Новости фанфики леон кеннеди и ожп

Leon Scott Kennedy. Новости проекта.

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Просмотрите доску «Леон Кеннеди и Тиран» в Pinterest пользователя что-то оригинальное, на которую подписаны 5 582 человек. Я только что прошел Resident Evil 2 Scenario A за Леона Кеннеди. Cleon is the het ship between Claire Redfield and Leon Kennedy from the Resident Evil fandom. новый контент будет так же часто, как у леона бывает полнооценный отпуск. Фанфик Зуко ОЖП аватар.

‘You’re Stuck With Me Till The End’ — Insomnia || Leon Kennedy x Reader

What will Happen to you and Ashley? To think it was only 3 days ago she woke up in her bed to a bright happy morning. Now she had to survive for her life, and find a way to escape the horrible things that await her throughout her journey to almost inevitable death.. Nine years has passed since that incident. You can still remember it clearly, Ashley and you were taken to be hosts for some parasites. All of that is behind you... Its been years since you last saw him, wanted wants best for you--but are you really okay with that? Read and find out.

Леон Кеннеди Resident Evil 2 Remake обои 13. Леон Скотт Кеннеди 14. Resident Evil 6 Леон и Хелена 15. Леон Кеннеди Resident Evil 6 16. Resident Evil 6 Леон и ада 17. Леон Кеннеди обои 18. Леон Скотт Кеннеди резидент эвил 4 19. Леон Скотт Кеннеди на рабочий стол 20. Арт Леон Кеннеди Resident Evil 2019 21. Леон Кеннеди резидент ИВЛ 6 22. Леон резидент ивел 6 23. Резидент эвил Леон и Клэр 24.

Leon got the message and rested a hand on her shoulder reassuringly to give her some sort of comfort. She looked up at him with tears in the corner of her eyes before feeling his fingers wipe them away. Why not stick with me? Two heads are better than one. You never know when a B. W will try to attack" he hummed. Nodding in response, they sneaked around the back alleyways before a noise was heard. Suddenly a group of B. As it came very close to biting her jugular off, it was suddenly pulled away before a blade came through its brain.

Мы раньше точно не встречались, — она настороженно прищурилась. Девушка глядела на него затравленным зверем. Он на неё — полным идиотом. А то Леон уже начал побаиваться бесславной смерти от рук неудавшейся коллеги. Несмотря на обманчивую хрупкость, хватка у Джилл была ого-го. Переживала за своих сослуживцев? Леон мигом почувствовал, что его новая знакомая безумно нервничала, хоть и пыталась изо всех сил это скрыть и взять себя в руки. Занервничаешь тут, когда весь город взаимно и с аппетитом жрёт друг друга, а по полицейскому участку шастают всякие полоумные в шляпах и ползучие твари с мозгами наружу. Всё это, ей-богу, было так абсурдно, что Леон, пожалуй, до сих пор не прополоскался от омерзения, только потому что в глубине души надеялся вскоре проснуться у себя дома и осознать, что это был просто очень реалистичный ночной кошмар. На самом деле затылок ныл ужасно, ногу он, вероятно, вывихнул, пока улепётывал от мертвяков и считал задом ступеньки на лестницах, а спина грозила вот-вот сдать позиции и послать Леона в пешее эротическое прямиком к монстрам в лапы, — но жаловаться не хотелось. Особенно в присутствии Джилл. Дело было не в выпендрёже перед девчонками, конечно, а в выпендрёже перед коллегами, пусть и несостоявшимися. Это другое. Правда, — Джилл внезапно поощрила его намёком на усталую, но добродушную улыбку. Она тоже присела за один из столов — вероятно, за свой — и с пару минут оба провели в полном молчании. Они чертовски устали. Может, целее будешь. Город сам себя погубил — вернее, его пустили под откос те, кто им управлял, и некоторые из них всё ещё могут сильно усложнить тебе жизнь, если ты слишком много знаешь. Однако Леона было уже не остановить. Чёрт возьми, раз уж он тут оказался и раз уж так сложилось, что блюстителей закона и порядка в Раккун-сити осталось буквально три калеки если учесть ещё беднягу Марвина , ему просто необходимо было выяснить правду. Вероятно, у него это на лице было написано, потому что Джилл, взглянув ему прямо в глаза, тут же усмехнулась и съехидничала: — Что, чувство справедливости засвербило в заднице?

Fics and Headcanons — Leon Kennedy relationship headcanons

Forget about Zoro nearly grabbing Sanji by his curly brows and swinging him like a ragdoll over the railings any time his continuous nosebleeds drip into his sake. He was a predator; rampant, ravaging, resolved in his fortitude. So why? Oh god, why? Why did he feel like he was being torn apart? Ravished by teeth that left rupturing silver punctures in his lungs, shredded by claws that streamed blinding light through the chambers of his heart.

He had felt like that: bent over doubled, clutching his chest in pain when the two of you first met as teenagers. He had scoffed when you had thrown your helmet to the ground and held out your hand to him, a scowl cloaking his face and making his teeth grind as you offered him advice on how to perfect your technique. Yet all you had done in response to his slight was to smile: a smile so shining, so unjustly kindly, so prepossessing and beautiful that the swordsman froze in shock, a fleeting flash of pure light haloing his eyes. He knew. He knew, right there and then.

That you were the only thing in all of the seas that could stand in his way. In that moment, he had decided that he would like to live forever in that strand of light: that one that strayed through a gap between the oak leaves, straying past its dark, dense leaves, foraging past the crawling thickets to instead brush against the tip of your cheek. You held your hand out, and Zoro glanced down at your outreaching fingers warily. His whole body feels alight, and he spends the whole rest of the day clenching his fingers into his palm and trying desperately to relish the feeling. Which is why, for a while, Zoro seems to go extra hard on you: calling you away after lessons for private sparring matches deep in the woods, where only the crunchy bark could hear your swift steps and the fine mist wrapped around the pale trees and sent a cold shake down your hilted hand.

This time, though - this time, you surprise him. If he was disappointed in himself for losing again, it soon melted away by the feel of your torso pressing up against his heaving lungs. He jumps even more when your skin lands… softly? All that exists is the soft push of your nose against his fluttering shut eyelid. The warm puff of breath as you sigh against the shell of his ear.

The light scrape of the bark against his back as he shivers. The sound of his own heart, his blood scorching through his veins and convulsing against the sharp cage of his ribs. He was still too afraid to touch you.

Ей пришлось принять его, хоть они до этих пор не общались. Родителей, к счастью, дома не было: они в командировке. Вивиан позаботилась о нём и утром. Когда тот протрезвел, они смогли поговорить. Очередная ссора, которых стало больше со временем.

Леон наговорил гадостей Вивиан, а она в ответ. Обоим больно, обоим обидно. Леон узнал, что любимую увезли в больницу. Ничего не понимая, он поехал к ней, чтобы узнать, что случилось. Там же от родителей девушки он узнал, что у Вивиан рак лёгких. Перед глазами словно вся жизнь протекла. Вся жизнь в сопровождении Диаз. Почему она мне ничего не говорила?

Это не может быть правдой, — повторял он себе всё время. Девушка находилась в тяжёлом состоянии. Леон всё время находился с ней, даже ночью. Даже родители не были с ней всё время, понимая, что шанс выжить маленький. Эта ночь изменила всё в один миг. Леон как обычно сидел рядом с девушкой, которая лежала на больничной койке с кучей специального оборудования. На глазах впервые появились слёзы. Дальше всё как во сне.

Резкий звук кардиомонитора, который дал понять: сердце прекратило биться. Леон не стал медлить, быстро позвал врачей в надежде, что её спасут, ведь существует уйма способов вернуть человека с того света.

Joining forces with Leon, Claire and Sherry you fight your way out of the city in hopes of survival. But much later I found out I was stuck here so I remained. And with a fallen relationship between you and Leon after witnessing him nearly chase after Ada... The next morning while picking up Ashley, everything happens so fast that you black out. Hearing voices and--ouch, felt a little prick on the side of your neck. What will Happen to you and Ashley? To think it was only 3 days ago she woke up in her bed to a bright happy morning.

Now she had to survive for her life, and find a way to escape the horrible things that await her throughout her journey to almost inevitable death..

Старается, не светится на людях. С одеждой не очень разборчив.

В основном носит джинсы и футболку с длинными рукавами. Имеет рукавицы с обрезанными пальцами. Ещё когда Бенфорд был просто высокопоставленным чиновником, он обратил внимание на Леона, карьера которого стремительно пошла вверх.

У них была одна благородная цель: очистить мир от биотерроризма и не допустить повторения того, что в 1998 году случилось в Ракун-Сити. Про Адама говорили, что это один из немногих последовательных политиков и человек слова. Агент Кеннеди смог довериться ему, хотя тот и не встречался с ужасами биотеррора лицом к лицу.

Общая цель объединила их, а взаимное уважение и десять лет совместной борьбы сделали друзьями. К сожалению, финал их дружбы был трагическим. Во время биологической атаки — одного из жутких повторений трагедии Ракун-Сити — агент Кеннеди был вынужден застрелить президента Бенфорда.

Ей изначальным предназначением было обеспечение поддержки агентов различных разведывательных служб США, действующих по всему миру. Но когда основной угрозой Соединённым Штатам стал биотерроризм, ППО переключилась на координацию и поддержку всех операций, направленных на предотвращение терактов и уничтожение террористов. ППО была основана в 2011 году Адамом Бенфордом.

Её оперативным координатором является Ингрид Ханниган, а ведущим полевым агентом — Леон Кеннеди.

You’re Alright, LaRusso — Leon Kennedy Fluff Headcanons

Ди и ожп фанфики - фото сборник Leon S. Kennedy Vintage T-shirt (Limited!).
Леон и Клэр Новости проекта.

Leon Kennedy

Резидент ивел Джилл и Вескер. Resident Evil Джилл и Вескер. Вескер x Джилл Валентайн. Резидент ивел Вескер и Крис. Гейзенберг и Итан слэш. Гейзенберг и Итан Resident. Итан и Гейзенберг арт.

Гейзенберг и Итан слэш резидент. Обитель зла Вескер и Джилл. Альберт Вескер и Крис Редфилд. Resident Evil Village Крис. Крис Редфилд Village. Леон Кеннеди и ада Вонг Resident Evil 2.

Resident Evil 2 Remake Leon Kennedy anime. Resident Evil Леон и ада. Леон Скотт Кеннеди арт. Leon s Kennedy. Леон Кеннеди и Леон Кеннеди. Resident Evil Итан и Леон.

Альберт Вескер и Джилл Валентайн. Джилл Валентайн 5 резидент. Resident Evil 5 Джилл Валентайн. Леон Кеннеди Resident Evil 2 Remake и тиран. Леон Скотт Кеннеди и тиран. Resident Evil Леон и тиран.

Леон резидент ивел 2. Resident Evil 2 Леон и Клэр. Леон Кеннеди и Клэр Редфилд и Шерри. Leon Kennedy 1998. Resident Evil 2 Клэр Леон Шерри. Resident Evil 4 Леон и Эшли.

Леон Кеннеди и Эшли арт. Леон Кеннеди и Эшли. Леон Кеннеди 4 Resident Evil Эшли. Леон Скотт Кеннеди и ти. Леон Кеннеди и тиран арт. Итан Уинтерс и Лукас Бейкер.

Resident Evil 7 Лукас Бейкер и Итан. Ада Вонг и Леон Кеннеди. Resident Evil Джилл и Карлос. Резидент эвил 3 Карлос и Джилл. Resident Evil 3 Джилл и Карлос. Resident Evil Карлос Оливейра и Джил.

Resident Evil Карлос арт. Карлос Resident Evil 3 Art. Джилл Валентайн Resident Evil 3 и Карлос. Резидент ивел Леон и Эшли. Леон Кеннеди и Эшли Грэхем любовь. Леон Кеннеди обитель зла Ракун Сити.

Resident Evil 2 Шерри. Игра за Шерри Resident Evil 2. Ада Вонг и Шерри Биркин. Ада Вонг и Клэр Редфилд. Клэр Редфилд и Джилл Валентайн и ада Вонг. Клэр Редфилд и ада Вонг арт.

Клэр Редфилд и ада Вонг Юри.

Feet collided with cold floor boards, creaking as he stood now wide awake. He could still hear you. The little taps of your toes on the kitchen tiles whilst you wandered your shared apartment aimlessly. From the way you hesitated or took lighter steps when the air conditioner stopped humming. You were desperate for distraction, your mind far too alert to let you sink into the sweet arms of slumber. That would be far too easy. His constant trips and missions, the horrendously planned return times, the thought most likely racking your mind that he might be hurt. Or worse. Surely that took its toll.

All of that stress. Made you slump, made you anxious. How he hated to see you so void of energy, so drained. Not just physically, but mentally. He just wanted to be there for you. The reason? Moments like this one, where he was far too worried to check the time on the buzzing bright alarm clock. Set to the usual 6AM for him to rise out of bed. Leon kept his steps even as he walked towards the doorway in an almost stalk-like matter. He was creeping in hopes of not alarming you.

When you walked around the apartment like this, you were often absent minded.

As the train is descending, another attaches to it. With the train in full motion, the carriage door slides open to reveal Leon running though. Leon calls back to their time separated by the fence, telling her he told her they would both make it. Leon goes to handle it, telling Claire to stay back to protect Sherry. As Leon is fighting William, Claire tells him they need to break off from the train car. Sherry soon points out a semi-truck coming their way, and thinks they might be able to give them a ride. Leon tells Claire to get Sherry out of there while he waits for the truck to come closer. The man in the truck flips Leon off as he drives past.

The Darkside Chronicles[ ] Memories of a Lost City This scenario re-tells the events of Resident Evil 2, where Leon and Claire have just arrived in Raccoon City when they learn that the city has been infested with zombies and other monsters. Leon and Claire share bonding experiences while surviving no matter the odds. Degeneration[ ] Claire arrives in the city of Harvardville to participate in the Terra-Save protests against the new pharmaceutical company WilPharma and the Senator Ron Davis, when a new outbreak occurs at the airport and the entire perimeter is blocked to prevent the infection from spreading. Claire and other survivors manage to protect themselves, locking in the VIP lounge and calling for help. Leon is the special agent sent by the government to rescue them and the senator. Leon and Claire are surprised to find each other in this situation, though Leon helps her to get up and they hold hands for a few more seconds until the rest of the rescue team approaches. The senator, not satisfied with the team sent to rescue them, criticizes Leon and his plan to escape through the lobby and Claire tries to show some support for the idea, explaining how the zombies are slow and easy to dodge. However, the senator turns against her as well and Leon defends her by describing how she was prepared for the situation thanks to her previous experiences with zombies outbreaks. Claire impulsively jumps to save her, even though she is unarmed.

Leon sees her do this and tries to shoot the enemies, but a zombie jumps on him, pinning him to the ground. After a few seconds of tension and indecision on how to help her while dealing with his own danger, Leon ends up throwing his weapon to Claire which she catches with good reflex and kills all the zombies around her. When all enemies are defeated, Leon looks worried for her, though Claire has her full attention to Rani. They share a look for a few moments before Rani comes to hug Claire and Claire gives the gun back to the Leon with a smile. In a safe place, outside of the airport, Rani is crying for not reuniting with her aunt outside the quarantine and the senator makes a comment about not standing kids, to which makes Claire furious enough to slap him in the face, blaming him for the trauma Rani went through that night. Leon watches everything quietly while she goes to comfort the young girl. After being vaccinated, Claire is taken by surprise to discover that WilPharma was responsible for producing the vaccine to control the recent infection, though Leon confirms the collaboration between the government and the company to prevent further outbreaks. The senator and the head researcher Frederic Downing , blame her and the protests of Terra-Save for having slowed the process of approving the use of the medicament, which facilitated the death of agents in this rescue mission. Claire isolates herself in one of the medical tents, feeling guilty Terra-Save made things worse and Leon goes after her to remind her the real villains were the one who created, and now the one who used, the virus.

Their lives changed forever because of Umbrella and promising her he would wipe out this virus from the face of the earth. Leon soothes her by saying she was not wrong in choosing the path to be a rescuer - something he could not be. Claire is touched and thanks him for his support. While Leon goes to investigate a suspect with another agent, Downing invites Claire to the WilPharma base in the city, as a peace offering. During the tour she learns they had bought the G-virus on the black market to make a vaccine and that the senator was one of those responsible for the decision to exterminate Raccoon City back in 1998. Claire decides to call Leon to alert him, unfortunately the conversation is interrupted when a bomb explodes in the building, leaving Claire unconscious and Leon is uneasily when the call is abruptly cut. Leon wanders through the quiet halls of what remains of the ruined building until he finds Claire hobbling. When he realizes she has a serious leg injury, he hurries to try to carry her out. Claire interrupts him by warning about the enemy and making him focus on the biohazard situation that was about to happen.

Leon supports Claire while they walk, when they take an elevator and Leon kills all the zombies when the doors open. Before taking separate paths, Leon asks Claire to try not to get killed and she winks at him wishing him the same as the elevator doors close again. He clicks a button, shaking his head with a sigh. Instead of going to the exit, Claire manages to go to the center control room, and helps Leon remotely in the final battle and discovers the fight was being recorded. Learning Downing was the one responsible, manipulating everyone and using the recordings to sell the virus and vaccine to the terrorists, Leon and Claire surprise him at the meeting point pretending to be the contact while he waits to escape. In the morning, after everything has been resolved and they are getting ready to go, Leon asks if Claire wants a helicopter ride, though she refuses saying she already has a car waiting for her - with Rani and her aunt.

Surrounded by blankets and pillows on his couch, he looks incredibly comfortable. Me and Vergil blamed each other for passing it to the other. But dad was sick too, so maybe it was his fault. You talk to him gently, stroking his hair. He falls asleep shortly after. He snores so loudly but the relaxed look on his face makes up for it. Fails miserably. He tries to hide that something is wrong with him and refuses any care for the first few hours of coming down with a demonic cold. He looks so grumpy, eyebrows crossed as you fluff his sheets and get him a little tray of goodies. Just like his brother, he hates taking medicine. Poking him right in his side, he lets out a gasp as you finally get his mouth to open. He winces at the horrid taste. Betrayed, he turns away from you.

«Не тот Леон Кеннеди» Gheist

His life is crazy and having alone, quiet time with you is so sweet Taking him to a small, quiet coffee shop? Yes Taking him to a park and just talking? Yes Taking him to stargaze? Yes Holding his hand while you both read?

Even though killing them was the right thing to do, it was still such a tragic event to cope. Why does Leon Kennedy drink? Who is Leon shipped with? Both being survivors of the outbreak, Leon and Claire formed a bond with each other that has lasted. Many Resident Evil duos flirt a lot, and there are typically hints of a romantic interest between them.

However, Capcom rarely confirms their relationship status. Takedown request View complete answer on ign. He has no backbone around her, has taken bullets for her, risked his life to save her numerous times, and lets her get away knowing she belongs behind bars. Who is Chloe to Leon? Chloe Aubert She is a childhood friend of Leon, a best friend.

Metal Family хеви девушка. Ди и кесс метал Фэмили. Ди и чес фанфики. Ди и хеви фанфики.

Ди и чес комиксы. Хеви и ди шип 18 фанфики. Комиксы метал Фэмили Лидия. Комикс метал Фэмили ди хеви и Лидия. Лидия фанфики метал Фэмили. Лидия метал Фэмили арт. Джеймс Поттер мародеры. Лили и Джеймс Поттер. Лили Эванс и Гарри Поттер арт.

Хван Хенджин. Stray Kids и ОЖП. Детка фанфик по фэндому Stray Kids. Фанфик Чонин ОЖП. Леви фанфики. Фанфики Леви и ОЖП. Фанфики Леви и ты. Teenage Drama Джон. Вебтун «Secret Romance».

Подростка драма. БТС И блэкпинк. БТС арт Чонгук. Розэ и Чимин арт. Блэк Пинк и БТС арт. Изая Орихара и Намиэ Ягири. Изая и Намие арт. Изая Орихара и его девушка. Дюрарара якудза.

Аниме Наруто гендер Бендер. Персонажи Наруто гендер Бендер. Гендер Бендер Наруто команда 7. Male ино Яманака. Ади и Вики клуб романтики. Клуб романтики секрет небес Ади. Мими и Ади клуб романтики. Клуб романтики Сэм и Ади. Люцифер Морнингстар и Хлоя.

Люцифер Морнингстар арт. Люцифер и Хлоя арт. Люцифер Морнингстар аниме. Белла и Эдвард Ренесми и Джейкоб. Белла Эдвард и Ренесми арт. Сумерки фан арт Ренесми. Сумерки Белла Эдвард и Джейкоб. Сумеречные охотники Алек и Джейс. Джейс Магнус Алек.

Алек Лайтвуд и Джейс. Алек Лайтвуд орудия смерти. Металл Фэмили комикс. Metal Family ди и глэм. Метал Фэмили комиксы Вики. Глэм и Вики 18 метал Фэмили. Хроники Нарнии Люси и Тумнус. Люси Певенси и Мистер Тумнус. Мистер Тумнус хроники Нарнии арт.

Хроники Нарнии Мистер Тумнус и Люси. Сэм и Габриэль. Сверхъестественное Сэм и Габриэль. Сабриэль арт. Сэм Габриэль.

Фанфиков к «Дневникам вампиров» бесчисленное множество, и лучшие из них вы найдёте на нашем сайте. Заварите себе чашку ароматного чая и на один вечерок почувствуйте себя попаданцем или попаданкой в Мистик-Фоллс, где бушуют необузданные страсти между Еленой, Стефаном и Деймоном, где можно встретиться с Клаусом и познакомиться с Лорелей Гилберт. А мы проследим за тем, чтобы список фанфиков постоянно расширялся, и планируем, что уже в скором времени добавим так полюбившуюся вам работу «В твоих глазах».

You’re Alright, LaRusso — Leon Kennedy Fluff Headcanons

Cleon is the het ship between Claire Redfield and Leon Kennedy from the Resident Evil fandom. Leon kennedy x reader 437 stories for adawong, chrisredfield, claireredfield, leonkennedy, leonkennedyxreader, leonskennedy, leonxreader, residentevil, The best collection of stories. Леонид скотт кеннеди, кардинал-судья pro hac vice с выпуском церкви Сан-Саба. admirxation: “Beg Me | Leon Kennedy drabble Pairing: Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader (afab) Summary: Leon joins the reader in the shower, a little surprise that gets her turned on and begging for.

Leon x Ashley

Смотрите Леон кеннеди (39 фото) из категории арты в галереи. AU: никаких вирусов нет, Леон полицейский, героям 21 год. Leon Kennedy Fluff Headcanons Request: saw your requests were open what about some recent leon (damnation, re6, vendetta)? maybe a little hc about the reader doing something nice for him, a little. Resident Evil dj — Jack Krauser/Leon Kennedy. Леон Resident Evil 4 Резидент эвил 4 Леон Leon Kennedy Леон Скотт Кеннеди обои Леон Кеннеди Resident Evil 2 Remake арт Re 2 Remake Арт леон кеннеди. Интересные фото: Повелители ночи арт и Йода арт пиксель.

Фанфики по фэндому «Дневники вампира / The Vampire Diaries»

Фанфик Зуко ОЖП аватар. Ада Вонг и Леон Кеннеди любовь фанфики. Леон Кеннеди устраивает вечеринку перед своим первым днём в полиции Раккун-сити. Леонид скотт кеннеди, кардинал-судья pro hac vice с выпуском церкви Сан-Саба.

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Leon and Claire do not see each other for a long while that night, until the underground Umbrella facility they are in is in self-destruct, following the G-virus getting out. As Claire is attempting to get a train moving, Leon appears on a video feed telling Claire she needs to get out of there. Claire tells him she thinks all of them: him, her and Sherry Birkin , a young girl Claire saved, can make it and asks where he is. Their video feed keeps breaking up and Leon insists Claire not worry about him, just for her to get out of there. Claire makes more desperate attempts to reach Leon, though to no avail. Claire and Sherry are on the train and heading for the exit. As the train is descending, another attaches to it. With the train in full motion, the carriage door slides open to reveal Leon running though. Leon calls back to their time separated by the fence, telling her he told her they would both make it. Leon goes to handle it, telling Claire to stay back to protect Sherry. As Leon is fighting William, Claire tells him they need to break off from the train car. Sherry soon points out a semi-truck coming their way, and thinks they might be able to give them a ride. Leon tells Claire to get Sherry out of there while he waits for the truck to come closer. The man in the truck flips Leon off as he drives past. The Darkside Chronicles[ ] Memories of a Lost City This scenario re-tells the events of Resident Evil 2, where Leon and Claire have just arrived in Raccoon City when they learn that the city has been infested with zombies and other monsters. Leon and Claire share bonding experiences while surviving no matter the odds. Degeneration[ ] Claire arrives in the city of Harvardville to participate in the Terra-Save protests against the new pharmaceutical company WilPharma and the Senator Ron Davis, when a new outbreak occurs at the airport and the entire perimeter is blocked to prevent the infection from spreading. Claire and other survivors manage to protect themselves, locking in the VIP lounge and calling for help. Leon is the special agent sent by the government to rescue them and the senator. Leon and Claire are surprised to find each other in this situation, though Leon helps her to get up and they hold hands for a few more seconds until the rest of the rescue team approaches. The senator, not satisfied with the team sent to rescue them, criticizes Leon and his plan to escape through the lobby and Claire tries to show some support for the idea, explaining how the zombies are slow and easy to dodge. However, the senator turns against her as well and Leon defends her by describing how she was prepared for the situation thanks to her previous experiences with zombies outbreaks. Claire impulsively jumps to save her, even though she is unarmed. Leon sees her do this and tries to shoot the enemies, but a zombie jumps on him, pinning him to the ground. After a few seconds of tension and indecision on how to help her while dealing with his own danger, Leon ends up throwing his weapon to Claire which she catches with good reflex and kills all the zombies around her. When all enemies are defeated, Leon looks worried for her, though Claire has her full attention to Rani. They share a look for a few moments before Rani comes to hug Claire and Claire gives the gun back to the Leon with a smile. In a safe place, outside of the airport, Rani is crying for not reuniting with her aunt outside the quarantine and the senator makes a comment about not standing kids, to which makes Claire furious enough to slap him in the face, blaming him for the trauma Rani went through that night. Leon watches everything quietly while she goes to comfort the young girl. After being vaccinated, Claire is taken by surprise to discover that WilPharma was responsible for producing the vaccine to control the recent infection, though Leon confirms the collaboration between the government and the company to prevent further outbreaks. The senator and the head researcher Frederic Downing , blame her and the protests of Terra-Save for having slowed the process of approving the use of the medicament, which facilitated the death of agents in this rescue mission. Claire isolates herself in one of the medical tents, feeling guilty Terra-Save made things worse and Leon goes after her to remind her the real villains were the one who created, and now the one who used, the virus. Their lives changed forever because of Umbrella and promising her he would wipe out this virus from the face of the earth. Leon soothes her by saying she was not wrong in choosing the path to be a rescuer - something he could not be. Claire is touched and thanks him for his support. While Leon goes to investigate a suspect with another agent, Downing invites Claire to the WilPharma base in the city, as a peace offering. During the tour she learns they had bought the G-virus on the black market to make a vaccine and that the senator was one of those responsible for the decision to exterminate Raccoon City back in 1998. Claire decides to call Leon to alert him, unfortunately the conversation is interrupted when a bomb explodes in the building, leaving Claire unconscious and Leon is uneasily when the call is abruptly cut. Leon wanders through the quiet halls of what remains of the ruined building until he finds Claire hobbling. When he realizes she has a serious leg injury, he hurries to try to carry her out. Claire interrupts him by warning about the enemy and making him focus on the biohazard situation that was about to happen.

Леон Кеннеди ревнует, но вы продолжаете настаивать на том, что не сделали ничего плохого, что, конечно же, только раздражает Леона Кеннеди ещё больше. Леон Кеннеди не извинится за свою ревность, он будет злым и будет действовать импульсивно, охваченный ревностью, владением и необходимостью подтвердить свое место рядом с вами. Леон Кеннеди, 27 лет, федеральный агент Дивизиона операций безопасности Д. Леон импульсивен, когда его разозлили, и у него проблемы с доверием, часто он очень злится, когда его не слушают.

Вместе со своей дочерью-подростком... Свернуть » 26 фев 2021 в 04:58 Leon Kennedy От пуль не бегу, в огне не горю В оффлайне.

Fics and Headcanons — Leon Kennedy relationship headcanons

Leon Kennedy. Leon Kennedy. От пуль не бегу, в огне не горю. Это фф на игру Бравл Старс о Леоне и Сенди. Я начинающий писатель, не судите строго. Просмотрите доску «Леон и Клэр» пользователя Polina Savicheva в Pinterest. думал Леон С Кеннеди после того, как Президент ЗША буквально на пинках отправил его в Испанию, чтобы вернуть похищенную дочь. Fandom, Leon Scott Kennedy, The Evil Within. Leon got the message and rested a hand on her shoulder reassuringly to give her some sort of comfort.

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