Lily Gladstone shared a message for ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’s native audience. At the 2023 Cannes Film Festival, Lily Gladstone got a lot of Oscar buzz for her role in Martin Scorsese’s new film Killers of the Flower Moon. Актриса Лили Гладстоун, которая в этом году наделала много шума благодаря роли в фильме «Убийцы цветочной луны» Мартина Скорсезе, снимется в картине «Полиция памяти». She is Lily Gladstone, 37, soon to be one of the most talked-about talents in Hollywood. Реакция Эммы Стоун на победу Лили Гладстон на премии SAG Awards заставила фанатов растеряться.
Лили Гладстоун из «Убийц цветочной луны» сыграет в фильме по роману Ёко Огавы
Lily Gladstone (born August 2, 1986) is an American actress. Lily Gladstone worked with Martin Scorsese on ‘Killers of the Flower Moon.'. Lily Gladstone received support from costars Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert De Niro after winning at the 2024 Golden Globes. Leonardio DiCaprio smoulders with co-star Lily Gladstone in stunning Vogue covershoot.
Лили Гладстоун
Actress Lily Gladstone of the Blackfeet Nation has been making international headlines for her role in director Martin Scorsese’s new film “Killers of the Flower Moon.”. Lily Gladstone won the award for best actress in a drama for her role as Mollie Burkhart in Martin Scorsese's epic "Killers of the Flower Moon.". Леонардо ДиКаприо и Лили Гладстон объединились с режиссёром Мартином Скорсезе для создания удивительной работы, которая перевернёт сознание миллионов человек.
Лили Глэдстоун
У актрисы сравнительно скромное резюме ролей, но при этом ее вклад в репрезентацию коренного народа на экране неоценим. По ее словам, к такому решению ее подтолкнули «Звездные войны», когда она узнала, что пушистых эвоков играют на самом деле актеры, и захотела так же. Будучи потомком рода черноногих, Гладстоун жила в резервации, окруженной живописным горным ландшафтом Монтаны. Затем она с семьей перебралась в Сиэтл, где поступила на факультет актерского мастерства. Прорыв в актерской карьере не заставил себя долго ждать, и уже со следующей ролью к Лили Гладстоун пришло профессиональное признание.
In fact, Lily is the emotional center of the story. It makes sense. She was a cinch to win Supporting Actress, but then the studio decided to submit her as Lead. She got nominated, but never had a chance of winning.
Эксперты также отмечают, что сложно определить, какую роль сыграла Гладстоун в фильме Мартина Скорсезе — главную и второстепенную. Некоторые уверены, что Лили могла легко получить «Оскар» в другой номинации.
Материалы по теме.
What was it like growing up between both universes?
My ancestors are quite mixed, as I suppose we all are. We live on the reservation. Social media allows us to stay in touch quickly, so we can maintain a much larger collective community.
Do you consider yourself to be an activist in your community? My activism is more closely related to my profession. What connection did you feel to the character Mollie?
There are many strong similarities in the world of Indian societies. There are many things that remind me of my home: our relationship with the creator, with the sun, with the earth... Each of these tribes has a language, a dialect, certain customs.
My father was very close to her. She died six years before I was born, but I always felt that she was around. That idea of cultural perpetuity has been with me from the beginning: [my parents] gave me her name, I always knew who she was and what she was like.
Grandma Lily came from a long line of leaders in our community. She played the role with great pride — a pride that you also see in Mollie and her family.
Леонардо ДиКаприо в восторге от игры Лили Гладстоун
Old news is old news! Find out how Lily Gladstone is shaping the future and defining the next generation of leadership. Riley Keough, left, and Lily Gladstone appear in “Under the Bridge.”.
Лили Гладстон переписала историю «Золотого глобуса»
Jack is about to embark on another busy summer in Glacier Park, where he drives for Sun Tours and gives presentations for Native America Speaks. The program, entering into its 41st season, features talks from many different Native speakers of local tribes on a wide range of topics. Jack said the next generation of Blackfeet people are participating in telling Native stories. Reporter Taylor Inman can be reached at 406-758-4433 or by emailing tinman dailyinterlake.
In her latest role, Lilly stars alongside Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert De Niro, in the film that chronicles the series of killings that took place throughout the Osage Nation in 1920s Oklahoma. The Osage were then enormously rich from oil on their land, and many white barons and gangsters alike sought to control and steal their money, according to an Associated Press article. Telling Native American stories is a family thread. Jack is about to embark on another busy summer in Glacier Park, where he drives for Sun Tours and gives presentations for Native America Speaks.
Лили Гладстоун в «Убийцах цветочной луны» Наградной сезон ещё не начался, однако, уже намечаются заметные перестановки в основных категориях. Известно, что Warner Bros.
Jack is about to embark on another busy summer in Glacier Park, where he drives for Sun Tours and gives presentations for Native America Speaks. The program, entering into its 41st season, features talks from many different Native speakers of local tribes on a wide range of topics. Jack said the next generation of Blackfeet people are participating in telling Native stories. Reporter Taylor Inman can be reached at 406-758-4433 or by emailing tinman dailyinterlake.
Рядом роскошная женщина, а не юная модель: Леонардо ДиКаприо появился на премьере с Лили Глэдстоун
Действия будут развиваться вокруг писательницы, которая попытается спрятать редактора от компании. Гладстоун сыграет в картине главную роль. Сценарий фильма напишет Чарли Кауфман, а режиссером проекта выступит Рид Морано.
The latter a nod to the blankets and shawls worn by Gladstone in the film, her ancestors and the rich cultural significance and heritage the garment holds in Indigenous communities. As a First Nations actress, Gladstone has perpetually used her platform—and her presence on the red carpet—to spotlight the myriad of must-know Native fashion talents. And a part of that is the stories that women carry forward, the way that we carry each other forward.
And a part of that is the stories that women carry forward, the way that we carry each other forward. This is a historic win. She concluded her thanks by shouting out the Osage Nation, which horrific murders of multiple members of the tribe in the 1920s were told in Killers Of The Flower Moon.
Describing Browning, Gladstone highlighted the challenges and the strong sense of community and love among its people. But you have to look deeper into why things are the way they are. At the foundation of my life, there is community and family. There is poverty, violence, substance abuse, and unemployment everywhere. But there is so much love in that community. What unites people there is a love of family, a love of land. On her paternal side, one of her great-great-grandfathers was Red Crow, a chief of the Kainai Nation. When she initially moved to Seattle, she became involved with Stone Soup Theatre, a nonprofit educational theater company for youth, which opened the door to her involvement in student films and theses.
Лили Гладстоун (Lily Gladstone) в фотосессии для журнала ELLE (2023)
Их миссия заключалась в том, чтобы перенести на экран шокирующую историю 100-летней давности Это грустная, но реальная история об истреблении коренного населения Америки европейскими колонизаторами. Вестерн перенесёт зрителя в эпицентр проблем, с которыми столкнулись «красные миллионеры», жившие на землях с богатыми месторождениями нефти. Работу уже показали в Каннах вне конкурса.
It was her first audience. Because she was a light-skinned Native girl, Gladstone often found herself in an awkward middle ground between her Native and non-Native classmates. She shrugged off the teasing mostly from mixed kids like her — and tried to make people laugh with her goofball antics in class. She was cast as one of the evil stepsisters. She started seriously pursuing ballet herself, first in the basement of a Browning church. Her parents encouraged her, their only child, even driving Gladstone to Columbia Falls for lessons. Her mother got a teaching job as an early childhood specialist. Her father found work as a boilermaker in a shipyard.
Gladstone joined a ballet troupe and honed her practice until age 15, when her passion became self-destructive. She developed an eating disorder. Her self-esteem plummeted. Gladstone fled ballet for theater, which restored her self-confidence and allowed her to use her body in different ways. She performed Shakespeare, contemporary drama and fairy tales in high school productions and in a small community theater. I loved being on stage. She got her B. And she performed every chance she got — in campus plays and in student films.
Now, at the 81st Golden Globe Awards, the actress has made history by becoming the first-ever Indigenous actress to receive a Golden Globe, setting the tone for what we can inexplicitly say is her month-long showering of honours. The role in question?
The latter a nod to the blankets and shawls worn by Gladstone in the film, her ancestors and the rich cultural significance and heritage the garment holds in Indigenous communities.
Фильм ожидаемо вошел и в шорт-лист номинантов «Оскар 2024». А о Лили Гладстоун заговорили как о выдающейся актрисе. Несмотря на пристальное внимание журналистов к ее персоне, Лили Гладстоун удается скрывать личную жизнь. Известно только, что она не замужем, детей у нее нет и она целиком сосредоточена на своей актерской карьере. Больше новостей из мира шоу-бизнеса:.
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Through the eyes of Godfrey Keough and a local police officer Gladstone , the series takes us into the hidden world of the young girls accused of the murder — revealing startling insights about the unlikely killer. Check out the trailer here!
Темные волосы звезды заплели в тугую косу набок. Образ дополнили эффектные серьги-блюдца в этническом стиле, свисающие до плеч.
В таком виде Глэдстоун удачно отражала свою героиню. ДиКаприо отказался от традиционного вечернего образа со смокингом и бабочкой в пользу повседневного аутфита total black. Он надел уютный джемпер, подходящий блейзер на пуговицах, брюки свободного кроя и ботинки.
Лео так стремительно меняет одну партнершу на другую, что его девушек не успевают запоминать.
Окончила среднюю школу в пригороде Сиэтла. С отличием окончила Университет Монтаны в 2008 году, получив степень бакалавра в области актерского мастерства и режиссуры, и степень в области изучения коренных американцев. Премия Chlotrudis Awards - "Лучшая актриса второго плана" в 2017 году, "Лучшее исполнение главной роли" в 2024 году. Премия Gotham Awards - "Историческая икона и создательница" в 2023 году, "Выдающаяся исполнительница главной роли" в 2023 году.
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