ATOM RPG не относится к себе серьёзно — здесь каждый второй квест написан с юмором, причём хорошим.
О ходе размышлений и решениях при выполнении квеста «Три путника» в игре ATOM RPG
В ATOM RPG: Трудоград большое количество дополнительных заданий. В нашем гайде мы расскажем, где их искать, как проходить и что дается в награду. ССЫЛКА НА ПЛЕЙЛИСТ ПРОХОЖДЕНИЯ 2018 года q2X-KWunpV. ГАЙД КРАСНОЗНАМЕННЫЙ, КРЗ ВЕРХНИЙ ГОРОД, квесты, секреты, персонажи, ATOM RPG, атом рпг, Сантей. Прохождение всех квестов Atom RPG. Подробное прохождение ранней версии игры ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game.
ATOM RPG ГАЙД, ВСЕ КОНЦОВКИ, ФИНАЛЫ, ФИНАЛЬНЫЙ БОЙ. Атом рпг, советы, секреты, все квесты. 2020
Прохождение всех квестов Atom RPG. Получайте последние новости об игре Атом РПГ: обновления, патчи, анонсы, интересные события и многое другое. ATOM RPG Trudograd.
ATOM RPG ГАЙД, ВСЕ КОНЦОВКИ, ФИНАЛЫ, ФИНАЛЬНЫЙ БОЙ. Атом рпг, советы, секреты, все квесты. 2020
АТОМ РПГ вики | Главная» Новости» Атом рпг операция февраль. |
Как в Atom RPG склеить щит графа Роевского? | Прохождение всех квестов Atom RPG. |
Прохождение ATOM RPG / Все квесты
Обновления, события и новости от разработчиков ATOM RPG Trudograd. великолепная ролевая игра на выживание от компании ATENT GAMES LTD, портирована с ПК для iOS и Android (рейтинг 18+). Все новости об игре ATOM RPG в жанре RPG, Стратегия, Приключения: выход обновления, раздача ключей, где купить, скачать игру. В этой локации игры ATOM RPG прохождение начинается с того, что персонажу предстоит отыскать банду.
Атом РПГ новости
Потрясающим образом сочетает в себе интеллигентность с безжалостностью , а совсем не шуточную крутизну — с заиканием и чистой литературной речью. Сам себя называет приспособленцем, который идеально адаптировался к реалиям постъядерного мира, но тем не менее он до сих пор ностальгирует по своей бывшей преподавательской деятельности. Одержимый — странный дедок, бубнящий себе под нос всякую белиберду. Кадет с высоким показателем Интеллекта может понять, что тот одержим демоном, и проведёт обряд экзорцизма, изгнав нечисть именем КПСС обратно в Ад но при этом он получит огромную дозу радиации. Еще можно вселить злобного беса в сопровождающую одержимого свинью или даже в себя, получив при этом особенность «Одержимый» [6].
Освободившийся от демона дед поблагодарит ГГ за помощь и назовёт ему своё настоящее имя — Максим. Почтальон — самый настоящий почтальон из Краснознамённого, носящий почту по Пустошам. Является отсылкой к фильму «Почтальон» с Кевином Костнером его портрет в игре очень сильно напоминает этого актёра. Возможно, не так прост, как кажется — в игре можно найти информацию, что организация почтальонов является прикрытием для весьма жуткого преступного сообщества.
Пастух — бывший лётчик гражданской авиации с внешностью ныне, увы, покойного актёра и телеведущего Ильи Олейникова. Первый персонаж, с которым можно сыграть в азартные игры — а именно в кости. Яшин — местный торговец, продающий очень широкий ассортимент товаров, от оружия до еды и лекарств. Ранее был членом Торговой Палаты Краснознамённого.
Однако в результате череды несчастных случаев, которые слишком сильно походили на чей-то злой умысел, он потерял всё — свой бизнес, семью, место в Палате. После этого Яшин переехал в Отрадное, но он всё ещё надеется восстановить свой статус, в чём ему может помочь главный герой. Тем не менее, ничего не выйдет — друг Яшина из Торговой Палаты объяснит Кадету, что торговец стал жертвой Грибного культа, который организовал ему неприятности для того, чтобы тот присоединился к ним. Но Яшин сигнала просто не понял, а после того, как ГГ ему всё расскажет, он решит вообще с Грибницей никаких дел не иметь.
По сути, это один из первых звоночков, предупреждающий внимательного игрока о том, что общество филантропов-учёных вовсе не так благообразно, как кажется на первый взгляд. Завод[ править ] Заброшенный кирпичный завод, который стал базой для банды, «крышующей» все окрестные мелкие поселения в том числе и Отрадное. Хладнокровный и скрытный это профессиональное прагматичный лидер «заводских», который стремится принести на Пустошь закон и дисциплину, пусть и путём неприкрытого рэкета. Тем не менее, его банда действительно защищает свою «кормовую базу» от более страшных полных отморозков-рейдеров и работорговцев.
Может принять Кадета в банду после проверки надо допросить взятого в плен техника из Отрадного. От того, как проведёт допрос Кадет, зависит какой первый квест даст Дэн — «силовой» или «разведывательный». По ходу выполнения цепочки квестов «заводских» выяснится, что внутри банды не все одобряют «генеральный курс партии». Возникшие разногласия Кадет может использовать, чтобы полностью уничтожить «заводских» вместе с их лидером, освободив Отрадное от гнёта бандитов.
Но ничего хорошего это не принесёт — без защиты бригады Дэна деревню и другие поселения очень быстро разорят работорговцы и рейдеры. В случае, если помочь Дэну в битве на заводе, тот потом пообещает «закрутить гайки» по максимуму и ввести в банде жесткую армейскую дисциплину, чтобы больше никто не смел тявкать на главного. В этом случае в одном из вариантов концовки скажут, что банда Дэна вскоре забыла свои бандитские «корни» и стала уважаемым местными жителями и странствующими купцами частным охранным предприятием с множеством филиалов по всей Пустоши, безупречной репутацией и внушительным послужным списком. Дуня и Сашка — двоё охранников на северном входе заброшенного завода.
Дуня влюбилась в одного из бандитов Дэна и сбежала с ним из дома, а теперь живёт вместе с ним, маскируясь под молодого парня чем немало озадачила по вопросу ориентации одного из охранников. Раскрыв личность «пацана» при помощи навыка Обаяния или использовав Силу, Кадет может помочь девушке передать весточку её отцу о том, что с ней всё в порядке. Помимо этого, при высоком показателе Харизмы можно поиграть в коварного соблазнителя , уговорив девушку на секс или то, чтобы она бросила своего возлюблённого. После очистки «Красного Бойца» и разборок «заводских» Дуня вместе с Сашей переедут на базу ГГ и заживут тихой семейной жизнью.
Что здесь есть? Есть и его вечный соперник , незнамо как оказавшийся на территории Союза [7]. А для меня это был вторник — аверсия: Костя-Хам, бывший бандит-отморозок, точно помнит всех, кого убил он даже завёл тетрадь, куда записал всех своих жертв, дабы никогда не забыть совершённых грехов. Адский папаша — Владимир Иванович, бывший учитель , переведенный в уборщики метро за самовольные эксперименты со школьной программой.
После войны он устроил в своих бывших подсобках убежище для себя, жены и детей — и продолжил вредительствовать: умышленно воспитал троих детей дебилами мол, зачем им много ума и книжки, если вокруг только постапокалипсис и надо крыс жарить , насиловал дочерей чтобы восстановить истребленное человечество , оскопил сына за попытку ему подражать. После неудачи «селекционной программы» захватил случайного сталкера и заставил выполнять роль племенного самца с одной из дочерей. Ассимилятор — косплеящий Нечто из фильма Карпентера мутант Кукиш и Грибница. Ай, молодца!
Наоборот, беззащитную деревню разорят жестокие рейдеры-отморозки, от которых, как оказывается, до этого и защищал поселение прагматик Дэн. Уничтожение шайки Губера по заданию Куста. Никакой сестры тот не насиловал и не убивал, а репутация героя у Губера была не совсем незаслуженная. Посылка с лекарствами для циркачей на самом деле содержит наркотики.
Антиреклама алкоголя - Если вы не достроите "Красного бойца", то Гожин уйдёт на восток, сопьётся и помрёт от падения в канализационный люк. Банда маргиналов — собирается вокруг главного героя. Фидель, трактирщик на что многие старожилы, заставшие времена благословенной плановой экономики, смотрят с осуждением и вообще подозрительная личность. Хотя на фоне многих других жителей Пустошей он выглядит вполне прилично.
Гексоген, который попал «в лагеря» по приказу Сталина, где и провёл солидную часть жизни. И в данном случае, если знать истинную подоплёку дела, вождя народов язык не повернётся назвать излишне жестоким. Имел ведь абсолютно законное право расстрелять нафиг. Причём лично.
Александр, который проявляет общую эксцентричность и имеет патологическое влечение к поеданию сырого мяса за это спасибо червю-кожнику. Галина Батори. Просто Галина Батори. Безумная клёвость — здесь много персонажей с подобной чертой.
Некоторые считают, впрочем, что чересчур много. Без глаз — уникальный мутант «слепая смерть», которого можно встретить в подземельях Грохочущего Леса. Отсутствие глаз не мешает этой образине быть чертовски опасной. Безнадежный бой — субверсия : при некоторой удаче, в начале можно отбиться и избежать ограбления.
Беременности и ЗППП не бывает — аверсия: если не иметь в инвентаре или не использовать «резинку», то как минимум одна из партнёрш пропадёт из игры примерно через 8 месяцев после похода в подсобку. Болячку тоже можно подхватить — а нефиг на мутантов лезть. Боевой наркоман — огромное количество разнообразных интересных веществ, от мельдония до обычного клея , которые позволяют Кадету и его спутникам превозмогать в неравных битвах с многочисленными противниками. Тут, впрочем, есть немаленький риск стать из боевого наркомана обычным да и «отходняк» с таких препаратов долгий и лютый.
Броня в стиле «Постапокалипсис» — такую можно собрать своими руками и на любой, даже самый взыскательный вкус: из покрышек, кожаная, металлическая… Это не считая самопальных шлемов и щитов. Но наследие «сурового» советского прошлого в виде армейских бронежилетов и шлемов всё же получше будет. Бунт соратников — если примкнуть к Грибнице, то Фидель в одиночку выступит против всех. Вступление в ОПГ "Смерть" - взбунтуют все, кроме собаки драться не будут, просто пошлют куда подальше.
Вечная загадка — так кто же из троих путников, встреченных нами в случайном ивенте на глобальной карте, заражён червём-кожником? И заражен ли кто-нибудь из них вообще? Данная загадка в рамках логики не решается, но разработчики обещали развить тему. Если воспользоваться сохранением и каждому дать ответ «у вас всех показания расходятся, так что всё это суеверия», то каждый ответит в стиле «выходит, мы одной крови».
Напрашивается вывод, что червяком заражены все трое, так что верным будет манчкинский вариант — сначала пройти квест, а потом всех перебить. Взять в ад компанию — с ростом уровня игрока, некоторые культисты начинают активировать у себя в инвентаре взрывчатку с часовым механизмом и идти на сближение. Особенно весело убить такого, не заметив активацию, а потом начать обыскивать тела… Внезапный сердцеед — если Кадет вправит мозги Муравью Гаврилову, то тот, к удивлению Кадета, сумеет быстро завоевать сердце специфической, но все равно видной женщины. А что, мужичок скромный, непьющий, работящий — такие на дороге не валяются.
Если же целенаправленно прокачивать героя именно по ветке ремесленника, то можно гораздо раньше времени обзавестись мощным револьверным и снайперским оружием, а также достаточно солидной бронёй. Мастер-ломастер — он же: при особо кривых руках, либо если просто не повезет, способен сломать кирпич и довести металлолом до состояния полного металлолома. Волшебные грибочки — мухомор. С его помощью можно: прозреть будущее в Отрадном прямо в корчме; призвать тварь из глубин космоса там же; сварить зелье для разговоров с животными; а еще мухомор повышает ловкость на 1 единицу, самое то покормить спутников перед боем.
Выдумка не врёт — в локации «Грохочущий лес» ночью можно встретить у костра двух людей, мужчину и женщину — Анастаса Бурду и Анастасию Б.. Кадет, выслушав одного из учёных и начав разговор со вторым, может после того, как по второму кругу выслушает эту же теорию, раздражено заметить, что уже слышал этот бред от его коллеги. На что получит недоумённый вопрос: «Какого коллеги? По какой-то причине оба человека не видят друг друга, хотя стоят у костра буквально на расстоянии вытянутой руки.
Толсто намекается, что они оба — это один и тот же человек из различных альтернативных реальностей, которых Кадет видит благодаря тому, что ночью грань между мирами на этой локации становиться наиболее тонкой. Вот упал метеорит… — пока не упал, но он уже близко и когда упадет, война покажется детской забавой. Впрочем, в одном из ремесленных рецептов можно найти упоминание об экспериментальной системе перехвата «Красное Колесо», созданной в Дубне, которая смогла перехватить половину выпущенных по Московской области ядерных боеголовок. В общем, у АТОМа есть чем встретить незваного гостя.
Явно прослеживается задел на вторую часть или крупное DLC. Всемогущая изолента — важный элемент крафта. Все пошло слишком так — иногда при использовании Силы в диалоге, неписи могут согласиться с кадетом и застрелить его на всякий случай. Гадский цирк — цирк мутантов.
Циркачи вовсю барыжат наркотой и не брезгуют криминалом. Грызуны необычных размеров — обычные крысы здесь, судя по сравнительным пропорциям с телом ГГ, как минимум размером с кошку. А крысиные вожаки вообще как цельный телёнок! Глумливые ачивки - "Клуб 27" - на максимальном уровне сложности Кадету 27-го уровня нужно погибнуть.
Говорит лозунгами — куча персонажей. Особенно отличился один кадр, получивший данную способность травматическим образом, и это очень сильно мешает его отношениям с женой. Если ему выбить клин клином с помощью диалога, загипнотизировать, а потом гаркнуть в ухо «рота подъем! Дали только пистолет — зигзаг : Кадета АТОМ экипировал вполне достойно: автомат Калашникова, советский боевой нож, топор и целый рюкзак всяких плюшек.
Не фонтан, но достаточно, чтобы добраться до Отрадного и не вызывать вопросы у окружающих слишком крутым снаряжением. Да вот только ГГ в самом начале игры был безжалостно ограблен хотя есть мизерный шанс отбиться , и поэтому приходиться вертеться как можешь. Если бы! Поначалу даже каждому найденному кирпичу радуешься как родному… Интересный вопрос — где пропил своё снаряжение раздолбай Александр, которого должны были снарядить как минимум не хуже, чем главного героя?
На момент встречи с ним в «Красном бойце» у сослуживца Кадета из всего добра остался только топор. Вполне возможно, что на привале, когда к нему и залез червь. Может, во время отключки слямзили, может, сам забыл про них Деревня со зловещим секретом — Отрадное. Реально скопление всей сверхестественной дичи.
Тут вам и одержимость и вызов чудовища из космоса и ловля золотой рыбки.
Once the issue is successfully resolved, you will be rewarded with 105 experience points. Go to the steward for an additional reward. When you tell the superintendent about the work done, you will get another 105 experience points and 50 rubles. Go back to the tavern, find the waitress Katya and talk to her on various topics. If you have already talked with the bartender, then you can safely say that he sent you to Katya. If it does not work, or just want to pass this quest, then agree to the collection of mushrooms. At the location Otradny you need to find five fly agaric mushrooms, but still need to fight with the monsters, they look like mutated wasps, spiders and rats. Not far from the entrance outside the city try to find a lonely house.
There will be a man sitting near it by the fire. Search for fly agarics: At the bottom of the entrance to the city, where Jan is standing, on the left side, not far from the poison cloud, you will find the first fly agaric. The second mushroom you will find moving up the location, in the middle near the left edge. Another mushroom grows outside of Otradnoe, where the large stones on the upper left. The fourth fly agaric grows in the upper right corner, behind the large rocks. Go down along the right edge of the location, a fifth flyswatter grows near a log. When the mushrooms are collected, go back to Katya and give them to her. As a reward get 32 experience points, if you also ask the girl about the chairman, you will get an additional 52 experience points and a note with recommendations for Kovalev. Next, find the fisherman who sits by the lake, to do this, go up from Otradnoye.
After the conversation he will ask you to bring him a strong pre-war drink, namely a bottle of vodka. You should return to the bartender and buy vodka from him for 27 rubles, give it to the fisherman, for which you will receive 21 units of experience. Now you can collect organs from the corpses of various monsters: from rats — meat, from wasps — feet, and from spiders — brains. You can fish for it all. Fish can not only be sold and get money for it, but also cooked. It is excellent for restoring health. In addition, in the process of fishing you can restore the stock of health points of the character. Next, go to Kovalev with the note you received from Katya and talk to him on various topics. His task will be to find the snitch in Otradnoe.
To fulfill the assignment, go to the supervisor and talk to a bald man, with him you can also play dice. In the conversation, he will give himself away, tell him that you will return to him soon. Go to Kovalev and tell him about Grishka. After completing this task you will be rewarded with 250 rubles. Then you will need to talk to the foreman again and offer him help with the next task. Go back to Grishka, persuade him to go to the lonely hut, which is located behind Otradnoye. In this case, strength, communication or knowledge of gambling will help. If you were able to convince him, then go after him, for this you will be rewarded with 52 experience points. But do not forget, before you start a conversation with Grishka, be sure to save yourself.
In one of the hiding places you might have found a cartridge for the hunting rifle your grandfather gave you for the corn harvest. You should load the shotgun before you pick it up. Now go back to Kovalev, so you can complete the task. You need to tell all Kovalev, then get a reward of 350 rubles and 158 experience points. After that Kovalev will give a new task. He will ask you to infiltrate the gang that sent Grishka to knock in Otradnoye. You can meet Grishka near the entrance to the factory, he can put in a good word for you with Dan. Near the destroyed bridge, to the left of Otradnoye, there is an abandoned factory. Go through and look into a small building, where you will see a man in a white suit, it will be Dan.
You will need to talk to him on all topics, and then he will send you to a test assignment. Go into a huge building, it will be a factory, there you need to talk to one of the bouncers, who guards the bars. After talking to him, find out where Shishak is. The door after that will open and Shishak will offer you either to beat the prisoner or to kill him. After taking the gun in your hands, you will need to decide what to do. In each case, whatever you choose, the gun will not be loaded, and no one will allow you to severely beat the prisoner. So you can pass the test Dan, about this will report to the leader of the gang one of the bandits. You also go to Dan to talk to him and finish the mission. At the end you will be able to get a new mission.
What the next mission you get from Dan will depend on the method you chose when passing the verification mission. If you decided to shoot the prisoner, the leader of the gang will give an order to deal with the moonshiner. If you decide to beat the prisoner, you will need to find the three brothers bandits. To do this, go down from the factory and turn left. Walk forward until you see the desired location, which will be near the mountains. On the territory of this location, have a good look around and think about how to proceed. There are several ways: to solve the problem peacefully or kill everyone. If you choose the peaceful way, then you can go further and examine the fresh grave. Talk to the head of the farm, he will be able to tell you about the three brothers.
As a result, you will learn that they raped his daughter, for which he killed them all. Next you will need to decide: take revenge for the bandits, get even with the farmhands or choose another method. Go to Dan, tell everything as it is, and try to convince him that his name is not involved in this matter, and no one on the farm knows about it. If Dan manages to convince him that the inhabitants of the farm are not a threat to him, you will receive a reward of 700 rubles. In this area talk to the guards, and then go to the house of the moonshiner. After meeting with the head moonshiner, try to convince him to resolve the issue peacefully. If none of the tried options suits you, then leave. Go back and try again then, when you pump up communication or can deal with a man by force. When the task is completed, go to Dan, tell him about the executed order and was rewarded 420 experience points and 700 rubles.
Then you can get a new quest. Why is the forest rumbling? On the global map, go to the bottom left corner, so you can find the right place. It is recommended to get a rope beforehand, you will need it in order to go down into the cave. When you find yourself in the location Rattling forest, then go along the path, there you will meet an old woman and an old man. It is with them that the quest is connected, in addition they will ask you to deal with the wolves that are nearby. Follow to the right side and kill the wolves, then return and get a reward. If you orient on the map, in the left corner of the location you can find a deep hole near the fallen tree. Until you get to the mutant, each monster will need to be destroyed.
After the mutant will be eliminated, go back to Dan, so the quest will be completed. But if you additionally can go deeper into the cave, you will find a lot of useful items there, and thus will get several Achievements at once. How do you help a wounded bandit? One of them will be badly wounded; he is lying on a bed. You need to talk to the one standing, promise to help with the treatment, then go back to Otradnoye. Save yourself, then try all options and try to convince Dr. Mikoyan to cure the wounded bandit. If you can do this, then go back to the factory and look in the room, wait until the doctor will help the wounded man, and get extra experience points. As a reward for the quest you will get 197 experience points and if you manage to convince Mikoyan to help the bandit, you will get an additional 360 experience points right after the operation.
Near one of the passages to the factory, you can see a girl who masquerades as a man. You need to talk to her, in the conversation try to find out the whole truth. She will tell you that she lost her father long ago and really wants to find him in the Wasteland. He will be at the side of the house by the lake. Thanks to this you will get a reward, then go to Dunya and tell her everything. When she finds out where her father is, she will reward you with experience points and useful items. After completing this quest get 80 rubles and 200 experience points, if you find her father, another 200 experience points and 200 rubles, cookies, two canned food. You can collect rewards from both characters. To find out whether you can release him or not, you need to talk to Dan.
He will offer a ransom of 500 rubles for him. The amount can be reduced if you manage to haggle with Dan. Or simply pay the full amount, it will not affect the passage of the quest. Having released the prisoner, take him out of the plant, to Otradnoe he will go himself. Go with him, on the way talk to the electrician on various topics. So you will be able to find out the code of the safe 8974. In the place where Grishka was killed, near the Otradny in an abandoned cabin can find a hatch under the bed, it leads down. See safe, open it, using the above code, take away the reward 200 rubles, corn grains, bag, which increases the carrying capacity of 6 kg and other useful items. For example, the grains can be planted in the field, which is located near the hut.
As a result, after completing this quest, you get 500 rubles from Kovalev, as well as the code from the safe in the basement of the lonely hut from Steblev. He will ask you to subdue Otradnoye, for this you will need to replace the chairman with another. In the left corner of the wasteland, at the location of the Pass, in the building on the right buy a pass. Passing the tent camp, follow to the Rusty Barge. On the territory of the Rusty Barge look for the bar, inside there will be a man with a bodyguard. It will be Ivan Ivanovich, you need to talk to him. Tell him that Dan sent you. Ivan Ivanovich will go to Otradnoye, and you follow him. Once you reach the first settlement, inside the house, talk to Ivan Ivanovich again and choose whom you would support in the election — the foreman Grankin or Katya.
After that, you will have to convince Jan together with Grandpa Semyon to take part in the election. Need, in this case, to apply the skills of persuasion. In addition, you will also need to convince Katya to vote for the candidate you want. There may be thugs in Otradnoe, you can use them to convince those who refused to vote. And as soon as you can deal with the four people, go to Ivan Ivanovich, so you can start the voting process. If you can convince three people out of four, the chairman will be the one you wanted. At the end of the quest Ivan Ivanovich will go to the Red Banner and you will receive a reward 400-500 rubles. You can find him in the bar in Otradnoye. To find out his last wish, you need to talk to him on various topics.
In the conversation it will be possible to find out that the man dreams of getting a car and going on a trip through the Wasteland by it. Exactly such a car can be found near the abandoned factory. To do this, go to the location, but do not need to go into the factory, and follow the opposite direction. This way you will be able to find the car, it will be faulty. When you find the car, go back to Kovalev, tell him about everything, he will give you a hint. Now you have to wander through the wasteland and wait for the caravan. For this you will be asked to pay 400 rubles, but if the skills of persuasion you have high, it will be possible to agree and for 200 rubles. After you can negotiate, return to Otradnoe, go back to the bar and talk to Kovalev. At this time the car will be on the spot.
For the passage of this quest you will receive intermediate 340 experience points. Now go after Kovalev to examine his car. Talk to the military man and clarify exactly what he needs this time. Now the car will have to be repaired, which will need to get the carburetor, eight skeins of wires, starter and 15 pieces of scrap metal. Scrap metal and wires are easy to find on different locations, if you have money, you can buy from dealers. During the day to go to the Red Flag and not far from the ship to buy all the items on the market from the two grandfathers. It will be harder to find the starter and carburetor, they can be purchased either in the Wasteland, from the randomly encountered stalkers, or from the merchant Artemyev from Krasnoznamennyi. He can be found in the hotel, which is located near the ship, his room is guarded by gromila. After communicating with Artemyev you will receive tasks from him, and if you manage to fulfill them, he will give you a carburetor and starter for free.
More about these tasks will be discussed in the article dedicated to the Red Banner. After Kovalev receives from you all the necessary parts to repair the car, he will ask to get more gasoline. It is recommended to purchase it in advance. At the end, Kovalev will be able to go by car through the Wasteland. You will need to kill three bandits, but in any case, the man will die, after which go to his daughter and tell about what happened. At this location you can see the showdown between Shishak and Dan, who are not sharing something with each other. Participate in their altercation and try to make it so that Dan survived. After leave the place, come back only a day later. Go to Dan, he will give you a reward and with it the next task, which will need to complete the quest.
His task will be to find the patrons of Shishak. To complete the task to go to the Red Banner. On the spot go up town, you will see a brothel, on the left side of it will be the den of bandits. At the entrance meet a man, give him the name Shishak, he will let you in, there will need to talk to the three thugs at the table. One of the thugs will agree to let you in to the leader of the gang, if you agree to help his partner. Talk to the second, in the conversation you will learn about the three debtors. So you will get a new task from the bandits, to find these debtors and to return the necessary amount. Move to the location of the Chamber of Commerce and find a woman in a gray jacket. Talk to her — this is the first debtor.
The second will be all the time sitting behind the slot machine in the casino, and the third — lives in the boiler room near the suburb of Krasnoznamenny. All of them need to be talked to convincingly. If you manage to convince each of the debtors to return the required amount, you will get 15,000 rubles. Use different skills in the conversation, so you can get the money back. Then there are several ways to deal with the money, it is at your discretion. There are two options: return the money to the bandits, so you can complete the task; Keep the money, skip three days, then the bandits will kill all three debtors, and you keep the money. But no matter which option you choose, after you talk to the bandits at the table, they will let you in to see the leader. When you meet the main bandit, talk to him on various topics. You will need to find out exactly where the bandit group that sponsored Shishak is located.
This location will be active only for this quest. You need to go there and shoot all the opponents, after completion go back to the leader of the gang. Chat with him, tell him about the positive resolution of the issue and get a reward for it. Bunker 317 Look in the upper right corner of the Wasteland, there is this location, which must be visited in the course of the game, completing the story task. In order to read the information contained in the various notes, it is necessary to go to the territory of the helipad and examine it carefully. Once you find the notes, you will be able to find out the code to open the safe, which is hidden in the bunker 4316. As in the game they exist on a permanent basis and are not randomly generated. Consequently, having learned the necessary password in the article, you can enter it in the right place. Locked bunker door can always be opened, while possessing a high level of power.
It will be needed in order to move the wagon, which is located nearby, on the rails. If unsuccessful, try to open the bunker doors manually. If again nothing works, you should go around the bunker. Talk to Moustache. He will tell you that he can open the bunker for you, but in exchange for a favor. You will have to make a sweep of this area in order for the bandits to loot the place afterwards. But there is always a choice: either agree or refuse. You will find a backpack that will fall out after the death of the bandits. It will increase the carried cargo by 28kg.
It can be found in the lair next to the bonfire. Acquire tools for this in a box, for example at the market of Krasnoznamenny from your grandfather or a technician from the village of Otradnoye, which should be released from detention in an abandoned factory. Your next path is on the lower level, but you can not go down in the elevator, because the door is locked. You can open the door by entering the room on the left and hacking into the computer system. But there is an additional option — on the right there is a code lock on the door, which is opened by entering the code — 4316, found in the game earlier or taken from the article. Using the computer, open the elevator doors by selecting the appropriate command line. It is worth using the information that is in the computer files. There you will find another code 2104 that opens the rest room with supplies. Go inside the open elevator and go downstairs.
First go down the lower level to the west wing, the living rooms are there. Check the lockers, nightstands, drawers for loot, collect it by killing myrmiks. Mutant Muravyov Gavrilova is locked in one of the rooms in the southwestern part of the map. Find him and talk to him. According to the story your further way lies exactly there! There you will find a safe and a book with an encrypted code combination. To make it easier for the players, we tell them the right answer right away — the combination 9731. On the lower level, on the east side, you can enter the science block. On the right, as you enter the first room, there is a note in which you will find the next codes, which except for the first open the next 4 doors in strict order.
This way you can search the block and get useful items. The computer, which contains the next code to enter the lab, is in the last room. The electronic lock on its door is blocked and you will have to use a crowbar or high force to open it. Your final path now lies along the lower tier to the north end, where the laboratory block is located. Enter the code 4334 to enter the lab, search the dead ATOMos. After examining the nearest dead ATOM, get a map of the Wasteland, where you will see the marker of your next destination point in the Red Banner. But the same dead ATOMovtsev can find the talisman. Fidel from your squad will tell you about it, if you have one at that time. He will also tell you that the Mushroom Cult dwells in Krasnoznamennyi, as well as surrender the location of their headquarters.
In the northern room there is a table and two cabinets, where you should look. After the cabinet moves away, you will find that you are in secret territory next to a dead man, a gun and a flask lying on the floor. In accordance with the storyline of the game you will get to Krasnoznamennyi only after visiting and exploring bunker 317, located in the upper part of the Wasteland in the right corner. But no one prevents you from going to the suburbs of Krasnoznamennyi right after exploring the abandoned factory. First partner — Fidel To visit the local inn. After stating that you are a member of ATOM, chat with the man in the back. By performing these simple steps, which require no verification, you and Fidel will become companions. You have the option to give your companion weapons, medicine, armor, and other items. You can also give commands to Fidel by pointing at him and holding down the left mouse button to choose an action.
Davi Krishtu Sect Not far from the drinking establishment are the cultists, their white robes visible during the day.
Посмотрев трюк, рассказываем Артуру, что удалось выяснить. Награда: 795 опыта, 200 рублей. В случае провала получите лишь 368 опыта, а еще, если не уйдете раньше времени, сможете понаблюдать за сценой, где Артур угрожает фокуснику. Окончится все загадочно и неожиданно. Чертовщина Где получить: на рынке в пригороде Трудограда. Как получить: говорим с торговцем по имени Демьян. Как только соберетесь уходить, он поручит задание возможно, при низкой харизме вы не получите этот квест. Прохождение: для начала идем в следующее место: Дожидаемся ночи 9 часов вечера подойдет , заходим в дом и обнаруживаем того самого черта.
Дальше есть несколько вариантов событий: Рассказываем Демьяну правду.
You have the option to give your companion weapons, medicine, armor, and other items. You can also give commands to Fidel by pointing at him and holding down the left mouse button to choose an action. Davi Krishtu Sect Not far from the drinking establishment are the cultists, their white robes visible during the day. As soon as you ascertain what is going on, Davy and his worshippers disappear.
Igor, who is a follower of the Mushroom Cult, will immediately approach you. After speaking with him on various topics, give your consent to help. Your next task is to pursue Davi, you must not fall behind her one step. The first place where the woman and her supporters will go will be Otradnoye, where near a lonely shack she will preach her teachings. Listen to her speech, then follow Krishta to the Drunken Den position.
There the cultists plan to hold a sermon against drinking alcohol. After talking to the woman, go back to Igor and tell him what you saw and heard. No matter what form you will present what you saw, the sectarian will still wish to get rid of the head of the cultists by the hands of the protagonist. Note: Upon completion of this quest, there will be an opportunity to join the Mushroom Cult. As a reward, you can get first aid kits or money, and you can join the Mushroom Cult.
Eliminating Davy Krishtu The easiest way to eliminate Davy will be in the Red Banner den, where you need to rent a lounge. First visit the casino of the Red Banner, do not forget to save yourself. You need to seduce a woman, for this you should choose the right words. In the end, your efforts will not go to waste, and Davy will agree to an intimate meeting, the only thing left is to rent a room. Go to the brothel and talk to the guard, who sits on a chair in front of the entrance.
Give him 50 or 100 rubles and he will let you in. Covertly destroy Davy Krishta. Intimidate her and force her to leave the Wasteland. Spend the night with her. But then again it would be necessary to rent a room in a brothel to complete the task.
Regardless of the decision, Krishtu will disappear and never reappear. Go to the suburb of Krasnoznamenny and inform Igor that the operation was successful. Your reward will be 50-100 rubles. Visit her at any time of the day or night. Discuss various questions with her and let her divorce you, because the cost of services is a penny.
Then the woman will tell you a sad story and ask to influence a neighbor. The man has a Lenin mummy, and clients prefer to go to him, and the fortune teller loses profits. During daylight hours you can get inside by paying 15 rubles to a man standing nearby. The Lenin mummy lying in the coffin can be examined only by examining it, touching the man will be forbidden. You can crack the door and get into the house with the Lenin mummy by rewinding time at night.
Once inside, you will witness an amazing scene: a copy of Lenin plays cards with the very man. Talk to them on various topics. You can choose how you will act. The first option — deceive the fortuneteller without informing her about the cunning of your neighbor you will remain without a reward. Then you will be rewarded for your help 50 experience points or 200 rubles.
Cryptocurrency makers Staying in the suburbs of Krasnoznamenny, you can perform another task. During the day there are several tents trading here. You need to talk to the latter, then you will learn that they were deceived by the two men dressed in white. Tell the guys that you agree to help, save yourself. You can intimidate or indoctrinate the grief-stricken cryptocurrency dealers to get rid of them.
The result of your actions will be the returned 1000 rubles. You can give them to the unfortunate, or keep them. How to get to the Krasnoznamenny Red Banner? This is done once. Help for writer Gubtsov Once in town, look diagonally to the right.
There is a large house there, which you need to get into and find a sad man in his kitchen. During the conversation, he will tell you that his last name is Gubtsov and he is a writer. The man will ask you to help him, do not refuse. Use any crossing point to get to the upper part of the city. Visit a local hotel.
In one of the rooms resides Vladislav Zhirenko, who works as an editor. After preservation, have a conversation with the man. Having received an affirmative answer, go to the writer, who continues to be sad in his kitchen, and make him happy. Interview with veterans for Zhirenko Talk to Zhirenko and tell him that you are ready to interview three veterans who live in Krasnoznamennyi. These people need to be found.
One of the veterans, Ambrose Truffelev, lives in a small house above the hotel building. Go there, in the living room on the couch you will find the old man, talk to him. His story with a detailed description will cost you 100 rubles. You need to listen to the veteran to the end to complete the part of the task. Find the next participant of the interview in the first part of the city.
Veteran Maslov lives in the same building as the writer Gubtsov. Upon learning that you are performing an assignment for Zhirenko, the elderly man will give answers to questions for free. You will find the last veteran in a drinking establishment on the outskirts of Krasnoznamennyi; he is a frequent guest at the tavern. Talk to Vysotsky on various topics, the interview will not cost you anything, except that the man will ask to treat him to a glass of hot drink. After visiting all the veterans, go to the editor and pass the task.
To get extra experience points, you can go back to Maslov and say that he lied. The reward is 500 rubles. It can be found at the beginning of the city, to the left of the gatehouse, where you chatted with the security guard — the ibrarian. Go into the structure, talk to Abraham, give him the receipt. After that, go back to Otradnoye and give it to the bartender to finish the quest.
Abraham and the Book Destroyers From a conversation with a bookstore clerk, you learn about sectarians who hate books. They walk around the wasteland, preaching that books cause all kinds of trouble, burning them, and killing the carriers of printed matter. He will give you a stack of books to use as bait to fight the scum. Go to the main map, you can move anywhere. After a short wait, a random episode with these scoundrels will appear.
Start the fight. The battle will be fought with seven opponents, whose weapons are designed for close combat. Go inside and talk to a man of respectable years. If you give a positive answer, you need to get to the location of the Carriage. There, near the entrance to the tent city, you will meet a man with long hair, who will tell you that the gang has three leaders and will reveal their locations.
Go in search of them. Move from the Ramp up, to the right, wander near bunker 317. After locating the criminals, kill them. After destroying the ringleaders, go back to a former member of the OCG and tell him everything. There is no need to kill him, as he will kill himself as soon as he finds out that everything is over.
At the end of the quest you will be rewarded with 126 experience points, 3000 rubles, 2 first aid kits and 20 rounds of ammunition. Chief of Police There is a not very large building on the upper left side of Red Banner where the local militia is located. You need to talk to the chief. In his competence to put before you several tasks at the same time, which are associated with the destruction of different criminal groups. Find them on the main map, through random events near the specified settlements.
Once you destroy all the villains, examine each, do not forget to pick up the head. It must be given to the head of the police of the Red Banner to get a reward. In total you will receive: 400 rubles — for the gang at the Rattling Forest, 200 rubles — for the gang at Fogelovka, 500 rubles — for the gang at the communications bunker, 300 rubles — for the gang at the Red Boyz. This is not all, a number of tasks can consist of several dozen criminal groups. There are also the Wasteland and the Calamity Gorge.
However, it is worth noting that Dead City and Calamity Gorge do not feature a large number of additional quests and their size is incomparable to the Wasteland. Trip to Dead City costs 7000 rubles, and agree to take you there old captain. You can bring the price down to 5000 rubles just by talking to him or offering a barter deal. Coal for the Krasnoznamennyi Red Banner Go to the boiler room, which is located in the lower left corner of the Krasnoznamenny suburb. Once inside, talk to the head electrician.
He will complain that the coal for the local population is not coming regularly. He will advise you to go to Alexander Sablin, who is more knowledgeable about this problem. Find the man in the bunker, which is located under the Chamber of Commerce. You need to get to the upper part of the city to get help. In the central part of the map you will find a building, opposite it you will see a monument to Lenin.
Enter the structure and head left to the elevator. The entrance to the bunker is closed, you will learn this from the guard. He will only agree to leave if he gets 7000 rubles from you. After having a conversation with him it is possible to reduce the sum to 5 thousand roubles. Pay him anyway, because with the Chamber of Commerce associated series of quests.
As soon as you collect the necessary amount, give the money to the guard you will not have to pay more. Enter the elevator and go down to the bunker. Alexander Sablin you will find in one of the living rooms there are 3 of them in total. After talking with him you will learn that the fuel is delivered with interruptions due to the Overrun. You will get to the Overrun if you go to the upper left part of the Badlands.
After you buy your ticket, look around the ship, in the hold you will find a room with a cage, where dogfighting takes place. Upstairs, to the right of the cage is a cabin, enter there and see Mambetov lying there, being cared for by two girls. Talk to the man on various topics, he will tell you that the drivers transporting coal are constantly being attacked, so there have been problems with the supply of coal. Get off the barge and leave the tent city. Near the structure where you bought the passes, find the truck driver.
Talk to him and agree to escort the convoy to Krasnoznamennyi. On the road you will be attacked by bandits, they need to destroy them together with several comrades. You can not participate in the battle yourself, hide, allies will cope without you. Now you can quickly move in this way from the Carrier to the Red Banner and vice versa. But keep in mind that if you have moved from a Transport Corridor to Red Banner with trucks, you will not find a vehicle when you return to the Transport Corridor.
It will still be waiting for you in Krasnoznamenny Town until you and your car return to Peregon. After the truck escort, tell everything to Sablin and return to the main electrician in the boiler room to get a well-deserved reward: 126 experience points, 700 rubles from the power engineer, 126 experience points from Sablin. Attack on Otradnoe You can find a military strategist in the suburban bar of the Red Banner. Go to the table closest to the exit on its right side and talk to the man. From him you will learn valuable information about the criminals, whose plans to attack Otradnoye.
He will advise you to go to 3 people who will help you dispose of the bandits. Give your consent to the task. There you will find your first assistant — sniper Lyudmila. Once in the right place, help the local fighters who were attacked by bandits. Then talk to the girl.
After the conversation you can fight together with her against wolves a separate task , or prove to her that wolves are not important at the moment. If your arguments do not convince Lyudmila, then you will get together with the woman into a mysterious cave. Below will be a description of this quest. In the event that Lyudmila gave her consent, hurry to Otradnoye. At the local diner find the saboteur Smirnov, sitting at one of the tables.
Have a conversation with the man. He will help you deal with the gang, provided that your team has at least one fighter, such as Lyudmila. Then head up from Otradnoye. Your goal — to find the boy in the striped vest among the other military and convince him to join the squad. Once you achieve this, return to the suburbs of Krasnoznamenny.
Go to the bar and tell the military tactician that you have gathered a team. The quest can be considered completed. And you decide whether or not to help your comrades-in-arms in the elimination of criminals. Once there, take your time. Prepare thoroughly, then go behind the rusty wagon, where you will find bandits sitting around a campfire.
It is up to you to let your allies deal with the criminals on their own. If someone dies, you can get some nice loot. After dealing with the bandits, return to the suburb of Krasnoznamenny and tell the military strategist about everything. You will receive 400 rubles from him an additional 200 rubles for a successful inspection , after which he will leave the city and the game will not meet again. This is the name of the lecherous brothel owner because he wears a military uniform.
If you want, you can have an intimate relationship with him, and it does not matter what gender the character is. No matter how you do it, the man will still ask for help. If you leave the city and go over the bridge to the left and up the map, you will see a large plane. Once in the area where the circusmen have settled, explore it. Do not rotate the camera, then on top of the arena on the right side you will find the strongman Bambula in a leopard costume.
You need to convince the 3 actors, it will not cause any difficulties, and there are no skill checks. In addition to the strongman you need to talk to two girls, one of them stands at the cage to the left of Bambula, and the second a little further, you will recognize her by her blue suit. Once you get the consent of the three actors, then go to the brothel of the Red Banner and report everything to its owner. If you wish, you can star in a movie. The task is considered completed, your reward is 252 experience points and 500 rubles, as well as a video.
Searching for the Rojewski Shield There is a casino in Krasnoznamenny that is located in the upper part of town. Go there and talk to an elderly professor you find behind the bar. The old man will share his grief. If you agree to help, you need to get to Otradnoye. Once in the city, go to the abandoned shack, find a high rock nearby.
Under the mountain there is a large rock, with which you need to interact to discover one of the parts and a book. In it you will find the information where the other parts are hidden. Next you need to visit three locations. The necessary part you will find in the house of the head moonshiner, it is hidden in one of the cabinets. There you can go alone or with Lyudmila.
The girl will ask for help with the destruction of wolves before agreeing to participate in a battle with a criminal group that wants to attack Otradnoye. Heading north from Krasnoznamenny, you will find a cave with wolves. Explore the human hideout and find the necessary item. You will find the desired location if you go to the right side of the Wasteland. You can go two ways: to destroy all the members of the gang, search the corpses and find a detail of the shield, or to make peace with the criminals and buy back the item from the leader of the gang for 2 rubles.
You have in your hands 4 parts of the shield Roevsky, which must be connected. Go to the Casino of the Red Banner to give the item to the professor. Xander from the future During daylight hours, in front of the door of the Chamber of Commerce, you can see a man who is dressed in foil and has something unusual on his head. Talking to him on various subjects, you will learn that he has been sent here from the future. Save yourself first.
When you find yourself in the specified location, have a conversation with the young men sitting on the chairs near the fire. They will only end the relationship if you pass the test, but not the communication. Passing the test of communication, you get the opposite result, their love will only increase. In any case, even if you could not prevent the young couple from loving each other, go back to Xander. Once you tell him everything, the mission is over.
If you used communication, you earn 150 experience points. Used high charisma, and you managed to separate the couple, then returning, you will find that Xandr became the ruler. The room is located in the bunker of the Chamber of Commerce. Once there, talk to the man on various topics. Listen to his request, which is the destruction of all inhabitants of the Circus, or their voluntary departure from the Wasteland.
You will find the local leader at the head of the plane by climbing the scaffolding. Start the conversation after you save it. There are two ways to go: convince the residents to leave the Badlands or find out some curious information about Ivan the Pod. If you choose the second option, then go to the general secretary and tell him that you know his secret — about his nickname and mutation. After completing the mission, you will receive a well-deserved reward — 1260 experience points and 3000 rubles.
Missing statue of Lenin When your character reaches level 10, in the daytime in front of the Chamber of Commerce you will meet a man dressed in military uniform. At his request you will need to deal with the Ironworkers who stole the Lenin sculpture. Make a choice of how to act three military units, when they will storm the fortress bandits. Participate in the assault, kill all the criminals. It is undesirable to hit allies, in which case the squad in which he is a member will revolt against you the other two will remain peaceful.
If you could not avoid a clash with allies, then reload the last save, otherwise you will not be able to complete the mission. After destroying the enemies talk to the man at the beginning of the location. He can inform you about the surviving enemies. The hiding bandit can be found on the other side of the junkyard. In case the allied units entered through different entrances, this is excluded.
Go back to the Red Banner and tell about what happened to the military man who gave you the mission. Shashlichnaya in Peregon At the top of Krasnoznamenny there is a movie theater near which you can see a letter carrier. Talk to the postal worker about various topics. From him you will learn that perhaps the kebab shop in Peregon is engaged in illegal activities, possibly terrorist, or conducts secret and terrible experiments. When you get to Peregon, go to the kebab shop.
It is located on the left side of the map, near the railroad tracks. There talk to the grill man. After that, talk to the owner of the institution and convince him to leave here. Once everyone has left, then go downstairs by breaking down the door. Eliminate the guard, go around all the rooms and find various clues.
However there is a probability of passing the skills test.
ATOM RPG — Full Walkthrough
Перед запуском сюжета вы можете распределить пять очков характеристик на семь различных атрибутов — силу, выносливость, ловкость, интеллект, внимание, харизму и удачу. Описание каждой из них можно получить при наведении курсора мыши. И вот вам первый совет. Одна из ачивок игры подразумевает повышение любой характеристики до 11 пунктов. Если вы хотите этого добиться прямо сейчас, то вложите все пять доступных очков в одну любую характеристику.
К примеру, пусть это будет сила. В таком случае вы будете получать максимальную отдачу от атрибута. Где взять еще один балл? Во время прохождения игры вы сможете отыскать таинственный химикат.
Возможно, в полной версии игры таких химикатов будет несколько штук, но сейчас он только один и мы расскажем, где его найти. Что касается очков навыков, то вы будете получать приблизительно по 15 скил-поинтов за каждый новый уровень. Я бы рекомендовал вкладываться в холодное и какое-то огнестрельное оружие, чтобы повысить вероятность попадания по врагу и нанесения максимального урона соответствующим оружием. Но решать вам.
К слову, навык взлома хоть и полезен, но прокачивать его по максимуму, по крайней мере, на этой стадии игры, не нужно. Вы можете несколько раз подряд пытаться взломать тот или иной шкафчик и, в конце концов, ваш герой сделает это успешно. При взломе никакие отмычки и любые другие предметы не расходуются. Создали персонажа?
А теперь давайте изучим управление, а затем приступим к исследованию Пустоши! Управление в игре Для передвижения персонажа щелкайте ЛКМ по любой части локации. Клавиши W, S, A, — в данном случае отвечают за перемещение камеры. То же самое можно сделать, если навести курсор к любому краю экрана.
Клавиша I — открыть инвентарь, C — открыть меню с характеристиками и навыками персонажа, Q и E — вращать камеру по кругу против или по часовой стрелке соответственно. Также камеру можно вращать, если зажать ПКМ и начать вращать ее. Клавиша J позволит открыть журнал, F5 — сохранить игру, а F9 — загрузить последнее сохранение. Для взаимодействия с любым объектом или атаки противника в бою используйте ЛКМ.
Если вы хотите открыть меню действий с объектом, то наведите на него курсор и зажмите ЛКМ. Далее появится список возможных действий — наведите курсор на нужное и отпустите ЛКМ. Начало В начале игры независимо от того, что вы выберите, вас ограбят бандиты. Очнувшись, подберите лежащую неподалеку флягу.
Можете изучить окрестности дома и во дворе найти два ящика. Один из них будет открыт, а другой придется взломать. Для взлома этого и остальных ящиков наведите на него курсор мыши, зажмите ЛКМ и выберите в появившемся меню «Взломать». Покиньте локацию, встав на зеленую область около ее края.
Видеопрохождение игры Продолжения видеопрохождения игры смотрите на канале. Отрадное Вы окажетесь в первом поселении — Отрадном. Для начала давайте осмотримся и найдем первое более-менее стоящее оружие. Сразу после входа идите налево и среди деревьев на земле обнаружите квадратную плиту.
При наведении на нее курсора она будет обведена зеленым цветом. Взаимодействуйте, чтобы открыть схрон, после чего вытащите оттуда полезные предметы, включая нож. Экипируйте его. Можете пройтись по кругу локации, убивая крыс, муравьев и летучих тварей.
С крыс стандартно, по умолчанию выпадает кусок мяса. Это мясо можно приготовить на любом костре. В Отрадном костер находится у правой части экрана, где стоит один из персонажей, который готов сыграть в кости, если вы их ему принесете. Щелкните по костру и в меню выберите «Пожарить мясо».
Также на этом костре можно сварить консервы, заварить чай или кофе. Консервы и мясо избавляют от голода, а также восстанавливают ХП — по 10 и 11 очков здоровья соответственно. Навык «Этимолог» учимся собирать органы мутантов В левом верхнем углу, где находится озеро, есть одинокий рыбак. Побеседуйте с ним.
Расспросите обо всем, поинтересуйтесь, можете ли вы половить рыбу. Он скажет, что здесь нужна особая наживка с монстров. Рыбак поделится информацией о том, какие органы нужно вырезать из мутантов, если вы принесете ему бутылку крепкого довоенного алкоголя. Идите в Отрадное и зайдите в харчевню.
Пообщайтесь с барменом и взгляните на его товары. Среди них будет довоенная водка, которая стоит около 27-28 рублей. Купите ее, принесите рыбаку и тот обучит вас новому умению «Этимолог». Теперь вы можете обыскивать трупы мутантов и забирать их части тела.
Причем это можно сделать даже с уже убитыми мутантами. Собрав части их тел, вернитесь к рыбаку и взаимодействуйте с удочкой. Используйте всю наживку, что у вас есть, чтобы словить несколько рыб. Они гораздо дороже наживки.
После этого идите в Отрадное и продайте рыб. Сбор кукурузы Войдите в один из двух небольших домов рядом с харчевней и поговорите со стариком. Он попросит вас собрать урожай кукурузы. Огород с кукурузой находится позади его дома, у забора.
При этом в ходе игры ее можно будет улучшать и использовать совмещенное с ней вооружение. Боевая система также претерпела определенные изменения. Если раньше пуля даже самых мощных калибров не была способна причинить ущерб более чем одному врагу, то сейчас разработчики изменили баллистику в сторону большего реализма и теперь мощный боеприпас выпущенный например из тяжелой винтовки способен уничтожить целый строй противников стоящих друг за другом.
Коснутся приятные улучшения и в рукопашном бою, разработчики создали целый ряд анимации убийств врага оружием ближнего боя. Однако в целом бои останутся подобно тем, какие были и в прошлой части, то есть пошаговыми, где у каждого персонажа имелся лимит очков на определенные действия и передвижения. Коснутся изменения и масштабной карты.
Если в прошлой части игры игрокам давался для изучения целый район «пустошей» с несколькими населенными пунктами, различными базами, заброшенными предприятиями и бункерами, то сейчас перед нами территория большого города со своими особенностями. Карта стала меньше, однако по мнению разработчиков, это лишь сделает более удобным перемещение игрока, а мир более богатым на случайные события, которые как и в прошлой части будут преследовать главного героя и участвовать в них или игнорировать зависит зачастую лишь от игрока. Создатели игры обещают создать помимо разных локаций районов города различные подземелья, бункеры и секретные лаборатории.
Весьма неплохо воссоздана атмосфера эпохи СССР, с узнаваемыми отечественными автомобилями в виде УАЗ, ЗиЛ, Урал и прочими, агитационными плакатами, вооружением и формой бойцов, и различными предметами. При этом многие документы и диалоги раскрывают судьбу тех или иных районов СССР после войны. В «Трудограде» игроку удастся как найти новых спутников, которые будут оказывать помощь в бою, так и встретить некоторых старых.
Так, уже заявлено, что в городе будет возможность повстречаться со стариком «Гексогеном», весьма колоритным персонажем первой истории. Некоторая часть неигровых персонажей также перекочует из первой игры. Не обойдут стороной и черный юмор, которым была серьезно насыщена прошлая часть в виде различных комичных ситуаций, квестов и отсылок к различным играм и фильмам.
Хотя и стоит отметить, что по ощущению некоторых игроков «Трудоград» стал заметно мрачнее по сравнению с прошлой частью игры. Большее разнообразие внесут и в строй противников. Так, в «Трудограде» можно будет встретить новые банды и мутантов.
He will ask you to find an old friend of his. To do this you need to go to the Rattling Forest, there you will be able to find the grandfather and grandmother in the tent. The friend of the main moonshiner is the grandfather. At the exit you need to meet an old man guard, talking to him, get important information.
He is looking for his daughter Doona, she will be near one of the entrances to the abandoned factory. Once there, you will meet Alenka — a girl-warrior, who will immediately give you a task. But before you go to perform it, it is worth stocking up on resources, because the exchange of gunpowder, you can get 300 rubles. Another important point is to find a ticket ATOMovtsa, which at night crack the night table, it is located in the center of the house.
The owner of the farm will be able to learn more about who the parents of Alenka are, then tell her this information. Even if you offer the girl-warrior to go with the detachment, she will still refuse and go on her own in search of her real parents. Talk to the owner of the farm, he will tell her that he suspects his wife of treason. At night, break into the nightstand, which is near the bed, take out a plastic ring and show the man.
You will also receive a task from her. She will ask you to find some casparamide plates. To complete the quest, you will need to find five plates, give them to Yana, and in the end get 100 rubles. The owner has a younger daughter named Ella, she is located near the house.
It is necessary to talk to her, so you get to ferret out her real name. The girl can be seduced, tell her that in a big world wonderful adventures are waiting for her. After that, bring her a cigarette and alcohol, and then you can meet her in the hayloft. To get inside the circus you need to spend 15 rubles, after which you will be called to the arena.
The task will be to cheer up the audience by showing a successful number. Among all the guard posts you need to find Nikolai, he, unlike the other guards, will not be dressed in a clown suit. Chatting with him, you will get information about the rats that are under the circus. Then go up the location, deal with ten rats and find the rat king.
After you destroy a huge rat, go back to Nikolai, he will reward you with 150 rubles, a can of stew and two antidotes. Near the plane, on the right side of this location, find several chairs. On one of them sits Varvara. Talk to this woman, she will tell you how she had a quarrel with Yana Yaitseklad.
The reason for their quarrel is that Yana blames Varvara for the broken egg. Make your way to Jana, she is on the left side of the dome. You will need to talk to her on various topics. Even to the left you will see Ivan Tsaplya, he will be sitting on a crate.
After talking to him, you will learn that it was he who broke the egg. With this information you can go to Yana and Barbara, to tell them how exactly everything happened. For this get a reward of 150 rubles. Now open the map, go to the southwest corner, where you will find a cache under the stone.
The Rumbling Forest At this location you can see an old woman and an old man, they will ask to deal with the formidable wolves in the rumbling forest. You will need to move to the right side, then find the wolves and destroy them. However, you should cope with this task as soon as possible, you should not procrastinate, because every minute is precious, otherwise the old men will be killed. After completing the task, move to the left side, there you will find a fallen tree.
A hunter will emerge from it. The cache will be exactly in this place. Where the hunter was, there is a wooden idol. About it will need to learn detailed information from the old man.
To do this, go back to the tent and ask him everything. If you want to increase your luck by one point, place pieces of meat right in front of the wooden idol. Meat after the increase you can take back, because luck is still increased on a permanent basis and will not change. Another cache can be seen if you go down the map, right at the turn of the trail.
Now you need to go down into the pit of the rumbling forest, there carefully examine the skeleton, where you can find and get a Soviet combat knife. In close combat, it will be the best weapon. In this cave turn to the left side, there you will find a mutated dog, it must be killed and, after searching the corpse, get a mysterious chemical. With this reward you can increase any selected characteristic.
In the same cave go to the northwest, namely to its corner. There apply the second rope, it should be thrown to the other side of course, you will need excellent throwing weapon skill. When you get to the other side, you can find the image of a deer in the center of the hall. Now look for a cache with a stone baba, it is located on the left side of the cave, there you will find a weapon.
If you suddenly can not build a knife at the first time, then just restart and try again to make it. Fogelevka In the lower left corner of the map, near the lake you can find the village of Fogelevka. To get to the third global map, namely the Bede Gorge, you will need to find a ZIL driver and pay him 5,000 rubles. But if the level of communication or barter will be high, it is possible to reduce the amount of travel to three thousand rubles.
Advance to the northern part of the village, there you will see a shed with a small bathhouse. In this bathhouse you will see a girl, with whom you need to communicate. After that you will learn that her father pestered her because of the dream nightmare. When the task is done, tell the girl Pereslavl.
In conclusion, it will be able to get a reward for a fragmentation grenade F-1. Then visit the tavern, you can find the letter carrier, who will give the job. Need to take clowns in the circus package with the medicine. If you open the parcel, you will see that it is drugs.
But still passing the parcel as directed, and it must be given to the clown, who will stand at the main entrance of the circus, get 200 rubles. In the same tavern, inside the main room, near the entrance is another character, whose nickname is The Lawman. His task is to find out information about the bandit Chigurov. To complete the task, he will direct you to three different people.
First of all, go to the Carriage, passing the barge, go down into the hold. There advance further towards the cage where the dogfights will take place. There will be a girl leaning against the wall, on the right side of the steward. With a girl need to talk, to do this apply skills, so you can learn about the bandit Chigurov.
You need to go there and talk to the old man, who will sit on the left side of the tent. To learn new information about Chigurov will require the use of persuasive skills. Despite all the information and questioning it will not be enough, because still have to visit the location of the Calamity Gorge. When you find yourself on the spot, then it is worth to go straight to the Old Castle, there you will find Mr.
This man will be located in a small fortress near the bags with potatoes. Talk to Matvey and get information about Chigurov, find out what exactly the bandit has planned. After that, return to the Fogeleevka, tell all the information Lawman, thanks to which get 9779 experience points and 1000 rubles in addition. If you want to earn an additional 350 rubles, then help Zakannik eliminate Chigurov.
It can be found above, on the right side of the Red Banner. At the location of the location you need to try to negotiate with the bandits, to do this, apply charisma. If everything turns out, then the leader of the gang will be able to take the quest. He will ask you to bring him 50 rounds of 9mm caliber, when you do this, then get his reward of 300 rubles.
At the same bandit leader ask about the girl who was locked in the center of the fortress in the cell. He will offer a ransom of 800 rubles, so you can release the girl. You can also eliminate all the bandits, if possible, and still end up talking to Gulchitai. The girl will ask to escort her to the Red Banner, return with her to the suburbs and talk.
At the base in the Red Boyz build a kitchen, then meet Gulchitai in the bar of the suburb of Red Banner and talk to her again. After that, the girl will ask to join you at the base, agree, so you complete her story and she will cook for you. Tin Man Junkyard How to Get a Car When you find yourself at this location, you will be offered to take part in the storming of the base, it will happen regardless of whether you took a quest from the military in the square of the Chamber of Commerce in Krasnoznamenny or not. After passing the storming, you can get a car that will facilitate movement through the wasteland.
The car will need to roll out of the garage, then begin to inspect it. The car should not be in a hurry to start. Before you turn the starter, fix it, otherwise you will lose it. Without fixing the car, it is sure to explode, and the main character will die.
When the car is repaired, fill it up with gas and go driving around the Wasteland. Go to the location Fogelevka, so you can get to the Calamity Gorge. At the location Fogelevka talk to the truck driver, who will agree to take you to your destination for 5000 rubles, you can also bargain for 3000 rubles, if possible. But before all this is done, it is recommended to visit the bunker of the Chamber of Commerce.
Find a familiar character — Ivan Ivanovich, he will be in one of the living rooms. If he will be lying on the bed, you will not persuade him to get up, he himself must get up. You need to talk to Ivan Ivanovich and find out about his plans to repair the caravanserai. Next we go to the local chairman to persuade him to recognize the authority of the Red Banner.
Caravanserai In the location of the Caravanserai you will find yourself if you go to the Gorge of Trouble. Two other locations — the waterfall and the Old Castle — are ready to be taken by a man you meet at the entrance to the tavern. The only building in the Caravanserai is the tavern. If you enter it, you can meet some interesting characters.
But first try to walk around the living rooms, then save yourself and go into the room with a woman and a man. This is where you will see Artemiev hiding with his bodyguard. There is an opportunity to negotiate peacefully with Artemyev, try to resolve the issue or persuade him to surrender. If he succeeds, Artemyev will be locked in one of the rooms and guarded by a man from the Caravanserai.
If no agreement is reached, then we will have to fight both Artemyev and his bodyguard. In the course of the skirmish, it is likely that the woman will be killed. But if she survives, then talk to her. You can pay her back in money or leave it at that.
There will be an ammo dealer at the table on the left side, talk to him. Making your way to the Gorge of Trouble on the global map, will constantly be faced with wolves. Therefore, to collect the canines will not be difficult, especially since the wolves will not restore health points, unlike people. At the table on the right will sit the chairman of the caravanserai Mahmudov.
If you start to say right away that you need to recognize the authority of the Red Banner, he will definitely refuse. He will tell you about the missing cook, you can meet him on the location with a waterfall. The fact is that the inhabitants of the Caravanserai and the Old Castle are at war with each other. The cook fell in love with the girl Alina from the Old Castle, and he had to run away to meet her.
In a way, Alina and the cook are the prototype of Romeo and Juliet. It is not possible to execute the assignment immediately and return the cook, but there is one option for a peaceful resolution of the issue. About it you will learn a little later. Near the Old Castle he lost a parcel, so he will ask you to find it and give it to him.
Go to the Old Castle and at the top of the map, at the foot of the castle, you will see another letter carrier at the fire. It is necessary to take away the parcel from him, then take it to the tavern, for which you will receive a reward of 1000 rubles. Old Castle Proceed to this location and enter the territory of the fortress. The fortress is located on top of a mountain.
You need to meet Efendi, who fears for his life. You can find Efendi in one of the buildings, in a conversation with him you will learn his story. Since that moment Efendi is afraid and asks you to help him get out of this story. Agree and go outside.
Near the fire you will see Gazi, talk to him and find out the truth. After that you will have to either tell Efendi the truth, that he realized his wrongdoing, or lie, thus condemning him to live in fear for the rest of his life. Here you can meet a woman in the corner of the building who will complain about her junkie husband. She can be helped by climbing to the top of the fortress.
In the tower itself you can find her husband named Azis. Then save yourself and try to convince him to quit drugs. To do this, use charisma and strength. When the task is completed successfully, return to the woman and tell her that you completed her task.
For this you will receive a reward of 333 rubles. Go to the next room, there you will see Edward the Terrible. This is the local leader. Talk to him, you will get the following task: he needs to return the runaway daughter.
You will find her by the waterfall. To do this, go to the location and try to convince the girl to return to her father, but save yourself first. You can also pass several checks, then forcefully put the girl on her shoulder blades and return her to her father, but there is also a peaceful option. After talking to the girl, go back to her father and tell him everything she told you.
Then go back to the waterfall, tell Alina the good news, and in this way you will be able to solve several issues with one blow. The girl will return home to her father, to the fortress, and the cook to the Caravanserai. After the cook returns to the Caravanserai, again try to communicate with Makhmudov. He must be told that the Red Banner wishes to cooperate fruitfully, after which the man recognizes the power of the city of the Wasteland, giving good.
To complete the initiated mission, return to Ivan Ivanovich. From Grozny, for the return of his daughter, you will be rewarded with 100 rubles, as well as a magazine rifle and apples. You will also get permission from him to go to the old bunker. How do you get into the bunker?
In order to get to the Calamity Gorge, you must complete the task of Grozny from the Old Castle: to return his daughter Alina to him. After completing the task guide from the Caravanserai escorts you to the bunker for 100 rubles. Upon arrival go inside, go straight to the center of the small circular room, follow to the console. You need to go to the Red compartment, which is located on the right side.
But it is impossible to go there, because the passageway is blocked. Still, you will have to go around to get inside. Turn on the left side and move forward, there you need to find the room with two big generators. To do this, redirect the power, then the entrance 28 will open, you can supply electricity to the infirmary 11.
After doing these manipulations, go to the place where the tunnels with vegetation begin. There are monsters waiting for you in these places. When they attack, stems emerge from the bushes. It is the shots of these plants that do a lot of damage.
Not only do they make your character weak, but they also prevent you from using weapons and lower your action points. To avoid these troubles, it is recommended to destroy the plants initially. They have a minimum of health, and it will be easy to do. Then move on to the living rooms, passing all the corridors with vegetation.
You need to find the room with the breach in the wall, so look through all of them. To get into the room, you will need to use explosives, because the passageway is blocked. You can also use herbicide, it is in the next room on the right. There will be a safe under the bed, and if you crack it, you can get the herbicide ready.
How to make herbicide? If you can not crack the safe, or just need herbicide, you can make it yourself. To do this, go to the left side of the room with the breach — there will be a laboratory. Find the remote control and interact with it.
It is worth noting that the cabinet itself is not an object available for interaction. You will have to specifically click on the jar with the right substance. Now look for the second ingredient. To do this, we return to the room where the wall is broken through.
On the right side, where the safe is hidden, you need to find the couch. On it will be a suitcase, if you crack it, you will get the second ingredient for the preparation of herbicide. The last substance can be found if you go from the lab with the remote control to the right side, passing a corridor with vegetation. You need to find in one room a square flowerbed with yellow plants.
Go into this room, and from it go to the next room, where there will be many remotes. Find a small rack on which lies the necessary substance. When all three ingredients are assembled, you should go back and add all the components to the mixing console. The correct recipe can be found in the corridor with vegetation: it will be on the skeleton.
If you have not been able to find it, you can use the instructions below: 2 mg diacetylmorphine; 0. Thanks to this recipe you will be able to prepare an herbicide. It is applied to the plant that blocked the passageway to the room, then move into the cave. Along the way you have to fight the enemies.
There will be a group of ATOM, talk to them, save yourself and then go to the farthest room. When the fight is over, you can find a note with the code combination: it will be on one of the bodies of the dead. This is the code to the door of the headquarters of the Mushroom Cult. If you helped the creature, you can head back to Ariadne at the Mushroom Cult headquarters — a reward awaits you there.
Even before you start your journey to the Dead City, you need to purchase pills that minimize the damage from radiation or remove it completely. Now you should go to the dock, which is located away from the weapons and ammunition shop. After a short conversation, the captain will offer to transport you to the target, no less than 7 thousand rubles. You can try to bring the price down to 5 thousand.
Get on the road. Once you have reached the Dead City, you will find yourself on the pier. Here you should talk to the travelers here. The stalker sitting on the left side has an unknown key.
Near the fire will sit a man named Bush. On the global map move to the left at the bottom of the map. Soon you will see those very bandits. A randomly generated event will happen here.
Having dealt with the gang, go to your questor. The bush will give you a thousand rubles and 380 units of experience. By the way, do not forget to search the pockets of the murdered bandits. Once here, turn right at the first building.
Here you will find a man named Dubravin, talk to him.
Однако несмотря на весьма плачевное состояние дел в отечественном «игропроме» разработчики смогли создать действительно интересную и захватывающую игру, при этом авторы разумно решили отойти в направлении творчества от других популярных на территории СНГ игр подобного жанра в виде «STALKER» и серии «Метро», перенеся действия на территорию СССР из альтернативной реальности, разрушенного ядерной войной. Главный герой новобранец засекреченной организации А. Военизированное подразделение является остатком былого могущества СССР, оно помогает решать глобальные проблемы, в большинстве случаев в тайне от всего остального мира. Помогая тем самым оправиться от последствий ядерной войны и в перспективе возродить Советский Союз.
Первая часть игры «ATOM RPG» разворачивается в 2005 году, главный герой «кадет» должен выполнить секретное задание по розыску пропавшей на «пустошах» военной группы А. Поиски впоследствии приводят к получению главным героем информации об надвигающейся на планету ужасной катастрофе, которая может похоронить раз и навсегда остатки человечества. Руководство А. Трудоград представляет собой крупный город, который за счет мощной ПВО и ПРО смог отразить большинство ядерных атак и остаться относительно целым. Однако это не полностью уберегло его от последствий ядерной войны.
В некоторые районы города смогли проникнуть мутанты. Из-за гибели центрального правительства в Трудограде обострилась борьба за власть между различными группировками, поднял свою голову криминалитет. Население тотально обнищало и проживает в ветхих кварталах города, в то время как успевшие разбогатеть дельцы и лидеры различных группировок обитают в крепких многоэтажках. Именно в таком виде перед главным героем и предстает Трудоград. В игре можно вести диалоги и торговать со всеми персонажами, при этом диалоги хорошо прописаны и в большинстве своем нелинейные.
На подобном уровне остаются и задания, которые можно проходить разными способами и которые могут привести к различным итогам. Разработчики утверждают, что в дополнении постараются прописать характер, задания и разноплановые диалоги большинству персонажей игры. Изменения коснутся брони и оружия в игре. Так, теперь, что рукопашное оружие, что огнестрельное можно будет улучшать по своему вкусу, тем самым подстраивая вооружение под прокачку своего персонажа.
Атом рпг (ATOM RPG). Прохождение игры
Все новости об игре ATOM RPG в жанре RPG, Стратегия, Приключения: выход обновления, раздача ключей, где купить, скачать игру. Разработчики ролевой игры Atom RPG представили первые материалы своего нового проекта — местом действия выбрали фэнтезийную вселенную. The most comprehensive guide to the game. Прохождение вышедшего аддона Атом РПГ Трудоград по ссылке. Что касается времени, затрачиваемого на Atom RPG – прохождение игры займет около 80 часов со всеми побочными квестами и заданиями. Прохождение вышедшего аддона Атом РПГ Трудоград по ссылке.