red near the pocket making it a narrow target, John overcompensates and rattles the blue out of the jaws. This could be a telling moment, if Mark can punish in full. As with the last frame, this looks a chance even this early. The black is on to both corners, there are loose reds and it looks like a good bunch to go in to. Allen 5-7 Higgins 71-32 Careless here from Mark, as he drifts a red offline to bottom right and leaves it in the jaws.
Four reds and four blacks go down, before John traps Mark behind the yellow off the final red. Allen 5-7 Higgins 52-0 Mark makes it a half-ton with the black, and a short-stabbed red to bottom left with his next shot takes him up for the blue. Mark is moving and cueing smoothly here; the frame looks nailed on, as does a big ton.
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- Шон О'Мэлли
- Видео боя Шон О’Мэлли - Марлон Вера UFC 299 | Prime Sport
- Шон О’Мэлли – Марлон Вера
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- Прогнозы на матч Шон О’Мэлли - Марлон Вера 10 марта 2024
Шон О’Мэлли проведет реванш с Марлоном Верой
Эквадорский боец ММА Марлон Вера считает, что его бывший соперник Шон О’Мэлли не достоин драться за титул чемпиона UFC в легчайшем весе. Полное видео боя Шон О Мэлли Марлон Вера который прошёл 10 марта года на турнире по смешанным единоборствам UFC 299. Чемпион легчайшего веса Шон О'Мэлли получил бой в мэйн-ивенте турнира UFC 299 против Марлона Веры после того, как Чито победил его четыре года назад в их первом бою. Марлон Вера. UFC #4 BW. Шон О’Мэлли нокаутировал Алджамейна Стерлинга во втором раунде и забрал пояс в категории до 61 кг. В октагоне О’Мэлли заявил, что первый бой в статусе чемпиона хочет провести против Марлона Веры в декабре 2023 года. Боец легчайшего дивизиона UFC Марлон Вера (16-7-1) заявил, что Шон О’Мэлли (13-1) избегает реванша с ним.