The upcoming Marvel Studios series 'Ironheart', which stars Dominique Thorne and Alden Ehrenreich, on Saturday, got an official first look. Dominique Thorne, who portrays Riri Williams in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, joins us live from the premiere of Marvel Studio's Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania with an update on her.
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- «Железное Сердце». Доминик Торн получила главную роль без прослушивания | GeekCity
- Dominique Thorne Says Marvel Didn’t Audition Her To Play Ironheart
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Доминик Торн могла сыграть не Железное сердце, а Шури вместо Летиши Райт в MCU
If anything, the sense of love and roots has gotten stronger and deeper since the last time I was here. She earned a US Presidential Scholar in the Arts award in 2015 and even began playing pan at university. Her Trinidadian accent is still recognisable under her New York tone. She says her father and grandfather Frank Morgan eventually helped in convincing her mother to accept her passion, which blossomed into a successful career as she earned a supporting role in Judas and the Black Messiah alongside A-list actor Daniel Kaluuya who won an Academy Award for his portrayal of senior Black Panther Party member Fred Hampton in the film.
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Торн училась в Профессиональной школе исполнительских искусств на Манхэттене PPAS , где формально изучала драматический театр. После подачи заявок в ряд университетов как на академические, так и на художественные программы, Торн решила поступить в Корнеллский университет , где она получила степень бакалавра в области человеческого развития с дополнительной специальностью в области исследований неравенства.
Закончила обучение в мае 2019 года [1] [5].
It felt like a snapback to the last time I was here and picking back up at that same spot and getting to see all of my family. It was definitely a familiar feeling. If anything, the sense of love and roots has gotten stronger and deeper since the last time I was here. She earned a US Presidential Scholar in the Arts award in 2015 and even began playing pan at university.
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Роберт Дауни-младший дал напутствие Доминик Торн, играющей Железное сердце в Marvel Studios
Оказывается, что Доминик Торн когда-то пробовалась на роль Шури в первой «Чёрной Пантере», но проиграла кастинг Летиши Райт. все новости о персоне, интересные факты из личной жизни, актуальная информация. Dominique Thorne has created quite a stir, following her premiere performance as Riri Williams, a.k.a. Ironheart, in Black Panther.
Доминик Торн: все, что нужно знать о Железном сердце из вселенной Marvel
Доминик Торн рассказала как получила роль Железного Сердца | Geek-Post | Дзен | dominique thorne will get her Marvel debut as Riri Williams aka Ironheart on the big screen, ahead of the release of her upcoming series by the same name. |
First look of Dominique Thorne starrer 'Ironheart' unveiled at D23 Expo | О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам. |
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Exclusive: Dominique Thorne Briefly Talks Disney+ & Marvel’s ‘Ironheart’
Like Captain America (Anthony Mackie) before her, Riri Williams (Dominique Thorne) is largely considered a legacy character, one that takes up the mantle of a superhero that has moved on. Роль Железного сердца исполнит чернокожая актриса Доминик Торн, ее персонаж дебютирует в киновселенной Marvel во второй части сольника о Черной пантере «Ваканда навсегда». В интервью "Empire Magazine", Доминик Торн рассказала, как получила роль героя комиксов "Marvel". Dominique Thorne doesn't have much professional acting experience under her belt, but she's already one of the most talked-about up-and-coming actresses in the business.
Роберт Дауни-младший поддержал актрису, играющую преемницу Железного человека
Research her photos from August 25, 2021. Thorne will moreover be seen rehashing her Ironheart work in a Disney notwithstanding series before Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Her funnies character is a fifteen-year-old African-American tech wizard and a planning understudy who crossed a regarded school in the wake of getting a scholarship.
Dominique Thorne: I would expect nothing less. What goes into saying yes to the projects you want to do, or that come to you? What draws you in is the the ability to tell stories that mean something to people. In high school, the motto was to empathize, to empower, or to educate and so that is what I still abide by today.
Так что, со стороны Marvel это звучало как: «Наберись опыта, и тогда мы будем рады с тобой поработать». А когда дошло до сиквела «Чёрной пантеры» , режиссёр Райан Куглер уже сам связался с актрисой, и ей даже не пришлось проходить пробы. Он спросил, знакома ли я с персонажем Железное сердце и поинтересовался, хотела бы я сыграть её. В этот момент я продолжала молчать, ожидая, что он скажет что-то вроде: «Я пришлю материалы для прослушивания, вы можете отправить свою запись до такого-то дня».
What does that mean?
There is also a possibility Sam Jackson could appear as Nick Fury. Sam Bailey and Angela Barnes are directing Ironheart from a script by Chinaka Hodge Amazing Stories , who also serves as the head writer on the six-episode first season. About Post Author.
Dominique Thorne to Lead ‘Ironheart’ for Disney+ and Marvel
Абинска; Общественное движение «TulaSkins»; Межрегиональное общественное объединение «Этнополитическое объединение «Русские»; Местная религиозная организация Свидетелей Иеговы города Старый Оскол; Местная религиозная организация Свидетелей Иеговы города Белгорода; Региональное общественное объединение «Русское национальное объединение «Атака»; Религиозная группа молельный дом «Мечеть Мирмамеда»; Местная религиозная организация Свидетелей Иеговы города Элиста; Община Коренного Русского народа г. Астрахани Астраханской области; Местная религиозная организация Свидетелей Иеговы «Орел»; Общероссийская политическая партия «ВОЛЯ», ее региональные отделения и иные структурные подразделения; Общественное объединение «Меджлис крымскотатарского народа»; Местная религиозная организация Свидетелей Иеговы в г. S», «The Opposition Young Supporters» ; Религиозная организация «Управленческий центр Свидетелей Иеговы в России» и входящие в ее структуру местные религиозные организации; Местная религиозная организация Свидетелей Иеговы в г. Краснодара»; Межрегиональное объединение «Мужское государство»; Неформальное молодежное объединение «Н. Круглосуточная служба новостей.
When asked if she was a fan of Marvel, and if she was aware of the character before being offered the role, Thorne responded: Absolutely. I did know about Ironheart before I was approached with the role. So it was it was an awe, inspiring moment to think that I would be chosen to portray this woman and to bring her to the screen in this way. So yeah.
Роберт Дауни-младший поддержал актрису, играющую преемницу Железного человека Роберт Дауни-младший поддержал актрису, играющую преемницу Железного человека 15 ноября 2022, 11:50 МСК Поделиться Комментарии В сиквеле «Чёрной пантеры» дебютировал новый персонаж — Железное сердце.
В комиксах героиню звали Рири Уильямс, она стала преемницей Железного человека. В киновселенной Marvel её сыграла Доминик Торн. Актриса рассказала в интервью изданию Screen Rant о поддержке, оказываемой Робертом Дауни-младшим.
The series will also represent a huge leap for representation on-screen for Marvel Studios, as it will feature the first transgender superhero in the MCU. Inevitably, yes. Phase 4 has introduced a candidate for the Young Avengers in around half of the projects. Were you a fan of her introduction in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever?
Are you looking forward to Ironheart on Disney Plus?
dominique thorne
Для Торн это тоже только начало, а ее сольная серия - всего лишь еще одна ступенька в ее путешествии в качестве нового героя в MCU. Подпишитесь на наш Telegram-канал , чтобы узнавать о новостях Marvel одними из первых! Рубрика: Кино и сериалы.
She earned a US Presidential Scholar in the Arts award in 2015 and even began playing pan at university. Her Trinidadian accent is still recognisable under her New York tone. She says her father and grandfather Frank Morgan eventually helped in convincing her mother to accept her passion, which blossomed into a successful career as she earned a supporting role in Judas and the Black Messiah alongside A-list actor Daniel Kaluuya who won an Academy Award for his portrayal of senior Black Panther Party member Fred Hampton in the film. Thorne is among several actors with Trinidadian roots who have earned acclaim for their work over the years.
What does that mean? There is also a possibility Sam Jackson could appear as Nick Fury. Sam Bailey and Angela Barnes are directing Ironheart from a script by Chinaka Hodge Amazing Stories , who also serves as the head writer on the six-episode first season.
About Post Author.
Dominique Thorne: As you said, I definitely think that family is the number one theme in this movie. You can see very different family dynamics. Family is definitely central. The Knockturnal: Speaking of Fonny, the movie touches on social injustice. Talk about that. Dominique Thorne: Where do we start? I think one of the beautiful things about this film, not only the film but the novel, is how strong that message rings true today, considering when it was written. The fact that it does ring true so strong today, I think, is a little sad but is definitely necessary to have films that portray that theme of injustice and continue to let society know that this is a thing that is still happening, and to never let us really close our eyes to it.
Diego Luna plays Pedrocito. The Knockturnal: What would you serve up at a restaurant of your own, if you had the chance? The Knockturnal: Your character shows the importance of friendship.
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Роберт Дауни-младший поддержал актрису, играющую преемницу Железного человека
Dominique Thorne doesn't have much professional acting experience under her belt, but she's already one of the most talked-about up-and-coming actresses in the business. Ironheart star Dominique Thorne revealed that she didn't even have to audition to play Riri Williams in Marvel's upcoming Ironheart series. Dominique Thorne: For me, at this point, it's really about the story.
Dominique Thorne Had No Audition for IRONHEART
She continued to appear in several notable projects throughout the 2000s, most notably in the hugely successful Lord of the Rings trilogy. She has recently concentrated on her music career, releasing two albums with mixed reviews. Dominique has also participated in many philanthropic activities, most notably in the New York City to raise money for cancer research. She has also amassed a large following on social media, where she shares her latest fashion and beauty trends. Dominique is a self-taught designer and has been creating her clothing line for the past two years. She has also announced that she will release her third album in 2019. Then 2003 and Unforgettable. She is also active in the music industry, recording and touring with various artists. The album reached 16 on the Billboard Top 200 chart.
I did know about Ironheart before I was approached with the role. So it was, it was an awe inspiring moment to think that I would be chosen to portray this woman and to bring her to the screen in this way. So yeah. I must admit that I am not that familiar with Ironheart myself. I think Riri was first created long after I stopped my comic book career.
В оригинальном комиксе Рири Уильямс сама сделала броню и придумала себе «железное» прозвище. Примечательно, что еще до начала съемок новой «Черной пантеры» фильм лишился исполнителя главной роли — Чедвик Боузман умер в 2020 году от рака толстой кишки.
Актер снимался в первом фильме о своем персонаже, уже два года страдая от смертельной болезни.
Photo: Lipstick Alley Thorne has previously appeared onscreen in If Beale Street Could Talk and Judas and the Black Messiah, and you can read more about the young talent in the Empire article above or in a 2019 interview she did with her alma mater Cornell University. Marvel, Moon Knight, and She-Hulk have already premiered.
This one-shot was part of the Generations event, which gave the next generation of Marvel Comics superheroes a chance to reflect on the legacy they carried on by having a one-on-one session with their respective progenitors. Photo: Marvel Comics In addition to her first appearances in Invincible Iron Man, which begin with issue 7, and in the Generations one shot, she also has two volumes of her own self-titled solo series. The first solo volume begins with Ironheart 2018 1 by Eve.