Роль супергероини досталась Доминик Торн.
Эттингер — об игре вратаря «Вегаса» Томпсона с «Далласом»: он был словно Доминик Гашек
Торн Доминик, биография и творческие достижения — РУВИКИ | Доминик Торн (англ. Dominique Thorne) сыграла Рири Уильямс/Железное сердце в фильме Чёрная пантера: Ваканда навеки. |
First look of Dominique Thorne starrer ‘Ironheart’ unveiled at D23 Expo | Ею станет афроамериканская актриса Доминик Торн. |
Dominique Thorne Says Marvel Didn’t Audition Her To Play Ironheart
Dominique Thorne is bringing a fan-favorite Marvel character to the screen with 'Ironheart.'. The upcoming Marvel Studios series 'Ironheart', which stars Dominique Thorne and Alden Ehrenreich, on Saturday, got an official first look at the D23 Expo. Dominique Thorne is bringing a fan-favorite Marvel character to the screen with 'Ironheart.'. Close up of Dominique Thorne.
Место рождения
- Late Afternoons With Thorne
- ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ: Новые кадры и фото со съемок фильма ужасов ЧЕРНАЯ ВДОВА. УКУС СМЕРТИ
- Dominique Thorne Had No Audition for IRONHEART
- First look of Dominique Thorne starrer 'Ironheart' unveiled at D23 Expo
Actress Dominique Thorne is Ready for Her Super Suit
Доминик Торн могла сыграть не Железное сердце, а Шури вместо Летиши Райт в MCU | Сейчас стало известно, что актриса Доминик Торн получила главную роль без кастинга. |
Доминик Торн рассказала как получила роль Железного Сердца | Geek-Post | Дзен | Thorne was asked whether she knew about Riri Williams before accepting the part. |
Роберт Дауни-младший поддержал актрису, играющую преемницу Железного человека | Доминик Торн (англ. Dominique Thorne) сыграла Рири Уильямс/Железное сердце в фильме Чёрная пантера: Ваканда навеки. |
Доминик Торн дебютирует в роли Айронхарта в "Черной пантере 2"
Speaking to ComicBook. A cast mate over on Ironheart had actually done a show with him and connected us, and he had some beautiful words to say about how much he believes that Riri Williams is and should always be her own person, her own thing. That this legacy is headed in the right direction and all the beautiful encouraging things that you hope to hear from the Iron Man himself. He lives on through his legacy, a topic that will definitely be explored in the upcoming Armor Wars, which has now been repurposed into a theatrical film. When will we see Riri Williams next?
The film was shot almost entirely in New York City in the fall of 2017 with production taking place in various Harlem locations. Check our exclusive red carpet interviews below: Aunjanue Ellis plays Mrs. The Knockturnal: Your character has an intense scene! Speak about being in this film. I love it. The harder it is, the more I run to it.
The Knockturnal: Your character represents so many people from that era. Aunjanue Ellis: I think that, unfortunately, these sort of very conservative ideas are kind of, in a way ruining us. The Knockturnal: Talk a little bit about working with Barry and what that process was like. He was really open, and I appreciated that. Dominique Thorne plays Sheila Hunt.
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Advertisement Dominique Thorne has created quite a stir, following her premiere performance as Riri Williams, a. Ironheart, in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. It can be stressful to become the newest hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but fortunately for Thorne, two veteran Avengers are on hand to provide her some much-needed guidance. Thorne told ScreenRant that she recently spoke with Downey to determine the best course of action for the film and to secure his support going forward.
Эттингер — об игре вратаря «Вегаса» Томпсона с «Далласом»: он был словно Доминик Гашек
Dominique Thorne - | Coming soon to #DisneyPlus, Dominique Thorne is genius inventor Riri Williams in Ironheart, an Original Series about the creator of the most advanced suit of armor since Iron Man. |
Роберт Дауни-младший поддержал актрису, играющую преемницу Железного человека | Stay up to date on all the latest and breaking news about Dominique Thorne, and explore 4+ Articles from many reputable news sources on current events. |
Доминик Торн дебютирует в роли Айронхарта в "Черной пантере 2"
Роль супергероини досталась Доминик Торн. Dominique Thorne was spotted on the set in Atlanta for the first time in full costume as RiRi Williams, a.k.a. Ironheart. Доминик Торн (англ. Dominique Thorne) сыграла Рири Уильямс/Железное сердце в фильме Чёрная пантера: Ваканда навеки. Audiences across the world were introduced to Dominique Thorne as superhero Riri Williams, also known as Ironheart, the super intelligent college coed. Новый постер фильма #GodzillaVsKongTheNewEmpire. Доминик Торн сообщила, что съемки сериала #Ironheart💔 завершены: "Пристегнитесь. Dominique Thorne is bringing a fan-favorite Marvel character to the screen with 'Ironheart.'.
Dominique Thorne
Роль супергероини досталась Доминик Торн. Dominique Thorne confirms Marvel's 'Ironheart' series wrapped filming. The show is set to release on Disney+ on September 3, 2025. Dominique Thorne was spotted on the set in Atlanta for the first time in full costume as RiRi Williams, a.k.a. Ironheart. The upcoming Marvel Studios series 'Ironheart', which stars Dominique Thorne and Alden Ehrenreich, on Saturday, got an official first look. Read Empire’s full Dominique Thorne story in the new The Falcon And The Winter Solider issue, on sale Thursday 18 March and available to pre-order online here.
'Wakanda Forever's Dominique Thorne Bares Toned Abs In New Campaign
Audiences across the world were introduced to Dominique Thorne as superhero Riri Williams, also known as Ironheart, the super intelligent college coed. Новости. Доминик Торн. Новый фанатский постер фильма "Айронхарт" предполагает, что Роберт Дауни-младший может вернуться в MCU в качестве нового искусственного интеллекта. Dominique Thorne made her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever; and while Riri Williams is hardly the only one who knows how to. На них можно увидеть актрису Доминик Торн, которая сыграет главную героиню Рири Уильямс.
Ironheart’s Dominique Thorne Promises New Series Will Explore Iron Man Connection
Thorne was announced to have taken on the role when Marvel announced the series back in December. Now she has talked a bit about the role in a recent interview with Black Film and TV. When asked if she was a fan of Marvel, and if she was aware of the character before being offered the role, Thorne responded: Absolutely. I did know about Ironheart before I was approached with the role.
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Меня спросили, не хочу ли я сыграть эту роль. Это был лучший день в моей жизни. Я была шокирована и ждала, что мне предложат отправить демо, но нет, этого не было. Все произошло в формате «Хочешь сыграть эту роль?
Check our exclusive red carpet interviews below: Aunjanue Ellis plays Mrs. The Knockturnal: Your character has an intense scene! Speak about being in this film. I love it. The harder it is, the more I run to it. The Knockturnal: Your character represents so many people from that era. Aunjanue Ellis: I think that, unfortunately, these sort of very conservative ideas are kind of, in a way ruining us. The Knockturnal: Talk a little bit about working with Barry and what that process was like. He was really open, and I appreciated that. Dominique Thorne plays Sheila Hunt. The Knockturnal: Speak about immersing yourself in that time period.
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- Доминик Торн дебютирует в роли Айронхарта в "Черной пантере 2"
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- Содержание
- Dominique Thorne's homecoming: Wakanda Forever star in Trinidad for Carnival
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Cтaлo извecтнo, кaк имeннo Дoминик Topн cтaлa нacлeдницeй Жeлeзнoгo чeлoвeкa (видeo)
Доминик Торн родилась в Нью-Йорке в семье Нериссы Гай и Нави Гай, иммигрантов из Тринидада. Все новости, где упоминается Доминик Торн (Dominique Thorne). Dominique Thorne as Riri Williams on the set of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, 25-08-2021 По его словам, актриса Доминик Торн уже приступила к съёмкам.