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Донни никогда не бывает откровенно фанатичным, но он борется со своими отношениями со своим отцом, который придерживается традиционного мужского образа. Из-за этого Донни боится, что если он будет правдивым перед собой и своей семьей о своей сексуальной ориентации, они заставят их отречься от него. Позже в сериале мы увидим, что это совсем не так. К сожалению, уже слишком поздно, чтобы спасти отношения Донни и Тери. Что Что происходит в конце «Олененка»?
The Autobots of Energon are empowered with the "Spark of Combination", which allows them to link their bodies together in various configurations - a power that gives the series its Japanese title, Transformers: Superlink - while the Decepticons possess "hyper modes" with excesses of weaponry. The series also introduces the aforementioned Terrorcons, and their Autobot counterparts the Omnicons , robots with the ability to handle and shape energon into power-enhancing stars and weapons such as spears and axes. For the series, see Transformers: Cybertron.
For a list of episodes, see List of Transformers: Cybertron episodes. Transformers: Cybertron is the anomaly of the Unicron Trilogy universe. Debuting in Japan in January 2005, under the title Transformers: Galaxy Force, the series was intended by its Japanese producers to be yet another complete reboot to the timeline, beginning yet another continuity from the beginning with no connections to Armada or Energon. Concluding in Japan at the end of 2005, the series ran throughout 2006 in Hasbro markets, and once again, Takara had no animated product on Japanese screens for that year. The story of Cybertron centres on a gigantic black hole, created by the destruction of Unicron at the conclusion of Energon, which threatens to consume Cybertron and the rest of the universe. This danger brings the ancient Transformer, Vector Prime, back to Cybertron, where he sets the Autobots on a quest for the four Cyber Planet Keys , legendary artifacts of power that can seal the black hole. The keys, however, are scattered on planets throughout the galaxy, and the Autobots must now race from world to world to acquire their power before the Decepticons.
Aided with new "Cyber Key Powers" of their own, the Transformers makes allies and enemies on each different world they visit, from the racing-obsessed Velocitron to the bestial Jungle Planet and beyond, on an adventure that has its roots in the ancient past, and sculpts a new future for Cybertron. For the series, see Transformers: Animated. For a list of episodes, see List of Transformers: Animated episodes. Formerly known by the working title, Transformers: Heroes, Transformers: Animated debuted December 26, 2007, on Cartoon Network , and represents yet another fresh start for the animated Transformers universe, albeit one that draws inspiration from many of its antecedents, including, for the first time, elements drawn from the 2007 live-action film. Opening in a manner similar to Beast Wars, the series takes place centuries after the end of the Autobot-Decepticon war, and centers on a small group of Autobots voyaging through space on missions. The group is a Space Bridge repair crew led by academy washout Optimus Prime, who stumble across the legendary life-giving Allspark on a routine mission, drawing the attention of the long-exiled Decepticons under the command of Megatron. As a result of the ensuing battle, Megatron and the Autobots crash land on Earth, while the other Decepticons are scattered through space.
The core Autobot team is led by Optimus Prime voiced by David Kaye , famous for voicing the Megatrons of the Beast Era and Unicron Trilogy and consists of the speedy, wise-cracking Bumblebee ; gentle giant Bulkhead; aged, ornery medic Ratchet; and loner ninja Prowl. Early antagonists in the series will be superhuman villains, some of whom will obtain powers through Transformer technology, with the scattered Decepticons Starscream, Blackarachnia , Lugnut , and Blitzwing periodically arriving on Earth in their search for Megatron and the Allspark. The series also features many other additional Transformers characters in guest appearances and recurring roles, including Arcee , Ironhide, bounty hunter Lockdown , Earth machines brought to life by the Allspark such as the Dinobots, the Constructicons , and Wreck-Gar, and the Autobot Cybertron Elite Guard, including Ultra Magnus Supreme Commander of the Autobots , Sentinel Prime, Blurr , and Jazz. The series is being distributed internationally by Entertainment Rights.
Consequently, the process was repeated, and Hasbro and Takara debuted Transformers: Energon at the beginning of 2004. The Autobots and Decepticons, allied since the conclusion of Armada, have entered into an alliance with humankind in order to mine for energon on Earth, and now operate out of massive "Cybertron Cities" in strategic locations around the world. But, out in the void of space, the damaged, deactivated body of Unicron now serves the staging base of the deranged alien being Alpha Q , who sends armies of robotic Terrorcons to steal Energon for his own purposes. But those purposes are not as sinister as they seem, and soon pale in comparison to the evil of the resurrected Megatron. The Autobots of Energon are empowered with the "Spark of Combination", which allows them to link their bodies together in various configurations - a power that gives the series its Japanese title, Transformers: Superlink - while the Decepticons possess "hyper modes" with excesses of weaponry. The series also introduces the aforementioned Terrorcons, and their Autobot counterparts the Omnicons , robots with the ability to handle and shape energon into power-enhancing stars and weapons such as spears and axes. For the series, see Transformers: Cybertron. For a list of episodes, see List of Transformers: Cybertron episodes. Transformers: Cybertron is the anomaly of the Unicron Trilogy universe. Debuting in Japan in January 2005, under the title Transformers: Galaxy Force, the series was intended by its Japanese producers to be yet another complete reboot to the timeline, beginning yet another continuity from the beginning with no connections to Armada or Energon. Concluding in Japan at the end of 2005, the series ran throughout 2006 in Hasbro markets, and once again, Takara had no animated product on Japanese screens for that year. The story of Cybertron centres on a gigantic black hole, created by the destruction of Unicron at the conclusion of Energon, which threatens to consume Cybertron and the rest of the universe. This danger brings the ancient Transformer, Vector Prime, back to Cybertron, where he sets the Autobots on a quest for the four Cyber Planet Keys , legendary artifacts of power that can seal the black hole. The keys, however, are scattered on planets throughout the galaxy, and the Autobots must now race from world to world to acquire their power before the Decepticons. Aided with new "Cyber Key Powers" of their own, the Transformers makes allies and enemies on each different world they visit, from the racing-obsessed Velocitron to the bestial Jungle Planet and beyond, on an adventure that has its roots in the ancient past, and sculpts a new future for Cybertron. For the series, see Transformers: Animated. For a list of episodes, see List of Transformers: Animated episodes. Formerly known by the working title, Transformers: Heroes, Transformers: Animated debuted December 26, 2007, on Cartoon Network , and represents yet another fresh start for the animated Transformers universe, albeit one that draws inspiration from many of its antecedents, including, for the first time, elements drawn from the 2007 live-action film. Opening in a manner similar to Beast Wars, the series takes place centuries after the end of the Autobot-Decepticon war, and centers on a small group of Autobots voyaging through space on missions. The group is a Space Bridge repair crew led by academy washout Optimus Prime, who stumble across the legendary life-giving Allspark on a routine mission, drawing the attention of the long-exiled Decepticons under the command of Megatron. As a result of the ensuing battle, Megatron and the Autobots crash land on Earth, while the other Decepticons are scattered through space.
While some viewers will be too young to understand what is going on and simply giggle at the cross-dressing characters, others will learn that personal expression is acceptable. Either way, each of these characters are entertaining to no end and for that, we love them. Remember all those times you loved watching Bug Bunny cross dressing as a woman? These animated transgender cartoons are helping the world to understand and finally accept people and characters whose gender identities are different from our own.
Тери транс в «Олененке»?
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И я не имел в виду что мужик всегда хочет пихаться, а женщина должна лишь рожать. Нет, я имел в виду такие вещи как абстрактное мышление, сговорчивость, агрессивность, эмоциональный интеллект и многое другое. Есть определенные факторы нашей личности которые обусловлены нашим полом и генетикой. И эти факторы являются частью нашей личности. Просто в Америке отвергают всякую связь между нашей биологией и нашей личностью. И если лично я могу понять подобную схему, но на деле это оказалось неверно. Megan Fox Киноман , постов: 13155 9 апреля 2022, 8:15 3 Anvar писал а 9 апреля 2022, 8:10 Да.
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