Лиссандра использует чистую силу льда для мрачных и жутких целей. Соблазненная шепотом Бездны, Лиссандра заключила сделку для себя и своих сестер, чтобы получить бессмертие и еще большую силу.
Лиссандра гайд, обзор легенды в Raid Shadow Legends
Смотрите видео онлайн на Смотрите сериалы бесплатно, музыкальные клипы, новости мира и кино, обзоры мобильных устройств. Согласно предварительному просмотру патча Riot Phlox, Лиссандра получит в общей сложности три баффа в патче 13.1. Лиссандра с Трандлом являются хорошей боевой парой из-за того, что получают мало урона. О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам. Statistics, abilities, information, skins, store details and more for Lissandra, the Ice Witch, a League of Legends champion. Смотрите видео онлайн «Гайд на аренную Лисандру/RAID: Shadow Legends» на канале «Игровые Секреты и Советы» в хорошем качестве и бесплатно.
Lissandra Probuilds: Dominating the Mid-Lane with the Ice Witch
You need to have the right Lissandra build in order to unleash the full potential on patch 14.8. Образы будут доступны с обновлением 12.2. You need to have the right Lissandra build in order to unleash the full potential on patch 14.8. A statistical breakdown of the Lissandra vs Zed matchup in the Middle Lane. See which champion is the better pick with our Zed vs Lissandra matchup statistics. including Win Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate and much more! Вы находитесь здесь » ВИКИ» Руководство 1ТП2Т» Руководство по артефакту и мастерству Лиссандры.
Lissandra's Rune Selection
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TFT Lissandra
Shards pass through the target, dealing the same damage to other enemies hit. If cast on Lissandra, she encases herself in dark ice, healing herself while becoming untargetable and invulnerable. Dark ice then emanates from the target dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing Move Speed.
Вокруг пораженной цели появляется область, которая со временем увеличивается, в которой враги получают урон и замедляются. При использовании на себя: Лиссандра ненадолго замирает на месте покрывая себя ледяной коркой и становится ненацеливаемой и неуязвимой. Будучи замороженной она источает Темный Лед наносящий урон и замедляющий окружающих врагов.
The borders between the mortal realm and what lay beyond it were hotly contested. Into this dangerous and volatile age, Lissandra and her sisters, Serylda and Avarosa, were born. Each sought to harness the powers at war, and each paid a terrible price. Attempting to command the heavens above them, Serylda lost her voice to the first twilight. Avarosa faced the twisting dark beneath the world, and was deafened by its emptiness, waiting to consume all creation. It was Lissandra who stood against the wild magic of the mortal world itself. For this defiance, the savage claws of a primal god raked across her eyes, blinding her. Together, they were unstoppable… but even a bond of blood could only weather so much. With her sight taken, Lissandra chose instead to walk in dreams.
Moreover, if you are battling a well-mixed enemy team comp, you should strongly consider getting her the Sorcery, and Domination runes. In recent matches, she won the largest fraction of her rounds when equipped with these runes. We set our Lissandra build recommendations by analyzing 44,429 recently ranked League matches with her in them.
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This guide offers the finest Pro Lissandra Builds, allowing both beginners and intermediate players to understand the best strategies and item paths. With insights directly inspired by the pros, our Lissandra Probuilds are designed to help you optimize her potential in every match. The right selection can accentuate her strengths, allowing her to control battles and unleash the full brunt of her chilling might.
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When an enemy champion dies near Lissandra they become a Frozen Thrall. Frozen Thralls slow nearby enemies and then, after a delay, shatter from the intense cold, dealing magic damage to nearby targets. Shards pass through the target, dealing the same damage to other enemies hit.
If cast on Lissandra, she encases herself in dark ice, healing herself while becoming untargetable and invulnerable.
Although her current standing in the meta is at B tier with a 0. With a ban rate of 0. This guide offers the finest Pro Lissandra Builds, allowing both beginners and intermediate players to understand the best strategies and item paths.
Lissandra Counters
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Лучшие Скины Лиссандры | LOL
Лиссандра использует чистую силу льда для мрачных и жутких целей. При использовании на врага: Лиссандра замораживает вражеского чемпиона, наносит урон и ненадолго станит. Blade Queen Lissandra is once again a skin that strays far from her frosty personality. Lissandra Mid Lane is ranked B Tier and has a 49.28% win rate in LoL Patch 14.8. Find Lissandra Runes, Builds, Skill Order and more in All regions for Patch 13.20. Detailed League of Legends Lissandra ARAM Build including spell order, summoner spells, the most important items as well as runes.