Новости билд лиссандра

Find optimized champion builds based on algorithms for Lissandra (the Ice Witch) and other League of Legends (LoL) champions. Note: this article was last updated in August 2022 by Alec P. Wherever Lissandra the Ice Witch goes, she summons a blizzard of chaos and destruction. League of Legends Champion Lissandra Lissandra is in the b tier of champions.

Lissandra Builds

If cast on Lissandra, she encases herself in dark ice, healing herself while becoming untargetable and invulnerable. Dark ice then emanates from the target dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing Movement Speed. The truth is perhaps more sinister, as she uses her elemental magic to twist the power of True Ice into something dark and terrible, entombing or impaling any who would reveal her deepest secrets. Indeed, the legacy of her past may yet be the beginning of the end for Runeterra. In a time long forgotten, before the sands birthed and then swallowed Shurima, beings of old magic freely walked Runeterra. The borders between the mortal realm and what lay beyond it were hotly contested. Into this dangerous and volatile age, Lissandra and her sisters, Serylda and Avarosa, were born.

Each sought to harness the powers at war, and each paid a terrible price. Attempting to command the heavens above them, Serylda lost her voice to the first twilight.

You also gain some of your health back based on your missing health and how much ability power you have at the time. The ultimate also slows anything in its radius during the duration of the ultimate. That part of the ultimate lasts for 3 seconds and deals magic damage. This ability can do wonders in setting up fights and saving yourself from harm. It is crucial though to know when and who to ult. This can decide the outcome of the fight. Using your ultimate on the wrong person could spell doom for your team, so you must be wise when it comes to how you use your ultimate ability.

She excels in teamfights, setting them up with her Ring of Frost and her Frozen Tomb. Her passive too comes in handy during fights, as the threat of extra damage and slow from the Frozen Thralls will likely deter any risky counterattack. Even if she falls behind, she makes up for it in her CC abilities. She is always useful in a fight because of those perks. She denies them a chance to snowball because of her CC if they get too close and will then be forced to leave the lane to find kills, they need to get ahead, which gives Lissandra free time to push the lane and get turret gold. However, when placed against her fellow mages is where her weaknesses truly shine their face. Her short range abilities makes it difficult for her to trade among the likes of Orianna, Cassiopeia, Syndra, and other mages. Also, she is not necessarily made to be a snowball champion. She is built to be a primarily teamfighting mage, setting up not only herself, but her teammates for success.

She can get ahead, but she can never be a single carry, as her short-range kit makes it to where she has to be in the front of a fight, where she can be quickly burst down. Best and Worst Matchups Lissandra is at her best when facing off against melee champions. Assassins in particular, because her kit is made to prevent them from snowballing. They need to get in up close to deal damage with her and her abilities are made to prevent that from happening. She can out poke because they have to be in her close range to farm and therefore, are vulnerable to her short-range abilities most other champions can easily avoid. Furthermore, her ultimate can full on stop all-ins from happening, as they make her invulnerable and unable to target, making life difficult for Talon and Zed players, as they rely heavily on getting ahead early and snowballing in the early to mid game.

Shards pass through the target, dealing the same damage to other enemies hit. If cast on Lissandra, she encases herself in dark ice, healing herself while becoming untargetable and invulnerable. Dark ice then emanates from the target dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing Move Speed.

After more than half a season, the Ice Witch is receiving some small buffs that might, however, push her back into the meta. First, she will get an increase in her health growth, from 104 to 110. Named in yellow are changed from the last preview.

In the late stages of the game, this will amount to a total of 108 bonus health she gains essentially for free. While it may not seem like much, for a control mage like Lissandra, the bonus health can make the difference between living or dying.

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Sezon 10 lissandra rukovodstvo po igre luchshiy bild lissandry runy stil igry league of legends

Even Serylda bristled against what would become of the world they had fought so hard for. In that moment, her only choices were to let all the world be consumed, or to give up what she cared for most—Lissandra sacrificed her sisters and the allies they had gathered, entombing the Watchers beneath a glacial barrier of magical ice that could never be melted. Lissandra soon discovered that even this elemental power was not enough. The monstrous beings she had frozen were merely slumbering, slowly tainting the True Ice around them into something darker. Ever the survivor, she gathered her remaining followers to venerate her and her departed sisters. If True Ice would delay the inevitable end of all things, then they had to gather as much of it as they could find, and scour the frozen lands for any of Iceborn descent to join their cause. Lissandra and the first among her Frostguard did everything in their power to rewrite history, seizing all records of what had truly happened… and yet, rumors and prophecies persisted in myth and song. It was whispered that Avarosa and Serylda would one day return to unite the disparate tribes, and so Lissandra had any who were hailed as their reincarnations quietly killed. Even she retreated into the shadows, periodically renewing herself with the powers she had been gifted.

Whether she will become an S-tier pick, though, will depend more on which other mid lane champions are meta. If melee mids like Akali, Sylas, and Zed are going to remain popular, then Lissandra will become a primary choice to counter them. Laning-wise, Lissandra has always been strong at pushing waves and having lane priority over the opponent. She can use them to peel for allies getting engaged or quickly shut down the enemy carries. In a meta dominated by late-game ADCs, she can be the perfect answer to quickly neutralize the main threats.

Shen is a great pick as he shares Invoker and Bastion traits, which will turn him into a great tank along with Taric and increase the speed of mana for the team. Sion is going to be more like a wall, as he would be sharing the Bruiser trait with Sejuani, making them unkillable. Taric is a must as he shares both the Targon trait, which will greatly increase the healing of the team, and the Bastion trait, which increases his defensive stats. Soraka would be the third targon, healing the team, and the second invoker, increasing their incoming mana.

Best build for this comp: 1. Aphelios is the main damage dealer in this comp, as his attack speed can go up to insane levels while sharing both the targon trait that increases the heal and the deadeye trait that would pick off the backlines. Sejuani is one of the strongest tanks in the game, as she shares both the Frejlord trait, which freezes enemies and increases tankiness, and the Bruiser trait, which increases maximum health. Shen is a great pick as he shares Invoker and Bastion traits, which will turn him into a great tank along with Taric and increase the speed of mana for the team.

5 рекомендаций по колодам с Лиссандрой

Lissandra fits well into the powerful Tier 1 archetype, but there are plenty of other viable decks that build on one of her strengths. You will want to hold it in your hand until it reaches level 2 when you reach the middle to late game. This is a Champion Build Guide for League of Legends based on statistical analysis of the latest game data, so that you can be confident that its statistics are accurate and updated. If she is able to get close to her, she will beat her and she will follow. In this meta-report from Mezume we learn that Lissandra will be playing alongside a new champion in the top line-up this weekend. The truth is dark, and it uses its elementary magic to transform the power of true ice into something dark and terrible, burying it, skewering it, and revealing its deepest secrets. It looks forward to an exciting and promising future in meta.

In this exquisite image, a kaleidoscope of colors, textures, and shapes converge, crafting a universally captivating masterpiece that transcends boundaries. Its intricate details and mesmerizing beauty inspire awe and wonder across all interests and niches. A rich tapestry of visual elements within this image captures the imagination and admiration of individuals from various backgrounds.

Lol guide runes Et Objets lissandra Mid s10 Gamosaurus Lol Guide Runes Et Objets Lissandra Mid S10 Gamosaurus In this exquisite image, a kaleidoscope of colors, textures, and shapes converge, crafting a universally captivating masterpiece that transcends boundaries. Throughout the article, the author presents a deep understanding on the topic. In particular, the section on Z stands out as a highlight. Thanks for reading the post.

No more than 3s can elapse between attacks or this effect will end. Cooldown: 12s out of combat with champions. Attack resets increase the attack limit by 1. Allows you to temporarily exceed the attack speed limit. Cheap Shot Damaging champions with impaired movement or actions deals 10 - 45 bonus true damage based on level. Cooldown: 4s Activates on damage occurring after the impairment.

Sounds are the main attraction offering a variety of sounds to aid in the digital nature. The combination of the visuals and the audio are enough to make this skin well worth it. Lissandras voice is pretty close to her usual, with just a bit of inhuman to reflect the concept. Every bit of this skin offers something new and exciting; the sounds, the animations, everything makes this a complete skin from start to finish.


This ability is Lissandra’s way to close the gap and to get into range for fights, also for needing a quick escape if things begin to go south in a fight. И здесь Лиссандра не является нашей главной целью, но она демонстрирует впечатляющий актерский состав второго плана. "Lissandra is a flexible, mana-efficient mage with abilities that emphasize crowd control, kiting and mobility over raw damage. Лиссандра Raid Shadow Legends – это герой из союза “Теларийцы” фракции “Высшие эльфы”.


League of Legends — Гайд по герою Lissandra (Лиссандра) :: Job or Game League of Legends Lissandra Build for Patch 14.7, Best Runes, Item Builds, Skill Order for Lissandra.
Sezon 10 lissandra rukovodstvo po igre luchshiy bild lissandry runy stil igry league of legends Соблазненная шепотом Бездны, Лиссандра заключила сделку для себя и своих сестер, чтобы получить бессмертие и еще большую силу.
Лиссандра (Lyssandra) Find the best Lissandra build guides for League of Legends S14 Patch 14.8.


Discover the best Lissandra decks from the Legends of Runeterra community with our extensive LoR deck database. Лиссандра гайд по легендарному герою поддержки. В этом гайде вы узнаете как качать героя, во что одевать, какие таланты ей нужны и другую необходимую информацию. При использовании на врага: Лиссандра замораживает вражеского чемпиона, наносит урон и ненадолго станит.

TFT Lissandra

Find Lissandra builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds, and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, and support in S10. This ability is Lissandra’s way to close the gap and to get into range for fights, also for needing a quick escape if things begin to go south in a fight. Лиссандра бросает ледяное копье, которое при попадании в противника раскалывается, замедляя его и нанося магический урон. Лиссандра Raid Shadow Legends – это герой из союза “Теларийцы” фракции “Высшие эльфы”. Смотрите онлайн Лиссандра гайд, обзор легенды в Raid Shadow.

Best Lissandra Skins – Ranked from Worst to Best

Lissandra Build, Mid - League of Legends - ChallangeProject Смотрите онлайн Лиссандра гайд, обзор легенды в Raid Shadow.
Lissandra Build S14 :: Runes, Items, Matchups [League of Legends] Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Lissandra TFT Build Set 11. I will help you learn about Lissandra’s abilities, items, comps.
Лиссандра: легендарный герой игры Raid Shadow Legends Get the best Lissandra builds, based on analysis of 10000+ matches in all regions and ranks. Climb in patch 14.8 with Lissandra builds provided by Mobalytics!

Lissandra Build, Runes & Counters for middle Lissandra

Не стойте за миньонами, иначе Лиссандра сможет харассить вас осколками от ее умения Ice Shard. Detailed League of Legends Lissandra ARAM Build including spell order, summoner spells, the most important items as well as runes. Best build and guide for Lissandra Mid Current stats: WR: 51%, TIER: C, Pick rate: 3%. Check out LOL stats and recommendations about Lissandra’s skills and WIN. Lissandra is a Swain who tries to keep control of the board in the early rounds before switching to a strong end-to-middle game Swain Leviathan. Find Lissandra Runes, Builds, Skill Order and more in All regions for Patch 13.20.

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