Новости 2006 на английском

We write news in three different levels of English. We want to help you understand English more. Now all students can enjoy reading and listening to news. 2006 (year): two thousand and six (1) two thousand six (2) twenty o six (3) Hello! How do you read this year? Go to for breaking news, videos, and the latest top stories in world news, business, politics, health and pop culture. A News Bulletin. Thirty five vehicles were involved in a multiple collision on the M. 1 motorway this morning. Browse important and historic events, world leaders, famous birthdays and notable deaths from the year 2006.

2006 (year): how to read?

There are also concerns about another Ipswich prostitute, 19-year-old Tania Nicol, who went missing on 30 October. He is named as Tom Stephens, a 37-year-old Tesco supermarket worker. Almost 12 million viewers watch her exit and made it the most-watched show this Christmas.

The Media Briefing will emphasize what is known from research about short- and long-term consequences of students being educated in diverse environments. Seattle School District No.

This lecture commemorates the Brown v.

To read about these incredible and memorable news headlines and about the many other headlines that were published within 2006 newspapers, explore our archive for the perfect date, and take a look at the wonderful gift packages we offer when ordering with Historic Newspapers. Delivered straight to your door, an original newspaper is the thoughtful and interesting gift you have been looking for.

Over 6,000 people are killed, at least 36,000 are injured and 1. The state union of Serbia and Montenegro is dissolved on 5th June, leaving Serbia as the successor state.

Bond was suspended and then sacked by Newcastle as a result of the allegations. Both of these allegations are illegal under FA rules. Officials from Liverpool and Newcastle United were also implicated in attempts to sign Porritt. That three different Bolton transfer signings involved secret payments from agents to Craig Allardyce, some when he was contractually banned from doing any Bolton deals. Collymore also represents England cricketer Simon Jones.

The programme also claimed to have set up a sting involving handing a cash payment to an unnamed Premiership manager, but the alleged manager did not turn up at the rendezvous. When the Israeli international moved to England, agent Jamie Hart — the official middle man — was paid a fee by Bolton. But he has now confirmed that unlicensed agent David Abu also received a cut of the fee for the role he played in the deal. On 20 September, The Football Association asked the BBC to provide all of the collected evidence and announced that it would investigate these allegations. I have therefore instructed my lawyers to prepare my case against the BBC. Kevin Bond: said that he intended to sue the BBC for libel. In response, Bond issued a statement claiming that Newcastle had sacked him without investigating properly.

Kevin Bond filed legal papers against the BBC, but withdrew the libel action, 8 days before the trial was set to commence.

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The greatest of these is in Afrikaans , a language of European colonial origin, that has 6,177 articles and 1,315 registered users. However, for the first time, the 37 Wikipedias in languages of African origin are bigger together, with 7,986 articles and 3,479 registered users. In addition to the 2 that have passed 1,000, 7 have passed 100 articles. One year ago none had passed 500 and 4 had passed 100. The Wikipedia of the most widespread language in Africa, Arabic , has 21,177 articles and 44,655 registered users. One year ago, the article count for the african origin language Wikipedias was 772, the Afrikaans Wikipedia 4,439 and the Arab Wikipedia 10,247. Together they had just above 15,000 articles, while today they have passed 36,000. The pacific language Wikipedias remained small during 2006. Polynesian language Wikipedias grew most, while the rest advanced slowly. No Wikipedia reached 500 articles.

One year ago, 3 had reached 100 articles. The total article count was 918. There is still no Wikipedia in any Australian aboriginal language. East Asia competes with Europe and America as a developed Wikipedia area. Chinese passed 100,000 articles. One year ago, the total article count was 238,190. European languages still dominate the Wikipedia system. English has 1,560,143 articles, more than the total number of articles for Wikipedias in languages of all continents outside of Europe. English passed the milestones of 1 million and later 1,5 million articles in 2006, fortifying the position of the English Wikipedia as the greatest one-language encyclopedia that ever existed.

But historically, the relative weight of the English Wikipedia is going down. The percentage of english Wikipedia articles seems to be roughly similar to the percentage of native english speakers on the Internet. One year ago they had 2,747,489 articles. With less than one thousand: Romansh state language in Switzerland. One year ago such Wikipedias had 74,392 articles. Of the 97 Wikipedias listed above, 1 has more than 1,5 million articles, 1 more than 500,000, 8 have more than 100,000, 27 more than 10,000, 35 more than 1,000, and 17 more than 100. One year ago 1 had more than 500,000, 6 more than 100,000, 20 more than 10,000, 31 more than 1,000, and 11 more than 100.

Sims, 22, was shot to death in the 800 block of Montgomery Street. He was transported to the Inova Alexandria Hospital, where he was pronounced dead a short time later. There is no suspect description, and police have yet to determine a motive for the murder. City Helps Katrina Victims In the days after the Hurricane Katrina, the City of Alexandria sent firemen, police officers and city workers to assist in the rescue and recovery operation. Now, months after the initial devastation, the city still has several employees working in the Gulf Cost region. A team of eight police officers traveled to Picayune, Miss. Two teams of 23 firefighters traveled to Hancock County, Miss. The New Orleans Emergency Management Center has several residents helping operations run smoothly, including two firefighters, two Information Technology professionals and one Parks and Recreation employee. In November, City Councilman Ludwig Gaines presented a proclamation honoring those employees who helped during the crisis. Housing Bubble? The real estate market may be slowing. He pointed out that the vacancy rate in Alexandria was lower than the national average, creating a strong economy in the city that has been pushing up housing prices. He said that the past few years have seen a shift in the city — with new condominiums now outnumbering new apartments. As supply catches up to demand, Jinks estimated that the housing market would cool. Superintendent Rebecca Perry credited the improvement to the dedication of teachers, parents and students.

This is just one example of the most important and under appreciated trend in the history of our species: the decline of violence. My optimism lies in the hope that the decline of force over the centuries is a real phenomenon, that it is the product of systematic forces that will continue to operate, and that we can identify those forces and perhaps concentrate and bottle them. Simon Baron-Cohen Director of the Autism Research Centre, University of Cambridge I remain optimistic that for a good proportion of them [people with autism], it has never been a better time to have autism. Because there is a remarkably good fit between the autistic mind and the digital age. For this new generation of children with autism, I anticipate that many of them will find ways to blossom, using their skills with digital technology to find employment, to find friends, and in some cases to innovate.

На месте было очень тесно, и мигающие сигнальные были включены большую часть ночи. Пока не поступало сообщений о сколько-нибудь серьезно пострадавших в аварии. Это происшествие, четвертое по числу столкнувшихся транспортных средств за последний месяц, произошло как раз накануне первой Национальной Конференции по использованию дорог. На церемонии открытия прошлым вечером в Лондоне сэр Джон Стоун, советник по дорожному движению области Метрополитэн, раскритиковал стандарты дорожного движения страны. Он сказал, что очевидным стало то, что британские водители еще должны выучить многие из основных правил дорожного движения. Дорожная дисциплина в стране намного хуже чем в Америке, и особенно опасна манера водителей обгонять. Начинать обгон без соответствующего сигнала слишком опасно, и у водителей наблюдается настолько же рискованная тенденция вклиниваться в ряд после обгона. Однако, пожалуй, самой распространенной формой нарушения явилось нежелание водителей частных автомобилей сворачивать на внутреннюю полосу движения, если имеется такая возможность. Сэр Джон сказал, что слишком многие вынуждены оставаться на средней или даже на внешней полосе, несмотря на состояние дорожного движения, следствием чего является нетерпение водителей, намеревающихся обогнать и пытающихся встать слишком близко вслед впереди стоящему транспортному средству, тем самым увеличивая вероятность аварии. Конференция продолжается. А теперь о переговорах стран Общего рынка. Мистер Джеффри Риппон, ответственный за проведение переговоров, прошлой ночью вылетел в Брюссель. Предполагается, что целью его поездки является попытка уменьшить разногласия между нашей страной и Европейским Экономическим Сообществом по поводу доли Британии в бюджете Сообщества.

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You may want to consider going elsewhere for your digital telly. Also, Five US ch. New Freeview lineup. Changes to Freeview channel numbers October 4th, 2006 A small number of Freeview channels have been renumbered. Also Five US ch. Current Lineup.

You may need to get your box to rescan to get the new channels. The phone also can receive up to 50 channels of DAB digital radio , again over-the-air. Details and a review can be found at www. We expect this to be a TV listing service.

Commissioner Terence Cole recommended a task force be established to look into possible charges against several former AWB executives. The Stern report on global warming released in the UK in October put the effect of climate change in economic terms, making governments around the world stand up and take notice.

The nuclear energy debate intensified after a report by Dr Ziggy Switkowski recommended a rethink on uranium mining and alternative energy industries. Scientists rejoiced as Federal Parliament passed a controversial Bill lifting the ban on stem cell research. New industrial relations laws took hold in March, as unions joined the Federal Opposition and state governments in a vow to fight implementing the legislation. As Prime Minister John Howard celebrated 10 years in office in March, he disappointed Treasurer Peter Costello who said the Prime Minister promised him 12 years ago to hand over the leadership crown to him before two terms were up. Business In the second-biggest share offer in Australian history behind the T2 sale seven years ago, the Federal Government finally gave the green light for the third sell-off of Telstra shares. T3 shares began trading on the Australian Stock Exchange in November.

The Government parked the remaining 17 per cent of Telstra stock into the Future Fund to sell down over time. Many Australians felt the pinch of three interest rate rises during this year, with the final Reserve Bank decision for 2006 setting the financial climate at 6. Farewells Australia reeled with shock as it lost two icons in the same week in September - conservationist and self-proclaimed "wildlife warrior" Steve Irwin and motor racing legend "king of the mountain" Peter Brock. Celebrities, friends and family mourned the death of actress Belinda Emmett , wife of entertainer Rove McManus, who lost her long battle against cancer in November. Courage Australians marvelled at the incredible survival of two miners, Todd Russell and Brant Webb, trapped for 14 days in May in a steel cage after a mine collapse in Beaconsfield in northern Tasmania.

Ранее Бэйл отверг слухи, что он опять сыграет героя в маске.

Greg Silverman, president of creative development at Warner Bros, said the studio could not think of any director better suited to bringing Superman and Batman together. Грег Силверман, президент креативного подразделения Warner Bros, сказал, что студия не могла бы подумать ни о каком другом режиссере для съемок фильма, сводящего вместе Супермена и Бэтмена. Фильм, в котором Супермен и Бэтмен появятся вместе в виде анимированных Лего.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict continued to rumble. It was exacerbated by Hamas winning control of the Palestinian Parliament in February. Subsequent factional violence among the Palestinians themselves intensified the crisis in the region. Iran came under further criticism over its nuclear energy stance and also together with Syria, came under fire for its backing of Hezbollah in Lebanon. North Korea flexed its strategic muscle in its first underground nuclear test in October, ignoring international condemnation and threats of more sanctions.

He is still awaiting a trial for alleged involvement in terrorist activities in Afghanistan. Closer to home, violence broke out in East Timor in April, as troops and police fought among themselves in the streets of the capital Dili. Twenty-one people were killed and thousands of terrified residents fled their homes. Fijians faced more uncertain times after its military chief staged the fourth coup in 20 years to topple the democratically elected government of Laisenia Qarase. While preparing for possible evacuations of Australians from Fiji, a Black Hawk helicopter carrying a crew of 10 crashed into the sea after miscalculating the landing on HMAS Kanimbla. International air travel became more stringent after the Heathrow Airport shut down in London in August because of a suspected serious terrorist threat. It caused chaos and resulted in new restrictions to hand luggage on flights. The Bali nine lost their appeals against 20-year heroin-smuggling convictions, with some sentences increased to the death penalty.

2006 in England

Live news, investigations, opinion, photos and video by the journalists of The New York Times from more than 150 countries around the world. Find latest news from every corner of the globe at , your online source for breaking international news coverage. 17th February» A 2006 Southern Leyte mudslide known as massive mudslide occurs in Southern Leyte, Philippines; the official death toll is set at 1,126. Your source for breaking news, photos, and videos about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, culture, fashion, and more.

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Previous London, United Kingdom (2006). Если не терпится поскорее начать читать новости на английском, а знаний не хватает, можно потренироваться в разделах News Review и Words in the News на BBC Learning English, где предлагаются короткие новостные заметки с несложными конструкциями и словарем. This Breaking News page began on January 1st, 2006.

2006: The News Year That Was

In light of this news, someone asks Nasypany what to do with the fighters—the two F-15s from Otis Air National Guard Base—which have now just blasted off for New York at full afterburner to find American 11. Your source for breaking news, photos, and videos about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, culture, fashion, and more. The earth moved, winds blew, fires burned and rains failed as climate change fears, worsening drought and raging bushfires scorched Australia during 2006. English passed the milestones of 1 million and later 1,5 million articles in 2006, fortifying the position of the English Wikipedia as the greatest one-language encyclopedia that ever existed. Find latest news from every corner of the globe at , your online source for breaking international news coverage.

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USA TODAY delivers current national and local news, sports, entertainment, finance, technology, and more through award-winning journalism, photos, and videos. How much do you remember about 2006? We take a look back at ten of the biggest news stories from the year. Newsroom» News Releases and Statements» 2006 News Releases. In this special edition of Security Wire Weekly, senior news writer Bill Brenner reviews his top interviews of 2006. The new MRF just might make it easier for a countywide curbside recycling program to take shape in 2007.***So there you have it – the news year that was 2006. 05 May 2006NEWS RELEASE New heritage advisory group for Minister The Minister for Planning and Envi.

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