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Benedetta Caretta Net Worth
Позже Бенедетту пригласили участвовать во втором сезоне «Io Canto», съемки которого проходили с 14 сентября по 11 декабря 2010 года. В этот раз девушка выиграла телеголосование в 7 из 11 эпизодах, одержав окончательную победу. Начиная с третьего сезона шоу «Io Canto», Бенедетта приобрела статус постоянной его участницы. Там она изучала вокал, танцы и актерское мастерство. В 2014 году Бенедетту выбрали для участия в прямой трансляции шоу «Голос Италии», которая проводилась телерадиокомпанией «RAI». Позже девушка начала исполнять собственные композиции, для которых выступила автором, как музыки, так и текстов. Как сочинитель, молодая артистка начала сотрудничество с «Big Fish». В настоящее время всплеск популярности и пристального внимания к ее персоне Бенедетте принесло участие в «2 Cellos» «2 виолончели». Музыкальный дуэт двух виолончелистов — Степана Хаузера из Хорватии и Луки Шулича — заиграл новыми красками с октября 2019 года, после прихода новой участницы — вокалистки Бенедетты Каретты.
Вы можете перейти в корзину для оплаты или продолжить выбор покупок. Перейти в корзину… удалить из корзины Размеры в сантиметрах указаны для справки, и соответствуют печати с разрешением 300 dpi. Купленные файлы предоставляются в формате JPEG. При использовании требуется указывать источник произведения.
In 2007, she studied piano and also attended individual singing lessons at philharmonic and her teacher was Floriana Formelli. Her teacher encouraged her to audition for Lo Canto. She met the American singer and vocal coach Cheryl porter in 2008, Porter helped her and advised her and she started making her first CDs. Her coach also advised that she participate in her first singing contest, 50 years and surroundings.
The content took place in Montecatini and she was ranked second in the junior category. In September 2009, a concert was organized by Cheryl for Caretta in the church of Camazzole and it recorded a sold event. That was the opportunity she got to entertain the public with her angelic voice and talent. After her participation in lo canto, she participated in a few other auditions. She was in the transmission of Canale 5 which was conducted by Gerry Scotti.
Hauser is the founder of the band named 2CELLOS and the cello duo were making viral videos and posting it on social media since 2011.
Although Benedetta Caretta has stated anything about being in a relationship she is probably dating Stjepan Hauser. You can clearly see the chemistry between them in the YouTube music videos. Moreover, she has not provided any information about her past relationships. Her main source of income is singing and YouTube. She has 663K followers on her Instagram account. Likewise, she has more than 1 million followers on Facebook.
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Benedetta Caretta Husband, Age, Wiki, Net Worth, Bio, Parents
She has not mentioned any information related to her parents and siblings at the moment. Source: Pinterest She had a huge passion for singing since her childhood days and always dreamed of becoming a singer. Benedetta studied at a local school in her hometown. Further information on her higher education is unknown. He performed in 23 episodes of the program. Besides, she created her self-titled YouTube channel in 2019 and uploaded her first video on November 5, 2019. Meanwhile, her YouTube channel currently has 581K subscribers.
Benedetta sang solos in Italian concerts until 2009. Benedetta has studied piano and singing at the Philharmonic Cittadellese since 2007. In 2008, she met vocal coach Cheryl Porter. Cheryl helped Benedetta produce her first CDs by guiding her. Her consistency and speech mastery earned her praise. They also contacted Benedetta for a second broadcast from September 14 to December 11, 2010. She won 7 of 11 episodes via televoting. Benedetta participated in national concerts to raise money for charity. Benedetta studied at the Film Academy for a month. Fans in other countries are beginning to speculate that she and Croatian cellist Stjepan Hauser are dating.
Where is Benedetta Caretta from? She has released two studio albums. She is particularly well-known for her duet with the Croatian cellist Stjepan Hauser, a member of the group 2Cellos1,2, in which she performs as a soloist. She subsequently went on to give numerous concerts throughout Italy, which she did until 2009. When she was sixteen years old, she auditioned for and was ousted from the first season of the television show Io canto. She was victorious in the second season the following year 5,6. She subsequently got a scholarship, which she used to attend the New York Film Academy in the United States, where she studied film production 7,8. From 2011 to 2013, she appeared as a special guest on the third and fourth seasons of the Italian television show Io canto. In 2014, she competed in The Voice of Italy competition, which was broadcast on Rai 211 television. Cristina Scuccia is the victor. In December 2016, they will appear as guests on the Edicola Fiore television show.
They have over 676k, 403k, 295k, 187k, and 145k video views respectively. She participated in the competition when she was 17 years old. Furthermore, she also shared a clip of her performance with Michael on her Instagram account. He remained in the choir until 2009, often performing solo parts at the many concerts held throughout Italy. Since 2007 he studies piano and in the same year he also attends individual singing lessons with the teacher Floriana Fornelli at the Cittadellese Philharmonic. Then in 2008, he met American singer and vocal coach Cheryl Porter. Cheryl took her under her wing to give her valuable advice and start making her first CDs. This contest was held in Montecatini, where she obtained second place in the Junior category. They immediately included her in the Canale 5 broadcast hosted by Gerry Scotti. This helped her earn numerous accolades for the quality and mastery of her voice. Above all, she has managed to win the hearts of many Italian fans with her smile and simplicity, and now she is also winning the hearts of many international fans. In addition, she was called for the second edition of the same broadcast that was held from September 14 to December 11, 2010. She won 7 out of 11 episodes on televoting and won the season at the end. In the same way, he participated in concerts of national interest, contributing in some cases to raise funds for important solidarity projects. At the Film Academy, he attended a month-long course in Musical Theater.
Benedetta Caretta is an amazing singer- Bio, career, 7 Hot Facts
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Talking about her nationality, Caretta holds an Italian identity whereas her ethnicity is Italian. Regarding education, the star studied linguistics in high school and her first musical experience was her participation in a program that allowed her to win a scholarship to the New York Film Academy. Benedetta Caretta- Professional Life, Careers The singer, Caretta started her singing journey in her childhood at the age of five. She sang the Ave Mario solo at the wedding of the parish choir director. Following this, Benedetta became a part of the choir until 2009. Benedetta is best known for her duets with the Croatian cellist Stjepan Hauser. They exchange their duets on their respective Instagram accounts.
Likewise, the singer also created her personal YouTube channel named Benedetta Caretta and it has more than 347k subscribers at the moment. At that time, the singer was 17 years old. She got an opportunity to share the stage with Michael Buble as well.
His engagement with Jelena Rozga ended unexpectedly, and shortly after, he started dating Caretta. Stjepan Hauser has a new girlfriend according to rumors Following their breakup from their previous engagement with Jelena Rozga, Hauser started seeing Italian beauty Benedetta Caretta.
The cellist has sung countless duets with his new lover, who is also a singer. The two have been spotted releasing duet videos on their individual Instagram profiles ever since they started dating. In August 2020, Caretta shared a duet video of the cello player and her playing a lovely rendition of the song Something Stupid. The musical couple posted several duets, including the one from August 2020. Including his Channel on youtube and hosting some of them.
The footage was posted by Caretta on her Instagram. These facts suggest that Hauser moved on fast from Rozga after their divorce.
A: The exact details of how Benedetta Caretta and Hauser met are not publicly known. However, it is believed that the couple first met while collaborating on a musical project. Q:5 Are Benedetta Caretta and Hauser still dating? They often share updates about their relationship on social media, including photos and videos of themselves together.
Q:6 Have Benedetta Caretta and Hauser performed together? A: Yes, Benedetta Caretta and Hauser have performed together on multiple occasions. They have collaborated on several musical projects, including covers of popular songs and original compositions. Fans often express their love and support for the couple on social media, and many have even created fan pages dedicated to them.
Benedetta Caretta – Updated June 2023
Many of her articles include her solo singing and duets with Croatian cellist Hauser, as well as personal photographs from her travels. She already has 111k viewers on her YouTube page. Benedetta entered Twitter in June 2019 and now has 94 fans. She already has 1183.
For company queries, we should reach her at info benedettacaretta. Benedetta sang solos in Italian concerts until 2009. Benedetta has studied piano and singing at the Philharmonic Cittadellese since 2007.
In 2008, she met vocal coach Cheryl Porter. Cheryl helped Benedetta produce her first CDs by guiding her. Her consistency and speech mastery earned her praise.
Бенедетта часто радует своих поклонников, выкладывая свои модельные фотографии в соцсетях. Размеры ее тела составляют 91-71-95 сантиметров. Листайте вправо, чтобы увидеть больше изображений Листайте вправо, чтобы увидеть больше изображений Листайте вправо, чтобы увидеть больше изображений Листайте вправо, чтобы увидеть больше изображений Листайте вправо, чтобы увидеть больше изображений В возрасте 5 лет Бенедетта спела Ave Maria на свадьбе руководителя приходского хора. Бенедетта пела соло в итальянских концертах до 2009 года. С 2007 года Бенедетта изучает фортепиано и пение в филармонии Читтаделлезе. В 2010 году Бенедетта и еще десять итальянских деятелей культуры и искусства были названы "Превосходными женщинами".
Вы можете перейти в корзину для оплаты или продолжить выбор покупок. Перейти в корзину… удалить из корзины Размеры в сантиметрах указаны для справки, и соответствуют печати с разрешением 300 dpi. Купленные файлы предоставляются в формате JPEG. При использовании требуется указывать источник произведения.
Фолловеры осыпали молодых людей лестными комментариями. Многие признались, что публикация улучшила им настроение и настроила на позитивную волну. Группа прославилась исполнением кавер-версий мировых рок-хитов, а также музыки к кинофильмам в академическом стиле.
Бенедетта Каретта: Ослепительные фото одной из самых красивых и талантливых певиц современности
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Хобби и увлечения Прежде всего, Бенедетта страстно любит музыку. Это ее страсть, хобби и смысл ее жизни. Сейчас девушка продолжает обучение игре на фортепиано и гитаре. На одном из ее недавних концертов зрители могли видеть, как она аккомпанирует себе на электрогитаре и фортепиано. Benedetta Caretta фото Последние новости Все последние новости доступны в аккаунтах Бенедетты. Кстати, у нее более 100 000 подписчиков на Facebook, 130 000 на Istagram, более 40 000 на Youtube.
Интересные факты Жизнь Бенедетты пока не полна захватывающих событий. В конце 2012 года вышел ее дебютный альбом Countdown Days Azzurra Music , который был тепло принят публикой. Она продолжает сотрудничать с Хаузером, заставляя его фильмы играть новыми красками. Имеет награды: Абсолютный победитель эпизода 2 сезона «Io Canto», 2010 год. Победитель 1-го эпизода «Io Canto». Победитель 7 конкурсов 2-го эпизода «Io Canto».
Под руководством Портер девушка выпустила свои первые два альбома: «12 лет» и «Ангел».
После Шерил направила Бенедетту на ее первый вокальный конкурс в Монтекатини, где она заняла второе место в категории юниоров. В сентябре 2009 года Портер организовала сольный концерт для юной исполнительницы в церкви Камаззол, собрав полный зал. В этом же году Лука Питтери пригласила Бенедетту принять участие в прослушиваниях первого выпуска «Io Canto», которые были сразу же включены в телепередачу. Девушка приняла участие в десяти эпизодах, которые транслировались с 9 января по 20 марта 2010 года. Она победила в первом выпуске на телеголосовании с композицией «Мое сердце будет жить». В следующих эпизодах Бенедетта также исполнила другие известные хиты, а также имела честь выступать с большими артистами итальянской и международной сцены: Каримой, Бьянкой Райан, Роном, Рафаэллой Карра, Дэвидом Фостером, Элизой и Кэтрин Джекинс. Молодая певица получила множество наград за свое мастерство и покорила сердца итальянских зрителей своей простотой и искренней улыбкой.
Позже Бенедетту пригласили участвовать во втором сезоне «Io Canto», съемки которого проходили с 14 сентября по 11 декабря 2010 года.
Benedetta Caretta is an Italian singer and songwriter. Early life Benedetta Caretta was in July 1, 1996. Currently, his age is 27 years old. Also, his birthplace is Carmignano di Brenta, Italy. He has not shared much information about his childhood and his family. Therefore, we do not have information about his mother, brothers and other relatives. However, musicory mentions that he started singing at the young age of three. She then participated in a singing show. He Voice.
Caption: Childhood photo of Benedetta Caretta. However, her strong chemistry with Croatian cellist Stjepan Hauser has international fans suspecting the duo could also be romantically involved. However, the two have yet to reveal if they are lovers or just a dynamic couple acting together. But, she is not married yet till date. These subtitles have further confused the fans of him whether they are lovers or not. Furthermore, sharing duets at the time of the quarantine is also another basis for speculating that they could be romantically involved.
Benedetta Caretta Pictures
Benedetta Caretta is a singer and songwriter from Italy. Find out Benedetta Caretta's Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, and Net Worth in 2024. ↑ (in) «Бенедетта Каретта» на (по состоянию на 24 февраля 2021 г.). Instagram: benedettacaretta YouTube: Benedetta the latest video from Benedetta Caretta (@a). Sister of Stjepan Hauser. List of all Benedetta Caretta gigs, tickets and tour dates for 2024 and 2025. Choose a gig or festival and buy tickets at once.
Benedetta Caretta
Benedetta Caretta фото Последние новости Все свежие новости доступны в аккаунтах Бенедетты. Benedetta Caretta has not disclosed how much money she now has in her bank account. Sign up for Deezer for free and listen to Benedetta Caretta: discography, top tracks and playlists.
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Биография и дата рождения Benedetta Caretta, личная жизнь певицы и новости
Benedetta Caretta Official Youtube Channel -Benedetta nasce il 01/07/ alla New York Film ata al liceo linguistico e laureata al co. Бенедетта каретта и степан хаузер последние новости. Хаузер и подруга Бенедетта Каретта исполняют потрясающие кавер -версии. ↑ (in) «Бенедетта Каретта» на (по состоянию на 24 февраля 2021 г.). Биография и дата рождения Hauser, его личная жизнь и творчество, свежие новости. О загадочной Бенедетте Каретте, дипломантке популярного итальянского конкурса «Io Canto».