Аннотация: Впервые, без купюр и изъятий, представлены тексты дневников Йозефа Геббельса периода ведения тотальной войны.
Wollt Ihr den totalen Krieg?
В последние годы войны и существования Третьего рейха Геббельс усиленно проводил «политику утешения», разработанную им после Сталинграда и допускавшую признание некоторых неприятных фактов и ситуаций, но при непременном выявлении других, благоприятных событий, которые, конечно, уравновешивали неприятности, а то и вовсе лишали их значения. Мне кажется, женская половина особенно хорошо поймет, о чем я говорю. Геббельс писал: «мы, немцы, находимся в абсолютно выигрышном положении, просто многие этого не понимают или не хотят этому верить». Да это абсурд, но в ситуации когда все полимеры пролюблены, на него, родимого, только и остается уповать. Подобная софистика позволяла оправдывать даже явные военные неудачи по типу Сталинграда, отыскивая даже в поражении какие-либо положительные стороны. Да мы отступили, но фронт-то сократился, а значит, нам будет легче. Серьезно, я даже не утрирую, вот пожалуйста вам цитата: «Мы бьемся теперь, упираясь спиной в стену. Это, конечно, опасно, но дает ряд преимуществ. Построив оборону на своей территории, мы избавились от множества неразрешимых проблем, тогда как наши враги могут действовать лишь в ограниченных масштабах и в ограниченное время». Да, абсолютный! Но в ситуации когда ужасный враг у ворот, а у вас одна винтовка на троих только это и остается.
Полное, тотальное и беспросветное отчаяние толкает людей на крайности. Находясь в подобных, безвыходных ситуациях, начинаешь хвататься за каждую соломинку, будь хоть трижды атеистом, но находясь в бункере рейхсканцелярии под огнем русских орудий — поверишь во что угодно, даже в мистику. И Геббельс поверил. В те «последние» дни, усиленно шла пропаганда через историческую параллель. Вот, дескать, Берлин в осаде, русские идут, и мы почти проиграли как в 1762-м, но ведь Гитлер он же как Фридрих великий, он обязательно победит, надо только чтобы кто-нибудь из руководителей вражеского лагеря умер и тогда вся игра перевернется. Ха, и вы знаете, таки да, умрет Рузвельт — американский президент. Правда сказка не продлится долго, 20 апреля день рождения Гитлера карета превратится в снаряды русских пушек, что уже чуть ли не прямой наводкой бьют по фюрербункеру, а соратники величайшего злодея в истории человечества начнут разбегаться кто куда, лишь бы подальше от тонущего корабля.
Постепенно машина анализа германского социума и последующей пропаганды превратилась в ненасытного монстра, который насыщался тем, что кормил сам: кормил людей лживыми обещаниями мирового господства после того, как мнимые враги Германии будут ликвидированы, а их земли захвачены. Пристальное внимание было приковано к подросткам и детям. Циничный Геббельс понимал всю важность обработки культурного кода населения и в частности подрастающих поколений. Ориентация на них была важнейшей задачей, потому как Германии для величия очень не хватало живых детей, чтобы делать из них мёртвых солдат. Изначально работа с подростками велась в шутливой игровой форме, но всё чаще детям стали прививать милитаристские настроения. Геббельс уделял огромное внимание церкви. Специфика работы с церковью базировалась на том, чтобы отбить у неё паству в пользу националистических идей. Поступательно осуществлялся план, при котором слово «бог» хотели заменить на «фюрер». После Первой Мировой многие дети остались сиротами или попросту были обделены вниманием, поэтому опека нацистов им была очень симпатична. Выступая с критическими замечаниями в адрес оппонентов, Геббельс говорил, что те не способны дать немецкому обществу Великую Идею и мечту, способную увлечь народ за собой и добиться всеобщего благоденствия на родной земле. Геббельс поэтапно внедрял в коллективное бессознательное немцев идею о том, что осевой для немцев должна стать мысль о превосходстве их нации над другими.
Способом ведения экзистенциальной войны является война тотальная, и 18 февраля исполнилось 80 лет со дня произнесения самой известной речи министра пропаганды Третьего рейха Йозефа Гёббельса, которая так и назвалась — "О тотальной войне". В ноябре 2014 года тогдашний президент Украины Пётр Порошенко заявил в интервью немецкой газете Bild: "я не боюсь войны с российскими войсками, и мы подготовились к сценарию тотальной войны". Издание вынесло слова о "тотальной войне" в подзаголовок, но их бы и так заметили, поскольку для Германии это словосочетание имеет особое — и крайне неприятное — значение. Авторство термина "тотальная война" принадлежит кайзеровскому генералу Эриху Людендорфу.
We must act quickly and decisively, or it will be too late. I turn to the first thesis. Bolshevism has always proclaimed its goal openly: to bring revolution not only to Europe, but to the entire world, and plunge it into Bolshevist chaos. Clearly, the nearer Stalin and the other Soviet leaders believe they are to realizing their world-destroying objectives, the more they attempt to hide and conceal them. We cannot be fooled. We are not like those timid souls who wait like the hypnotized rabbit until the serpent devours them. We prefer to recognize the danger in good time and take effective action. We see through not only the ideology of Bolshevism, but also its practice, for we had great success with that in our domestic struggles. The Kremlin cannot deceive us. We had fourteen years of our struggle for power, and ten years thereafter, to unmask its intentions and its infamous deceptions. The goal of Bolshevism is Jewish world revolution. They want to bring chaos to the Reich and Europe, using the resulting hopelessness and desperation to establish their international, Bolshevist-concealed capitalist tyranny. I do not need to say what that would mean for the German people. A Bolshevization of the Reich would mean the liquidation of our entire intelligentsia and leadership, and the descent of our workers into Bolshevist-Jewish slavery. The revolt of the steppes is readying itself at the front, and the storm from the East that breaks against our lines daily in increasing strength is nothing other than a repetition of the historical devastation that has so often in the past endangered our part of the world. That is a direct threat to the existence of every European power. No one should believe that Bolshevism would stop at the borders of the Reich, were it to be victorious. The goal of its aggressive policies and wars is the Bolshevization of every land and people in the world. In the face of such undeniable intentions, we are not impressed by paper declarations from the Kremlin or guarantees from London or Washington. We know that we are dealing in the East with an infernal political devilishness that does not recognize the norms governing relations between people and nations. The European powers are facing the most critical question. The West is in danger. It makes no difference whether or not their governments and intellectuals realize it or not. The German people, in any event, is unwilling to bow to this danger. Behind the oncoming Soviet divisions we see the Jewish liquidation commandos, and behind them terror, the specter of mass starvation and complete anarchy. International Jewry is the devilish ferment of decomposition that finds cynical satisfaction in plunging the world into the deepest chaos and destroying ancient cultures that it played no role in building. We also know our historic responsibility. Two thousand years of Western civilization are in danger. One cannot overestimate the danger. It is indicative that when one names it as it is, International Jewry throughout the world protests loudly. Things have gone so far in Europe that one cannot call a danger a danger when it is caused by the Jews. That does not stop us from drawing the necessary conclusions. That is what we did in our earlier domestic battles. We could see, if the danger were not overcome, the specter of hunger, misery, and forced labor by millions of Germans. We could see our venerable part of the world collapse, and bury in its ruins the ancient inheritance of the West. That is the danger we face today. My second thesis: Only the German Reich and its allies are in the position to resist this danger. The European nations, including England, believe that they are strong enough to resist effectively the Bolshevization of Europe, should it come to that. This belief is childish and not even worth refuting. If the strongest military force in the world is not able to break the threat of Bolshevism, who else could do it? The neutral European nations have neither the potential nor the military means nor the spiritual strength to provide even the least resistance to Bolshevism. In the capitals of the mid-sized and smaller European states, they console themselves with the idea that one must be spiritually armed against Bolshevism laughter. That reminds us of the statements by bourgeois parties in 1932, who thought they could fight and win the battle against communism with spiritual weapons. That was too stupid even then to be worth refuting. Eastern Bolshevism is not only a doctrine of terrorism, it is also the practice of terrorism. It strives for its goals with an infernal thoroughness, using every resource at its disposal, regardless of the welfare, prosperity or peace of the peoples it ruthlessly oppresses. Will London perhaps persuade Bolshevism to stop at the English Channel? I have already said that Bolshevism has its foreign legions in the form of communist parties in every democratic nation. None of these states can think it is immune to domestic Bolshevism. In a recent by-election for the House of Commons, the independent, that is communist, candidate got 10,741 of the 22,371 votes cast. This was in a district that had formerly been a conservative stronghold. Within a short time, 10,000 voters, nearly half, had been lost to the communists. That is proof that the Bolshevist danger exists in England too, and that it will not go away simply because it is ignored. We place no faith in any territorial promises that the Soviet Union may make. Bolshevism set ideological as well as military boundaries, which poses a danger to every nation. The world no longer has the choice between falling back into its old fragmentation or accepting a new order for Europe under Axis leadership. The only choice now is between living under Axis protection or in a Bolshevist Europe. I am firmly convinced that the lamenting lords and archbishops in London have not the slightest intention of resisting the Bolshevist danger that would result were the Soviet army to enter Europe. Jewry has so deeply infected the Anglo-Saxon states both spiritually and politically that they are no longer have the ability to see the danger. It conceals itself as Bolshevism in the Soviet Union, and plutocratic-capitalism in the Anglo-Saxon states. The Jewish race is an expert at mimicry. They put their host peoples to sleep, paralyzing their defensive abilities. Our insight into the matter led us to the early realization that cooperation between international plutocracy and international Bolshevism was not a contradiction, but rather a sign of deep commonalities. The hand of the pseudo-civilized Jewry of Western Europe shakes the hand of the Jewry of the Eastern ghettos over Germany. Europe is in deadly danger. I do not flatter myself into believing that my remarks will influence public opinion in the neutral, much less the enemy, states. That is also not my goal or intention. I know that, given our problems on the Eastern Front, the English press tomorrow will furiously attack me with the accusation that I have made the first peace feelers loud laughter. That is certainly not so. No one in Germany thinks any longer of a cowardly compromise. The entire people thinks only of a hard war. As a spokesman for the leading nation of the continent, however, I claim the right to call a danger a danger if it threatens not threatens not only our own land, but our entire continent. My third thesis is that the danger is immediate. The paralysis of the Western European democracies before their deadliest threat is frightening. International Jewry is doing all it can to encourage such paralysis. During our struggle for power in Germany, Jewish newspapers tried to conceal the danger, until National Socialism awakened the people. It is just the same today in other nations. Jewry once again reveals itself as the incarnation of evil, as the plastic demon of decay and the bearer of an international culture-destroying chaos. This explains, by the way, our consistent Jewish policies. We see Jewry as a direct threat to every nation. We do not care what other peoples do about the danger. What we do to defend ourselves is our own business, however, and we will not tolerate objections from others. Jewry is a contagious infection. Enemy nations may raise hypocritical protests against our measures against Jewry and cry crocodile tears, but that will not stop us from doing that which is necessary. Germany, in any event, has no intention of bowing before this threat, but rather intends to take the most radical measures, if necessary, in good time After this sentence, the chants of the audience prevent the minister from going on for several minutes. The military challenges of the Reich in the East are at the center of everything. The war of mechanized robots against Germany and Europe has reached its high point. In resisting the grave and direct threat with its weapons, the German people and its Axis allies are fulfilling in the truest sense of the word a European mission. Our courageous and just battle against this world-wide plague will not be hindered by the worldwide outcry of International Jewry. German women, to work! The tragic battle of Stalingrad is a symbol of heroic, manly resistance to the revolt of the steppes. It has not only a military, but also an intellectual and spiritual significance for the German people. Here for the first time our eyes have been opened to the true nature of the war. We want no more false hopes and illusions. We want bravely to look the facts in the face, however hard and dreadful they may be. The history of our party and our state has proven that a danger recognized is a danger defeated. Our coming hard battles in the East will be under the sign of this heroic resistance. It will require previously undreamed of efforts by our soldiers and our weapons. A merciless war is raging in the East. The German nation knows that. Its healthy instincts have led it through the daily confusion of intellectual and spiritual difficulties. We know today that the Blitzkrieg in Poland and the campaign in the West have only limited significance to the battle in the East. The German nation is fighting for everything it has. We know that the German people are defending their holiest possessions: their families, women and children, the beautiful and untouched countryside, their cities and villages, their two thousand year old culture, everything indeed that makes life worth living. It did not do so even for its own people. Terrorist Jewry had 200 million people to serve it in Russia. It cynically used its methods on to create out of the stolid toughness of the Russian people a grave danger for the civilized nations of Europe. A whole nation in the East was driven to battle. Men, women, and even children are employed not only in armaments factories, but in the war itself. The masses of tanks we have faced on the Eastern Front are the result of 25 years of social misfortune and misery of the Bolshevist people. We have to respond with similar measures if we do not want to give up the game as lost. My firm conviction is that we cannot overcome the Bolshevist danger unless we use equivalent, though not identical, methods. The German people face the gravest demand of the war, namely of finding the determination to use all our resources to protect everything we have and everything we will need in the future. Total war is the demand of the hour. Every sentence is met with growing applause and agreement. The danger facing us is enormous. The efforts we take to meet it must be just as enormous. The time has come to remove the kid gloves and use our fists. A cry of elemental agreement rises. Chants from the galleries and seats testify to the full approval of the crowd. We can no longer make only partial and careless use of the war potential at home and in the significant parts of Europe that we control. We must use our full resources, as quickly and thoroughly as it is organizationally and practically possible. Unnecessary concern is wholly out of place. The future of Europe hangs on our success in the East. We are ready to defend it. The German people are shedding their most valuable national blood in this battle. The rest of Europe should at least work to support us. There are many serious voices in Europe that have already realized this. Others still resist. That cannot influence us. If danger faced them alone, we could view their reluctance as literary nonsense of no significance.
Йозеф Геббельс - Речь о тотальной войне
Как Геббельс заново изобрёл искусство пропаганды и заставил немцев хотеть войны | Впервые, без купюр и изъятий, представлены тексты дневников Йозефа Геббельса периода ведения тотальной войны. |
Пропаганда последних дней | Пикабу | Видео Речь Йозефа Геббельса Тотальная война 1943 год загружено на YouTube 26-01-2024. речь Йозефа Геббельса в 1943 году. |
Геббельс (О тотальной войне. Часть 1)
С самого начала Второй мировой войны подлинные замыслы Гитлера скрывала завеса лжи, сконструированной «министерством правды» под руководством Геббельса. На протяжении 109 минут Геббельс рассказывал о том. Мой призыв к тотальной войне от 30 января был встречен оглушительными аплодисментами.
"...И пусть грянет буря!" - Знаменитая речь о тотальной войне
They often offended the buying public. There was generally nothing to buy, unless perhaps one paid here and there with butter or eggs instead of money. What good do shops do that no longer have anything to sell, but only use electricity, heating, and human labor that is lacking everywhere else, particularly in the armaments industry. It is no excuse to say that keeping some of these shops open gives a lovely impression to foreigners. Foreigners will be impressed only by a German victory! Stormy applause. Everyone will want to be our friend if we win the war. But if we lose, we will be able to count our friends on the fingers of one hand. We have put an end to such illusions.
We want to put these people standing in empty shops to useful work in the war economy. This process is already in motion, and will be completed by 15 March. It is of course a major transformation in our entire economic life. We are following a plan. We do not want to accuse anyone unjustly or open them to complaints and accusations from every side. We are only doing what is necessary. But we are doing it quickly and thoroughly. We would rather wear worn clothing for a few years than have our people wear rags for a few centuries.
What good are fashion salons today? They only use light, heat and workers. They will reappear when the war is over. What good are beauty shops that encourage a cult of beauty and take enormous time and energy? In peace they are wonderful, but a waste of time during war. Our women and girls will be able to greet our victorious returning soldiers without their peacetime finery. Applause Government offices will work faster and less bureaucratically. It does not leave a good impression when the office closes on the dot after eight hours.
The people are not there for the offices, the offices are there for the people. One has to work until the work is done. That is a requirement of the war. If there is not enough work to fill the extended hours, 10 or 20 or 30 percent of the workers can be transferred to war production and replace other men for service at the front. That applies to all offices in the homeland. That by itself may make the work in some offices go more quickly and easily. We must learn from the war to operate quickly, not only thoroughly. The soldier at the front does not have weeks to think things over, to pass his thoughts up the line or let them sit in dusty files.
He must act immediately or lose his life. In the homeland we do not lose our lives if we work slowly, but we do endanger the life of our people. Everyone must learn to pay heed to war morale, and pay attention to the just demands of working and fighting people. We are not spoilsports, but neither will we tolerate those who hinder our efforts. It is, for example, intolerable that certain men and women stay for weeks in spas and trade rumors, taking places away from soldiers on leave or from workers who are entitled to a vacation after a year of hard work. That is intolerable, and we have put an end to it. The war is not a time for amusement. Until it is over, we take our deepest satisfaction in work and battle.
Those who do not understand that by themselves must be taught to understand it, and forced if need be. The harshest measures may be needed. The railroad serves to transport war goods and travelers on war business. Only those who need a rest from hard work deserve a vacation. Since the first man of the country takes his duty so seriously and responsibly, it must be expected that every citizen will follow his example. On the other hand, the government is doing all it can to give working people the relaxation they need in these trying times. Theaters, movie houses, and music halls remain in full operation. The radio is working to expand and improve its programming.
We have no intention of inflicting a gray winter mood on our people. That which serves the people and keeps up its fighting and working strength is good and essential to the war effort. We want to eliminate the opposite. To balance the measures I have already discussed, I have therefore ordered that cultural and spiritual establishments that serve the people not be decreased, but increased. As long as they aid rather than harm the war effort, they must be supported by the government. That applies to sports as well. Sports are not only for particular circles today, but a matter for the entire people. Military exemptions for athletes are out of place.
The front shares our desires. The entire German people agrees passionately. It is no longer willing to put up with efforts that only waste time and resources. It will not put up with complicated questionnaires on every possible issue. It does not want to worry about a thousand minor matters that may have been important in peace, but are entirely unimportant during war. It also does not need to be constantly reminded of its duty by references to the great sacrifices of our soldiers at Stalingrad. It knows what it has to do. It wants everyone, high and low, rich and poor, to share a spartan life style.
He knows only work and care. We do not want to leave it all to him, but rather we want to take that part of it from him which we are able to bear. The present day has a remarkable resemblance for every genuine National Socialist to the period of struggle. We have always acted in the same way. We were with the people through thick and thin, and that is why the people followed us. We have always carried our burdens together with the people, and therefore they did not seem heavy to us, but rather light. The people want to be led. Never in history has the people failed a brave and determined leadership a critical hour.
Let me say a few words in this regard about practical measures in our total war effort that we have already taken. The problem is freeing soldiers for the front, and freeing workers for the armaments industry. These are the primary goals, even at the cost of our standard of social life. This does not mean a permanent decline in our standard of living. It is only a means to reaching an end, that of total war. As part of this campaign, hundreds of thousands of military exemptions have been canceled. These exemptions were given because we did not have enough skilled labor to fill the positions that would have been left open by revoking them. The reason for our current measures is to mobilize the necessary workers.
That is why we have appealed to men not working in the war economy, and to women who were not working at all. They will not and cannot ignore our call. The duty for women to work is broad. That does not however mean that only those included in the law have to work. Anyone is welcome. The more who join the war effort, the more soldiers we can free for the front. Our enemies maintain that German women are not able to replace men in the war economy. That may be true for certain fields of heavy labor.
But I am convinced that the German woman is determined to fill the spot left by the man leaving for the front, and to do so as soon as possible. For years, millions of the best German women have been working successfully in war production, and they wait impatiently to be joined and assisted by others. All those who join in the work are only giving the proper thanks to those at the front. Hundreds of thousands have already joined, and hundreds of thousands more will join. We hope soon to free up armies of workers who will in turn free up armies of fighting front soldiers. I would think little of German women if I believed that they do not want to listen to my appeal. They will not seek to follow the letter of the law, or to slip through its loopholes. They few who may try will not succeed.
We will respond appropriately. The few who may attempt it will only lose the respect of those around them. The people will despise them. No one expects a woman lacking the requisite physical strength to go to work in a tank factory. There are however numerous jobs in war production that do not demand great physical strength, and which a woman can do even if she comes from the better circles. No one is too good to work, and we all have the choice to give up what we have, or to lose everything. It is also time to ask women with household help if they really need it. One can take care of the house and children oneself, freeing the servant for other tasks, or leave the house and children in care of the servant or the NSV [the party welfare organization], and go to work oneself.
Life may not be as pleasant as it is during peace. But we are not at peace, we are at war. We can be comfortable after we have won the war. Now we must sacrifice our comforts to gain victory. They know it is their duty to their husbands to support them by doing work that is important to the war effort. That is true above all in agriculture. The wives of farmers must set a good example. Both men and women must be sure that no one does less during war than they did in peace; more work must instead be done in every area.
One may not, by the way, make the mistake of leaving everything to the government. The government can only set the broad guidelines. To give life to those guidelines is the job of working people, under the inspiring leadership of the party. Fast action is essential. One must go beyond the legal requirements. As Gauleiter of Berlin, I appeal here above all to my fellow Berliners. They have given enough good examples of noble behavior and bravery during the war such that they will not fail here. Their practical behavior and good cheer even during war have earned them a good name throughout the world.
This good name must be maintained and strengthened! If I appeal to my fellow Berliners to do some important work quickly, thoroughly, and without complaint, I know they will all obey. We do not want to complain about the difficulties of the day or grump to one another. Rather we want to behave not only like Berliners, but like Germans, by getting to work, acting, seizing the initiative and doing something, not leaving it to someone else. What German woman would want to ignore my appeal on behalf of those fighting at the front? Who would want to put personal comfort above national duty? Who in view of the serious threat we face would want to consider his private needs instead of the requirements of the war? We do not want to imitate Bolshevism, we want to defeat it, with whatever means are necessary.
The German woman will best understand what I mean, for she has long known that the war our men are fighting today above all is a war to protect her children. The German woman must spontaneously proclaim her solidarity with her fighting men.
Послушный Йозеф Геббельс спешил приступить к реализации плана Гитлера, детально проработав каждый этап.
Манипуляции с сознанием немцев было принято начать сразу же, в 1933 году. Сперва с 1933 по 1935 год людям предоставлялась полная свобода слова, но поступаемая от СМИ информация тщательно контролировалась,чтобы сформировать у людей единое мнение, но дать возможность им его обсуждать и общаться друг с другом. Таким образом люди смогли бы укрепиться в позициях, транслируемых немецкими СМИ, которые уверенно заявляли о правоте Гитлера.
Не имея другой точки зрения, люди обсуждали лишь это и всё больше укреплялись в мысли о правильности доводов пропагандистских журналистов. Стоит отметить, что при правящей нацистской партии НСДАП были особые системные структуры, ориентированные на исследование различных слоёв общества. Постепенно машина анализа германского социума и последующей пропаганды превратилась в ненасытного монстра, который насыщался тем, что кормил сам: кормил людей лживыми обещаниями мирового господства после того, как мнимые враги Германии будут ликвидированы, а их земли захвачены.
Пристальное внимание было приковано к подросткам и детям. Циничный Геббельс понимал всю важность обработки культурного кода населения и в частности подрастающих поколений. Ориентация на них была важнейшей задачей, потому как Германии для величия очень не хватало живых детей, чтобы делать из них мёртвых солдат.
Изначально работа с подростками велась в шутливой игровой форме, но всё чаще детям стали прививать милитаристские настроения.
Геббельс уделял огромное внимание церкви. Специфика работы с церковью базировалась на том, чтобы отбить у неё паству в пользу националистических идей. Поступательно осуществлялся план, при котором слово «бог» хотели заменить на «фюрер». После Первой Мировой многие дети остались сиротами или попросту были обделены вниманием, поэтому опека нацистов им была очень симпатична. Выступая с критическими замечаниями в адрес оппонентов, Геббельс говорил, что те не способны дать немецкому обществу Великую Идею и мечту, способную увлечь народ за собой и добиться всеобщего благоденствия на родной земле. Геббельс поэтапно внедрял в коллективное бессознательное немцев идею о том, что осевой для немцев должна стать мысль о превосходстве их нации над другими. Тем не менее, на тот момент это ещё не носило империалистский характер, но всё к нему шло. На заключительном этапе порабощения умов Германии, с 1938-го, в подконтрольных Геббельсу СМИ всё чаще звучит слово «дисциплина». Если говорить о взрослом населении Германии, то на том этапе с ними провели совсем уж хитрую манипуляцию.
От демонстративных общественных дискуссий пропагандисты Геббельса не сразу перешли к открытым заявлениям о превосходстве арийской расы. Они внедрили абсолютно новые манёвры с человеческим сознанием, которые в современной рекламе и маркетинге называют бытовой дискуссией.
Когда Геббельс задал пятый вопрос: «Доверяете ли вы сегодня фюреру больше, сильнее, непоколебимее, чем когда-либо? На заключительную часть речи Геббельс потратил целый час. При этом, по утверждению историка Хельмута Хейбера, Геббельс считал, что на самом деле человеком, который уже давно ведёт такую войну с Германией, был Иосиф Сталин [3].
Доктор Гёббельс, тотальная война и Зеленский
18 июля 1944 года Геббельс направил Гитлеру памятную записку с повторным напоминанием о необходимости усиленной мобилизации на тотальную войну. Речь Геббельса о тотальной войне до победного конца в феврале 1943 года, когда немецкие войска терпели тяжелейшие поражения на всех фронтах Европы и Африки. С самого начала Второй мировой войны подлинные замыслы Гитлера скрывала завеса лжи, сконструированной «министерством правды» под руководством Геббельса. Ровно 80 лет назад, 18 февраля 1943 г., министр пропаганды «Третьего Рейха» и гауляйтер Берлина Йозеф Геббельс произнёс свою самую знаменитую речь о «Тотальной войне». 18 июля 1944 года Геббельс направил Гитлеру памятную записку с повторным напоминанием о необходимости усиленной мобилизации на тотальную войну.
От «пушек вместо масла» к тотальной войне
В точности, как это было в 1939-45 годах. Способом ведения экзистенциальной войны является война тотальная, и 18 февраля исполнилось 80 лет со дня произнесения самой известной речи министра пропаганды Третьего рейха Йозефа Гёббельса, которая так и назвалась — "О тотальной войне". В ноябре 2014 года тогдашний президент Украины Пётр Порошенко заявил в интервью немецкой газете Bild: "я не боюсь войны с российскими войсками, и мы подготовились к сценарию тотальной войны". Издание вынесло слова о "тотальной войне" в подзаголовок, но их бы и так заметили, поскольку для Германии это словосочетание имеет особое — и крайне неприятное — значение.
В дневниках рассматривается первое применение "нового секретного оружия" - крылатых бомб Фау-1, а также подготовка к боевому использованию баллистических ракет Фау-2.
Геббельс упоминает о предложениях Японии об установлении сепаратного мира между Германией и Советским Союзом при ее посредничестве. Обстоятельно рассмотрены бои на Восточном фронте с последующим крушением фронта группы армий "Центр". Тексты за 23 июля - 3 августа 1944г.
Ни в рукописном черновике, ни в брошюре-стенограмме речи, выпущенной после ее произнесения, слова «аусротен» нет. Факт, что Геббельс осекся на полуслове, говорит сам за себя: физически уничтожая евреев как народ на Ванзейской конференции 20 января 1942 года речь шла об уничтожении 11 млн европейских евреев , нацисты предпочитали использовать эвфемизмы «эвакуация евреев на восток», «нейтрализация», «окончательное решение еврейского вопроса». На грандиозном митинге 18 февраля 1943 года в берлинском Дворце спорта Геббельс объявил тотальную войну.
Они лицемерно утверждают, что это означает, что с большевизмом вообще не надо бороться. Однако вопрос здесь не в методе, а в цели, а именно в устранении опасности. Аплодисменты, не утихающие несколько минут. Национал-социалистическое правительство готово использовать любые способы. И нам плевать, если кто-то против. Мы не намерены ослаблять военный потенциал Германии мерами, поддерживающими высокий, почти как в мирное время, уровень жизни для определенного класса, тем самым подвергать опасности нашу военную экономику.
Мы добровольно отказываемся от значительной части нашего уровня жизни, чтобы усилить нашу военную экономику настолько быстро и основательно, насколько это возможно. Это не самоцель, а средство к цели. После войны наш социальный уровень жизни будет еще выше. Нам не надо имитировать большевистские методы, поскольку наши люди и лидеры лучше, чем у них, и это дает нам огромное преимущество. Однако события показали, что нам нужно работать гораздо больше, чем мы работали до сих пор, чтобы окончательно обратить войну на востоке в нашу пользу… Тотальная война стала делом всего немецкого народа… Народ готов нести любую ношу, вплоть до самой тяжелой, идти на любые жертвы, если только это ведет к великой цели — победе. Бурные аплодисменты.
Это, естественно, означает, что ноша должна распределяться поровну. Шумное одобрение. Мы не можем мириться с той ситуацией, при которой бремя войны несет бОльшая часть народа, в то время как его малая, пассивная часть пытается уклониться от бремени и ответственности. Те меры, которые мы приняли, и те меры, которые нам еще только предстоит принять, будут наполнены духом национал-социалистической справедливости. Мы не обращаем внимания на класс или положение в обществе. Богатые и бедные, люди из высших и низших слоев общества должны распределять ношу поровну.
Все должны выполнять свой долг в эту трудную минуту — хотят они того или нет. И мы знаем, что народ это полностью одобряет. Уж лучше сделать слишком много, чем слишком мало, лишь бы только это привело к победе. Еще ни одна война за всю историю не была проиграна из-за слишком большого количества солдат или оружия. Зато многие войны были проиграны из-за того, что имело место противоположное. Настало время заставить лодырей работать.
Бурное согласие. За работу должны взяться миллионы рук по всей стране... Отсюда возникает ряд мер, учитывающих оптику войны. Так, например, мы распорядились закрыть бары и ночные клубы. Я просто представить себе не могу, чтобы у людей, выполняющих свой долг для военной экономики, еще оставались силы на то, чтобы сидеть по ночам в местах такого рода. Отсюда я могу сделать только один вывод — они относятся к своим обязанностям несерьезно.
Мы закрыли эти заведения из-за того, что они стали для нас оскорбительными, и из-за того, что они нарушают картину войны. Мы ничего не имеем против развлечений как таковых. После войны мы с радостью станем придерживаться правила: «Живи и дай жить другим». Однако во время войны лозунг должен быть таким: «Сражайся и дай сражаться другим! Вполне возможно, что кое-кто считает, что во время войны самым важным является его желудок. Однако мы не можем принимать во внимание таких людей.
На фронте все, начиная с простого солдата и заканчивая фельдмаршалом, едят с полевой кухни. Я не думаю, что это слишком много — требовать, чтобы мы, находящиеся в тылу, уделяли внимание по крайней мере самым основным законам общественного мышления. Когда закончится война, мы вновь сможем стать гурманами. Сейчас же у нас есть дела и поважнее забот о своем желудке. Бесчисленные дорогие магазины также были закрыты.
The people and leadership are determined to take the most radical measures. The broad working masses of our people are not unhappy because the government is too ruthless.
If anything, they are unhappy because it is too considerate. Ask anyone in Germany, and he will say: The most radical is just radical enough, and the most total is just total enough to gain victory. The total war effort has become a matter of the entire German people. No one has any excuse for ignoring its demands. A storm of applause greeted my call on 30 January for total war. The people are willing to bear any burden, even the heaviest, to make any sacrifice, if it leads to the great goal of victory. Lively applause This naturally assumes that the burdens are shared equally.
Loud approval We cannot tolerate a situation in which most people carry the burden of the war, while a small, passive portion attempts to escape its burdens and responsibilities. The measures we have taken, and the ones we will yet take, will be characterized by the spirit of National Socialist justice. We pay no heed to class or standing. Rich and poor, high and low must share the burdens equally. Everyone must do his duty in this grave hour, whether by choice or otherwise. We know this has the full support of the people. We would rather do too much rather than too little to achieve victory.
No war in history has ever been lost because of too many soldiers or weapons. Many, however, have been lost because the opposite was true. It is time to get the slackers moving. Stormy agreement They must be shaken out of their comfortable ease. We cannot wait until they come to their senses. That might be too late. The alarm must sound throughout the nation.
Millions of hands must get to work throughout the country. The measures we have taken, and the ones we will now take, and which I shall discuss later in this speech, are critical for our whole public and private life. The individual may have to make great sacrifices, but they are tiny when compared to the sacrifices he would have to make if his refusal brought down on us the greatest national disaster. It is better to operate at the right time than to wait until the disease has taken root. One may not complain to the doctor or sue him for bodily injury. Again let me say that the heavier the sacrifices the German people must make, the more urgent it is that they be fairly shared. The people want it that way.
No one resists even the heaviest burdens of war. But it angers people when a few always try to escape the burdens. The National Socialist government has both the moral and political duty to oppose such attempts, if necessary with draconian penalties. We are therefore compelled to adopt a series of measures that are not essential for the war effort in themselves, but seem necessary to maintain moral at home and at the front. The optics of the war, that is, how things outwardly appear, is of decisive importance in this fourth year of war. In view of the superhuman sacrifices that the front makes each day, it has a basic right to expect that no one at home claims the right to ignore the war and its demands. And not only the front demands this, but the overwhelming part of the homeland.
The industrious have a right to expect that if they work ten or twelve or fourteen hours a day, a lazy person does not stand next to them who thinks them foolish. The homeland must stay pure and intact in its entirety. Nothing may disturb the picture. We have ordered, for example, the closing of bars and night clubs. I cannot imagine that people who are doing their duty for the war effort still have the energy to stay out late into the night in such places. I can only conclude that they are not taking their responsibilities seriously. We have closed these establishments because they began to offend us, and because they disturb the image of the war.
We have nothing against amusements as such. It may be that an occasional person thinks that, even during war, his stomach is the most important thing. We cannot pay him any heed. At the front everyone from the simple soldier to the general field marshal eats from the field kitchen. I do not believe that it is asking too much to insist that we in the homeland pay heed to at least the basic laws of community thinking. We can become gourmets once again when the war is over. Right now, we have more important things to do than worry about our stomachs.
Countless luxury stores have also been closed. They often offended the buying public. There was generally nothing to buy, unless perhaps one paid here and there with butter or eggs instead of money. What good do shops do that no longer have anything to sell, but only use electricity, heating, and human labor that is lacking everywhere else, particularly in the armaments industry. It is no excuse to say that keeping some of these shops open gives a lovely impression to foreigners. Foreigners will be impressed only by a German victory! Stormy applause.
Everyone will want to be our friend if we win the war. But if we lose, we will be able to count our friends on the fingers of one hand. We have put an end to such illusions. We want to put these people standing in empty shops to useful work in the war economy. This process is already in motion, and will be completed by 15 March. It is of course a major transformation in our entire economic life. We are following a plan.
We do not want to accuse anyone unjustly or open them to complaints and accusations from every side. We are only doing what is necessary. But we are doing it quickly and thoroughly. We would rather wear worn clothing for a few years than have our people wear rags for a few centuries. What good are fashion salons today? They only use light, heat and workers. They will reappear when the war is over.
What good are beauty shops that encourage a cult of beauty and take enormous time and energy? In peace they are wonderful, but a waste of time during war. Our women and girls will be able to greet our victorious returning soldiers without their peacetime finery. Applause Government offices will work faster and less bureaucratically. It does not leave a good impression when the office closes on the dot after eight hours. The people are not there for the offices, the offices are there for the people. One has to work until the work is done.
That is a requirement of the war. If there is not enough work to fill the extended hours, 10 or 20 or 30 percent of the workers can be transferred to war production and replace other men for service at the front. That applies to all offices in the homeland. That by itself may make the work in some offices go more quickly and easily. We must learn from the war to operate quickly, not only thoroughly. The soldier at the front does not have weeks to think things over, to pass his thoughts up the line or let them sit in dusty files. He must act immediately or lose his life.
In the homeland we do not lose our lives if we work slowly, but we do endanger the life of our people. Everyone must learn to pay heed to war morale, and pay attention to the just demands of working and fighting people. We are not spoilsports, but neither will we tolerate those who hinder our efforts. It is, for example, intolerable that certain men and women stay for weeks in spas and trade rumors, taking places away from soldiers on leave or from workers who are entitled to a vacation after a year of hard work. That is intolerable, and we have put an end to it. The war is not a time for amusement. Until it is over, we take our deepest satisfaction in work and battle.
Those who do not understand that by themselves must be taught to understand it, and forced if need be. The harshest measures may be needed. The railroad serves to transport war goods and travelers on war business. Only those who need a rest from hard work deserve a vacation. Since the first man of the country takes his duty so seriously and responsibly, it must be expected that every citizen will follow his example. On the other hand, the government is doing all it can to give working people the relaxation they need in these trying times. Theaters, movie houses, and music halls remain in full operation.
The radio is working to expand and improve its programming. We have no intention of inflicting a gray winter mood on our people. That which serves the people and keeps up its fighting and working strength is good and essential to the war effort. We want to eliminate the opposite. To balance the measures I have already discussed, I have therefore ordered that cultural and spiritual establishments that serve the people not be decreased, but increased. As long as they aid rather than harm the war effort, they must be supported by the government. That applies to sports as well.
Sports are not only for particular circles today, but a matter for the entire people. Military exemptions for athletes are out of place. The front shares our desires. The entire German people agrees passionately. It is no longer willing to put up with efforts that only waste time and resources. It will not put up with complicated questionnaires on every possible issue. It does not want to worry about a thousand minor matters that may have been important in peace, but are entirely unimportant during war.
It also does not need to be constantly reminded of its duty by references to the great sacrifices of our soldiers at Stalingrad. It knows what it has to do. It wants everyone, high and low, rich and poor, to share a spartan life style. He knows only work and care. We do not want to leave it all to him, but rather we want to take that part of it from him which we are able to bear. The present day has a remarkable resemblance for every genuine National Socialist to the period of struggle. We have always acted in the same way.
We were with the people through thick and thin, and that is why the people followed us. We have always carried our burdens together with the people, and therefore they did not seem heavy to us, but rather light. The people want to be led. Never in history has the people failed a brave and determined leadership a critical hour. Let me say a few words in this regard about practical measures in our total war effort that we have already taken. The problem is freeing soldiers for the front, and freeing workers for the armaments industry. These are the primary goals, even at the cost of our standard of social life.
This does not mean a permanent decline in our standard of living. It is only a means to reaching an end, that of total war. As part of this campaign, hundreds of thousands of military exemptions have been canceled.
Геббельс 18 февраля 1943 года, после Сталинграда
Исполнитель: Йозеф Геббельс, Песня: Враги: Перевод речи Геббельса "Хотите ли вы тотальной войны?", Продолжительность: 03:21, Размер: 3.07 МБ, Качество: 128 kbit/sec, Формат: mp3. №167196720. Загрузить музыку / рингтон Речь Йозефа Геббельса Тотальная война 1943 год в формате MP3. Йозеф Геббельс. 05:05. Слушать. Скачать MP3. Тотальная война стала делом всего немецкого народа. Главная» Новости» Выступление геббельса о тотальной войне.
Тотальная война. Дневники Йозефа Геббельса (июнь-август 1944)
Йозеф Геббельс. 05:05. Слушать. Скачать MP3. Призыв Геббельса всем подняться на «тотальную» войну, может, и прозвучал не вполне убедительно, но потому лишь, что в 1943 г., как и в 1942 г., немцы и без него наизусть знали испробованный и проверенный лозунг «держаться во что бы то ни стало». Смотреть клип Речь Йозефа Геббельса Тотальная война 1943 год бесплатно.
Тотальная война. Дневники Йозефа Геббельса (июнь-август 1944г.)
«Вы хотите тотальной войны?» | Do you want total war? English translation at |
Речь о тотальной войне — Википедия с видео // WIKI 2 | Видео Речь Йозефа Геббельса Тотальная война 1943 год загружено на YouTube 26-01-2024. речь Йозефа Геббельса в 1943 году. |
Доктор Гёббельс, тотальная война и Зеленский - 19.02.2023 Украина.ру | Исполнитель: Йозеф Геббельс, Песня: Враги: Перевод речи Геббельса "Хотите ли вы тотальной войны?", Продолжительность: 03:21, Размер: 3.07 МБ, Качество: 128 kbit/sec, Формат: mp3. №167196720. |
Геббельс 18 февраля 1943 года, после Сталинграда
Призыв Геббельса всем подняться на «тотальную» войну, может, и прозвучал не вполне убедительно, но потому лишь, что в 1943 г., как и в 1942 г., немцы и без него наизусть знали испробованный и проверенный лозунг «держаться во что бы то ни стало». Смотреть клип Речь Йозефа Геббельса Тотальная война 1943 год бесплатно. Смотреть клип Речь Йозефа Геббельса Тотальная война 1943 год бесплатно. Скачать клип Речь Йозефа Геббельса Тотальная война 1943 год на бесплатно и без регистрации | Огромный архив музыкальных клипов.